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In the ancient days, the oldest name for England was Albion. The names for Scotland in the Celtic languages were also related to [[Albion]]: Alba in Scottish Gaelic, Alba in Irish, and Alban in Welsh, Cornish and Breton. These names were later anglicized to Albany, which was once an alternative name for Scotland. Many myths and legends have long existed that giants were either the original inhabitants of the United Kingdom, or were the founders of the land named Albion. The mystical significance of Albion has been memorialized through poems, stories and mythos.  Together they suggest the nature of Albion is related to collective human consciousness and the World Soul, to which we are all intimately connected.
[[File:Albionrises2.jpg|thumb|Albion Awakens (Sequoia Art)]]

The Albion is the androgynous human template created from the twelve spheres of the Tree of Life which, during the fall of humankind, became buried in the lower dimensional fields of the earth, waiting to be awakened. This elemental structure of the primordial human template is located in the earth body, and is made from the Original Cosmic Blueprint. This original [[Blueprint]] records the divine plan for humanities ascension to the [[Silicate Matrix]] and holds the celestial records of humankind’s evolution throughout the Solar System. The Awakening [[Albion]] occurs in progressive stages, and recent Sirius and Canopus star transmissions are intelligently designed to stimulate the higher mind activation throughout the [[Albion]] body in the earth. This gently accelerates the shift in the mental body of the earth to reflect the higher mind consciousness which is reflected in the stages of Awakening Albion.<ref>[ Awakening Albion]</ref>
In the ancient days, the oldest name for England was Albion. The names for [[Scotland]] in the Celtic languages were also related to [[Albion]]: Alba in Scottish Gaelic, Alba in Irish, and Alban in Welsh, Cornish and Breton. These names were later anglicized to Albany, which was once an alternative name for Scotland. Many myths and legends have long existed that giants were either the original inhabitants of the [[United Kingdom]], or were the founders of the land named [[Albion]]. The mystical significance of Albion has been memorialized through poems, stories and mythos.  Together they suggest the nature of Albion is related to collective human consciousness and the World Soul, to which we are all intimately connected.  

The [[Albion]] is the androgynous human template created from the twelve spheres of the [[12 Tree Grid|Tree of Life]] which, during the fall of humankind, became buried in the lower dimensional fields of the earth, waiting to be awakened. This elemental structure of the primordial human template is located in the earth body, and is made from the Original Cosmic Blueprint. This original [[Blueprint]] records the divine plan for humanities ascension to the [[Silicate Matrix]] and holds the celestial records of humankind’s evolution throughout the Solar System. The Awakening [[Albion]] occurs in progressive stages, and recent [[Sirians|Sirius]] and Canopus star transmissions are intelligently designed to stimulate the higher mind activation throughout the [[Albion]] body in the earth. This gently accelerates the shift in the mental body of the earth to reflect the higher mind consciousness which is reflected in the stages of Awakening Albion.<ref>[ Awakening Albion]</ref>
==Albion Lightbody==
When the [[Albion Lightbody]] is activated through the Emerald Order Cosmic Heart and fully awakened by the [[Amethyst Order]] Holy Father, England, Scotland, Ireland and France will be the first demographic areas to align to the [[King Arthur]] timeline through the [[Rise of Arthur]] in [[Albion]]. This phase of the ascension timeline awakens the stasis beings that have been buried deep in the lands, and brings on oceanic waves of the [[God]] Source and the [[Christos-Sophia]] rainbow rays or roundtables to pour into the Earth grids. The [[Albion Lightbody]] is the [[Diamond Sun]] template of humanity’s world soul from [[Tara]] as the Christos incarnate masculine-feminine identity, and it holds the instruction set of the [[Paliadorian Covenant]] which is the future record and destiny of all humankind to return back to their original spiritual home. Their inner Sun-Star, which is found deep in the [[RA Center]] of the still point in the angelic human [[Lightbody]].<ref>[ Rise of Arthur]</ref>
==Arthurian Legend==
The [[Arthurian Legend]]s are extremely ancient archetypal memories of humanity’s origins that go back into the [[Galactic History]] of [[Lyra]] and [[Gaia]], as these particular memories have been seeded directly into the [[Albion Lightbody]] in the United Kingdom. The [[United Kingdom]] landmass holds both the [[Maji Grail King]] masculine architecture for 6D planetary wings and the [[Maji Grail King]] female 7D planetary wings architecture in one central location in the [[Albion Lightbody]], which apparently has features of [[Geomantic Structure]] that are completely unique and unlike any other continent on the planet.  This is why this section of the [[Albion]] located within this island nation’s landmass operates as a powerful headquarters for global awakening and shifting timelines. The awakening [[Albion]] holds an important key that brings unification between the Sacred [[Rod and Staff]] architecture within the planet, which is the metaphorical holy grail that announces the move into the next [[Harmonic Universe]] and opens the timeline of the Golden Age of [[Ascension]].
==Hyperborean Albion==
The [[Hyperboreans]] are the [[Root Races]] from 7th dimensional Earth known as [[Gaia]]. Hyperboreans are important, because this was the timeline of the original trauma of the "fall" that happened to the human race. This is where the split in time occurred and this is when the [[Moon]] was brought to the planet, as its companion satellite to manage the gravitational field. The Hyperborean period on Gaia was humanities Golden Age. This level of [[Monad]]ic identity was fully connected and fully embodied in [[Christ Consciousness]]. When the [[Electric War]]s happened to the Hyperboreans, they were split apart from their higher spiritual counterparts in [[Polaris]]. On the [[Gaian Matrix|7D Gaian body]], which is the monad body of planet Earth, the [[Hyperboreans]] existed as a consciousness.  Currently that [[Consciousness]] has an access point in the timelines, in the northern part of our planet in the United Kingdom.
With the latest transmission of Galactic Law, the planet is intersecting with the Hyperboreans timelines in the 7th dimension, which are the original histories of humanities fall from the [[Edenic Codes|Edenic state]]. The current [[Aeonic Pair]]s (hierogamic unions) are being taken out of the dimensional door of Transtime continuum (TTC) to experience the infinite space of God Worlds, in order to bring back that specific timeline memory to this density of earth. The [[Albion]] body contains the collective memory record of the human experience in the 7D timelines on [[Gaia]]. The divine plan is to find and locate the pieces of the Albion body, which awaken the World Soul through the [[Galactic Zodiac]] and star transmissions. Ultimately, this integrates all the broken mirrors into the Albion body which then can unite with the Cathar Body of Mother. This is the Alchemical Wedding of the masculine and feminine principle, which is the marriage of spirit and matter on the earth in this ascending timeline.
As we expand our consciousness, our spiritual mission is to facilitate the preparations for this sacred union of the Albion and Cathar bodies, as we bring our witness to the ceremony that takes place during the Alchemical Wedding. The Alchemical Wedding is also called [[Hieros Gamos]] or hierogamy.
The Albion body has energy chakras and consciousness centers that make up entire sections of his body which represent principles recorded in the earth to expand solar consciousness and beyond. When the Albion body is asleep, it exists in states of unconsciousness and generates darkness, understood as the dead light of the Luciferian consciousness. To Awaken Albion is also to rehabilitate the unconsciousness of the [[Luciferian]] forces ([[Fallen Angelics]]) on earth, to the self-realized higher consciousness of the Krystic Self in the [[Diamond Sun]] DNA that recognizes it is one with all things.
==Albion Code and Cathar Code==
The Albion is in the planetary body as a sphere and it is the exact replica of an original 12 strand DNA human, the first expression of a human being that is recorded within the planetary body. The [[Albion]] is comprised of the architecture of the Universal Law of Structure that manifests as the divine human body in the [[Universal Tree of Life]]. The Albion is within the core manifestation template of the human body, and the actual shape of that body is referred to as the Albion.  The Albion is masculine in its principle, although it is genderless, it is a manifestation of the [[Law of Structure]] governed by the Cosmic Logos. The Albion exists as a cell in the body of the [[Solar Logos]]. Each of us exist as a cell in the planetary body. The planetary body is made in the image of the Albion, as it is connected to the 12 Strand DNA silicate matrix body. Each of the twelve spheres in the Tree of Life represents a part of the consciousness of the auric egg that makes up the Lightbody. The auric egg contains color waves within the spheres and these are known as the [[Cathar]], which is the feminine principle. The [[Albion]] and the [[Cathar]], represent the Holy Father and Holy Mother Principle united, as the [[Hieros Gamos]], or the risen [[Christos-Sophia]] made manifest through the corrected Albion.
The [[Cathar]] is the mother principle of the sound, tone, music, and colors that fill in the Albion spherical architecture.  The [[Cathar]] is the Holy Mother’s body which is the color tonal wave spectrum, and the living life code of the breathing Holy Spirit. The [[Cathar]] is Mother’s creation code, the [[Albion]] is Father’s creation code, and both have to interact and interconnect in [[Sacred Marriage]] to birth the [[Christos-Sophia]]. As they unite in hierogamic union, Mother’s sound tones and Holy Spirit can bring color waves into the base template of the Albion architecture. This sacred union generates new balanced creations throughout the matter worlds, as matter becomes spiritualized through the animating force of the Holy Spirit. <ref>[ Awakening Albion]</ref>
==Spine of Albion==
The [[Aquaferion]] [[Blue Feathers]] shield is to help clear out the [[Yahweh Matrix]] and Metatronic infection of reversal light coding in the Earth human 12 Tribes DNA coding and [[Tribal Shield]]. This appears to be rehabilitating the architecture in the planetary [[Albion]] body, in which the structure for the [[Spine of Albion]] has intersected with the Blue Feather host shield, into the [[Silver Sanctum]] in the Lyran platforms and then out of the [[The Golden Gate|Golden Gateway]] into the God Worlds. The elemental re-encryption change occurring in the [[Spine of Albion]] impacts the [[Bone Matrix]] in the Human 12 Tribes, which appears to release the 1D [[Death Seal]] and help to free the blood, bones and tissue from [[Intergenerational Binding|intergenerational blood covenants]] and inherited miasmatic patterns that were manifested from the alien genetic bonds and their modifications.<ref>[ Planetary Staff]</ref>
