White Elohei Mother Ériú: Difference between revisions

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(Created page with "In Irish mythology, the sovereign triple solar goddess and protector of Ireland is Ériú, she is often still correctly interpreted as the Mother Goddess personification of Ireland. Ériú was the ancient White Elohei spiritual mother of the original Tu’Atha, the Elohim descendants of the original Hyperboreans that subsequently embodied within the Celtic-Druid Maji Grail lines of the 11th and 12th Essene Tribes. Although the Irish Goddess Danu is generally expressed t...")
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Revision as of 22:50, 11 November 2023

In Irish mythology, the sovereign triple solar goddess and protector of Ireland is Ériú, she is often still correctly interpreted as the Mother Goddess personification of Ireland. Ériú was the ancient White Elohei spiritual mother of the original Tu’Atha, the Elohim descendants of the original Hyperboreans that subsequently embodied within the Celtic-Druid Maji Grail lines of the 11th and 12th Essene Tribes.

Although the Irish Goddess Danu is generally expressed to be the progenitor of the Tuatha de Danann, we take the position that this narrative appears to be stemming from later renditions of historical accounts crafted by the Thothian-Enki-Enlil collectives to cover up the authentic Israelites from Éire, after the fall of the solar dragon queens during the Ascension Timeline Rebellion. Subsequently, the stolen material was issued as the Emerald Tablet in Egypt, along with cloned lunar female deities generated by the Annunaki’s Isis treaty, beginning to show up in the planetary grid network as “witches” to control the collective egregores after the Atlantian Flood, which is also when they brought in the Lunar matrix.

Thus, the original Tu’Atha have been erroneously attributed to be fallen angels created by the Annunaki, as the Dragon Lords of Anu to oversee and control the lands of Éire. Instead, these were descendants of the Solar Rishi-Solar Reisha ancient tribes of Tu’Atha, who preserved the Celtic Red Haired Goddess lineages of the Mother of Dragons, and the sacred rites of Solar Dragon Queens from the God Worlds which held the mysteries of the Triple Solar Goddess and her Garden of Eden planetary consciousness. One of the Edenic planets where many Christos Starseeds and Celtic Maji Grail lines have lifetimes is Tiamat, as this was the higher planetary logos embodiment of the Mother of Dragons of Earth, in which she has hidden this same Edenic matrix in the Emerald Crystal Heart of Ireland.

For Guardian Host purposes, we take the position that the Tu’Atha entered this reality as Solar Rishi and Solar Reisha to work on repairing the grid architecture in the landmass of Ireland, and were not the bloodthirsty warring creatures they have been depicted to be in several narratives spread by the Church of Rome and others. The original Tu’Atha are immense solar light beings overlighting the sacred sites, who came to Éire to preserve the paradisian codes of Avalon and secure the return of the Emerald Order for the rest of the planet, protecting hierogamic codes and sacred marriage within a holographic crystalline reality field that saves the landforms in their pristine pre-fall condition, as the Garden of Eden.

Ériú sources from the Emerald Order Elohei-Elohim founders which built an extremely advanced global grid technology system in the Albion to interface directly with the holographic features in the planetary grid system, stargates and crystal temples after the damage incurred from the Electric Wars. Thus, Ériú is a sacred name from the God worlds in which she embodies the Cosmic Mother Dragon’s holy spiritual essence, her name expresses as musical tones of sophianic expression that call in the heavenly spirits that serve the authentic Holy Mother aspects.

White Elohei Mother Ériú was directing the original Tu’Atha to repair, protect and interact with the Albion Lightbody and build out the 45-degree diagonal diamond grids in the region, helping them to transmit their Christos consciousness records into geomantic structures recorded in the land mass with Ériú ’s pure white diamond light. The Holy Mother was utilizing Ériú ’s solar dragon body to supervise and facilitate the divine purpose of the Ireland landmass by preparing its unique grid system in order to initiate the catalyst of the global emerald heart awakening, through the activation of the Emerald Crystal Heart of Éire upon the Hill of Tara, in divine right timing during the Ascension Cycle.

Éire was terraformed with advanced crystalline technologies that were strategically placed in order to protect the planet’s Emerald Crystals and support the planetary grid to interface between organic and natural electromagnetic energy currents that make up the axiatonal and meridian ley line network. The Tu’Atha, left messages for the early Celtic Druids of Ireland by recording their spiritual knowledge and wisdom into the landscape features, such as the circular ditches, mounds and standing stones they helped build specifically for this purpose. These sacred sites were built into the grid system in order to retain the original language and codes of the ancient Hyperboreans and Essenes, for those future generations that would need them to help awaken the emerald crystal within the Heart of Albion in the future ascension cycle. They merged their consciousness into an etheric crystal or geomancy and then encompassed the information into various spaces and places to be imbued with this specific frequency of crystal intelligence streams of Cosmic Christos Dragon Teachings, that could be deciphered by those of the same lineage or with an activated emerald crystal heart.

The Tu’Atha hyperborean descendants are some of the first waves of the Christos Mission teams in Éire that were time travelers into this density via the operational portions of the stargate system near the Irish Sea and North Sea. This Azurite line of Ascended Masters came to teach and guide the angelic human tribes in order to help them rebuild their civilizations after the Ice Age floods that caused global catastrophe and to take an inventory of planetary grid damage, to assess the ground conditions for future rehabilitation missions.

Emerald Order White Dragon Mother Ériú embodied the Emerald Crystal Heart for the entire landmass of Éire, to prepare the planetary grids for the eventual mass emerald awakening by saturating the lands with her dragon eggs of pure white diamond light, which are alchemically transformed into all blue rainbow shades. Ériú is a spiritual mother from the White Diamond Sun, ensuring the emerald crystal would flower in the central diamond heart network in the sacred lands for the 12 Essene Tribes, which is intrinsic in the planetary consciousness evolution process, assuring that spiritual ascension potential for all inhabitants stewarded into her care.[1]


See Also



Tuatha Dé Danann


Trinity Gates

King Arthur