Boomerang Effect of Rebounding Black Magic: Difference between revisions

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The forces of evil power used by black magicians and NAA entities for the purpose of sending harm or to even kill the targeted individual that is energetically coherent and actually capable of holding neutral zero-point, will result in the magnified energetic backlash of those same intentions and they will be subjected to the consequences of their own harmful actions. Thus, the energetic consequences of that destructive action will return to be experienced by the consciousness of the sender of those same harmful energies, false accusations or death threats, which will be magnified from the energetic frequency power of the balanced individual to rebound back to the lower energetic power of the imbalanced individual. The power of the energetic backlash is based on the severity of black magic ritual and evil force accelerated power source and can result in severe harm and even death to that lower frequency individual or black magician.

The Boomerang Effect of rebounding black magic from any source, whether AI or from incantation of satanic ritual, will be exceptionally magnified from this year and moving forward. This means there is great self-harm and even death to those who dabble in black magic and use satanic ritual with intention to harm others, and the gullible individual must understand the extremely destructive nature of this anti-Christ ideology. Adults who dabble in these satanic practices can have a rebound effect which kills them, their loved ones or their children, and this is the consequence of their own ignorant actions, this is not God’s fault.

For those who are aware they are members of the Christos Starseed Mission, this is one of the fundamental rules of the Universe and why the NAA and their minions cannot directly kill us outright. Their agenda is to use mind control influence and black magic in order to get us to engage in painful negative thoughts and behaviors that inflict self-harm. They know that if they use aggressive death weapons against a Krystic person deeply connected to God, the energetic backlash of the rebound effects of their black sorcery and AI death ray programs will be magnified a thousand-fold in the neutral zero point, which at the exact point of energetic contact will generate a massive cross spiral that may in fact wreak great damage or even destroy them.

Thus, in the war over consciousness, the war between fundamental opposing forces of good versus evil, the NAA agenda has always been to mind control and mind wipe the population through elaborate lies and deceptions. They operate by erasing history and hiding true ancient knowledge from the masses, while using that same esoteric knowledge to exert control over others. When a black magician uses satanic rituals against a highly spiritually connected individual, a Krystic individual, or a balanced and harmonious individual that seeks love, peace and harmony, the accumulated dark force and evil power generated bounces off the spiritually connected individual with magnified force and returns to the black magician.

In certain cases, such as with the stewardship of online community resources like myself, the Black Magician or AI generated black magic will attack people attracted to the Energetic Synthesis Christos Guardian body of work that are not yet aware of this phenomenon and how to protect themselves. They may send a stream of negative imagery and negative thoughts towards the emotional vulnerability of individuals who are in any shape or form helping to support the body of work or supporting the preservation of the public and the community resources. People with little to no negative ego clearing experience, or are uninterested in shadow work and refuse to take self-responsibility, tend to be the easiest to implant with an assortment of black magic infused AI generated holograms. These are designed to assign blame, falsely accuse or defame my character by denouncing me as an evil person that is sending black magic to others. These are blatant lies. My deepest concern is that traumatized and gullible people that believe in this lie can greatly damage and hurt themselves, if they take it upon themselves to retaliate and send black magic or fixate upon thoughts of harm.

Divide and Conquer is the NAA playbook

This is another divide and conquer tactic used by the NAA to harm confused people. The clearer the individual is in their direct relationship with God and expresses their intent, consent and authority to be with God and the Natural Laws, the more powerful the return of the cross spiral of evil forces when it collides with the neutral field which massively amplifies the consequences of their black magic upon themselves.

As the result, they troll the field to locate and target the individuals that are especially traumatized, wounded or weak-minded people, who may become confused in the chaos of spiritual warfare. As they psychically attack these individuals’ shadow parts, they send them imitation pictures or implanted thoughts that the attack is coming from someone else, like myself. This is another form of psycho-emotional warfare used by the negative alien forces and controller forces through black magic targeting, in which the Black Magician, human and nonhuman, targets vulnerable people for psychic attacks in order to attempt to incite anger, chaos and disruption between people. The goal of the Black Magician and NAA entities is to disrupt, drain energy, derail one’s spiritual purpose, create chaos and division to destroy group efforts and break trust, and generate a litany of problems through dark interference through which to divide group coherence, while implanting an assortment of divisive thoughts for disunity.

The main point for spiritually committed individuals is to know what the spiritual warfare methods are, the means used to attempt to drive us to play out spiritually abusive behaviors in which we commit self-harm from our own lack of discipline or lack of impulse control.

The psychological warfare methods are designed to slowly and gradually drive us to feel insane with pent up frustration, anger and spiritual betrayal, or other spiritually abusive behaviors that will damage our balanced energy field. Then from the position of field damage, to aggressively attack in order to make us feel very sick and exhausted so that we just give up and feel broken hearted. This is a specific agenda to target all Starseeds and spiritually minded individuals as a demoralization tactic, so we believe there is no hope for going forward because evil has won, and thus our spiritual will has been broken and we succumb to lower frequency desires and painful emotional wounds.

Please remember that the more committed you are to align to the forces of goodness and remain neutral in the face of spiritual warfare and psychic attacking, the power of the black magician and controllers is radically diminished. Know that the NAA and controllers are using every weapon in their arsenal to demoralize and break our hearts, and that many black magicians who attack spiritually committed individuals that are working on achieving neutrality, can and will harm themselves or expire due to the consequences of their own actions.

This is not our fault. We are not responsible for the consequences of others actions.

This is the energetic principle that each individual is responsible for their own behaviors and actions in this world, and we must have the spiritual maturity to know that there are consequences to our actions. In this changing terrain of increased energetic balance in the collective consciousness field, when humans and nonhumans choose harmful actions, false made-up accusations of harm directed towards others that are innocent, the consequences can be dire.

Thus, to burgeoning neophytes and spiritual mavericks that are moving towards learning the esoteric principles of ancient spiritual wisdom, it is critical to have developed virtue ethics and a strong moral character to help strengthen the inner spiritual foundation. When neophytes dabble in the esoteric arts or spiritual laws through casting spells or expressing in words that which is intended to place harm upon another, that negative energy will be returned to them and magnified as well. Any intention used to harm others through ritual is satanic black magic, thus they must understand the grave consequences of what they are engaged with.

Guidelines to Protect from Boomerang Effect

It is wise to understand that many neophytes and lightworkers who accuse others around them of psychic attack, that the majority of the time this event may be real but is not a dark attack sourcing from that other person, but sourcing from one’s own internal uncleared shadow selves and negative ego behaviors. The boomerang effect is the reality of cause and effect magnified by black magic. When someone’s own negative ego is being projected onto others around them, along with sending negative angry thoughts of false accusations, this can and will be returned as an amplification of dark slimy energy or psychic attack sensation. Sadly, if the individual is unwilling to look at themselves and instead places blame on the person they were speaking negatively about, when they are opening the pandoras box of spiritual principles, their undisciplined mind and shadow can wreak havoc in their world, all the time they are blaming someone else for their own misdeeds.

To ensure that you are not psychically attacked by your own unchecked spiritually abusive behaviors that are generated from blind spots of the undisciplined negative ego and pain body, the following guidelines will spiritually protect you from such negative attacks caused by boomerang effects.

Choose harmlessness towards others as a spiritually principled lifestyle and personal value system. This guideline is the Golden Rule and stands alone in its supreme importance in providing energetic protection that neutralizes all levels of black magic, psychic attack, and even AI machinery and electromagnetic weapons directed towards you. Hold loving and neutral thoughts on behalf of all people, even those that have harmed you, or consider you their enemy and accuse you falsely. Disconnect from their ego-personality, as you are not required to like them. When it is possible through forgiveness and from a safe distance, sincerely wish them the benevolence to grow their soul and spirit, as God wills it to be. Refrain from writing words and messages that intend harm to be directed to another person. Be careful with your words directed to others. Instead say nothing or express communications with neutrality and compassion for their soul. Do not place blame upon others for perceived problems, especially using transference to those people you do not know and have never met. Instead, make the commitment to take responsibility for your emotional feelings and find ways to heal emotional conflicts and troubled emotions from the past. Be careful to avoid the consensus bandwagon that condemns others. Do not succumb to group pressure, and thus do not speak or act negatively towards another person the in-group has deemed deplorable. If you must speak, speak the facts truthfully from your direct experience, even if it is unflattering, but avoid exaggeration or embellishment of negativity.

Remember that intentions and thoughts are things, thus, angry and cruel words can act as black magic hexes and spells directed towards others. Simultaneously, common words that describe factual reality with benevolent intentions are not energetically harmful. Thus, we are not responsible for other people’s emotional reactions or opinions when stating factual events or honest lived experiences. Have some self-control in order to self-regulate difficult emotions, so that you do not direct the negative content to others. If you have a hot temper or feel morally wronged and angry, refrain from letting off steam by yelling and venting with others around you. This is especially important around babies and children. Instead, if there is the need to use physical activity or shout angry words or hit into a punching bag to release mental frustration and emotional pressure, find a place to do this angry release in solitude away from other people and pets. They can take on your anger release and this charged negative content can make them sick with disease.

As an adult, we must take responsibility for our behaviors and learn to discern truth. As always, take what resonates and discard the rest.[1]


See Also


GSF Behavior

12 Practices of Self Awareness

Law of One