| | | The Spirit body of the [[Monad]] is only consciously aware of the contents of the [[Soul]] when it is connected to the Soul. This is the same as when the physical body is disconnected from the Soul, the conscious mind does not remember her (cannot feel the soul). When the Spirit body is disconnected from the Soul, the spirit consciousness can no longer remember the Soul, and becomes unconscious of the Souls memory of existence. This unconsciousness has the impact of Soul fragmentation. How this manifests in the First World, the lowest plane on earth, is [[Insanity]], schizophrenia, catatonia, psychotic break, and all other forms of split consciousness. How this manifests in the Second world is chaotic dream states of astral delusions, holographic bits of fragmented pictures of millions of storylines. These pictures intersect without coherence or cohesion, just jumbled messages of dreamy, disconnected fantasy images and impressions. This manifests in the Third World in much the same way as an anesthetic puts the consciousness to sleep, similar to hypnotic like trance or sleepwalking. When the [[Consciousness]] layers are split apart, it results in a sleepwalking or amnesiac type trance in all Three Worlds. Conversely, when we awaken our consciousness and start to desire communication with our [[Soul]] and Spirit, this starts the awakening process in all Three Worlds. <ref>[http://www.energeticsynthesis.com/index.php/resource-tools/news-shift-timelines/2552-divine-infinite-calculus Divine Infinite Calculus]</ref> |
| The Spirit Body of the [[Monad]] is the higher mind function of the observer, watching and aware of forming concepts and making assessments. It is the higher mind principle consciousness that comes to neutral conclusions and decisions based on accumulated experiences. When the spirit is in control of the nervous system of the body, it makes consciousness action possible. A human being is responsible for their actions and must choose with a clear [[Consciousness]], as it is the higher spirit intelligence that gives its decisive consent. When the spirit is not connected, it allows consent with dark forces, who many times take advantage of that person. When we are not self-aware nor discerning, we can become [[Consubstantial]] to dark forces that overpower our consent. This is why building ones intent, consent and authority correctly is crucially important. This action will build the spirit body and align consent to the higher realms of consciousness. The Spirit body of the [[Monad]] is only consciously aware of the contents of the [[Soul]] when it is connected to the Soul. This is the same as when the physical body is disconnected from the Soul, the conscious mind does not remember her (cannot feel the soul). When the Spirit body is disconnected from the Soul, the spirit consciousness can no longer remember the Soul, and becomes unconscious of the Souls memory of existence. This unconsciousness has the impact of Soul fragmentation. How this manifests in the First World, the lowest plane on earth, is [[Insanity]], schizophrenia, catatonia, psychotic break, and all other forms of split consciousness. How this manifests in the Second world is chaotic dream states of astral delusions, holographic bits of fragmented pictures of millions of storylines. These pictures intersect without coherence or cohesion, just jumbled messages of dreamy, disconnected fantasy images and impressions. This manifests in the Third World in much the same way as an anesthetic puts the consciousness to sleep, similar to hypnotic like trance or sleepwalking. When the [[Consciousness]] layers are split apart, it results in a sleepwalking or amnesiac type trance in all Three Worlds. Conversely, when we awaken our consciousness and start to desire communication with our [[Soul]] and Spirit, this starts the awakening process in all Three Worlds. <ref>[http://www.energeticsynthesis.com/index.php/resource-tools/news-shift-timelines/2552-divine-infinite-calculus Divine Infinite Calculus]</ref>
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