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The names Ireland and Éire derive from Old Irish Ériu, a goddess in Irish mythology first recorded in the ninth century. The etymology of Ériu is disputed but may derive from the Proto-Indo-European root *h2uer, referring to flowing water. <ref>[ Ireland wiki]</ref>
The names Ireland and Éire derive from Old Irish Ériu, a goddess in Irish mythology first recorded in the ninth century. The etymology of Ériu is disputed but may derive from the Proto-Indo-European root *h2uer, referring to flowing water. <ref>[ Ireland wiki]</ref>

[[File:Doggerland3er en.png|thumb|A map showing the hypothetical extent of Doggerland from now back to the Weichselian glaciation <ref>[]</ref>]]
[[Doggerland]] was an area of land, now submerged beneath the [[North Sea]], that connected Britain to continental Europe. Ancient Doggerland included the parts of the coastline of modern-day France, Belgium, Denmark, Germany, Netherlands, Norway, [[Ireland]], and the [[United Kingdom]].

==Emerald Crystal Heart of Éire==
During this stage of the [[Ascension Cycle]], the hidden magical jewel and [[Dragon Eye]] of the [[Cosmic Mother]], the [[Emerald Crystal Heart of Éire]], was discovered to be protecting angelic humanity’s evolutionary purpose as recorded in the local planetary grid architecture, confirmed to be installed within the landmass of [[Ireland]]. Thus, the landmass of [[Ireland]], formerly called [[Hibernia]] and referred to as [[Éire]] by the Irish, was specifically chosen by the [[Cosmic Mother]] to hide her most sought-after spiritual treasures from the God Worlds. That which was to be embodied by her triple solar sons and daughters, [[Aryans]], as they incarnated into the lands of Éire to be genetically key coded into the landscape, imbued with her sophianic codes and hidden historical records of the [[Emerald Order]], flowing through the sacred trees, grottoes, lush rolling hills and fresh water springs.
The [[Cosmic Mother]] placed a complete replica of herself in a Triple Solar [[White Diamond Elohei]] dragon body along with her Edenic paradisian codes from the God Worlds designated for the Earth’s [[Ascension]], and concealed them inside the Emerald Crystal Heart of Éire. The lands, natural kingdoms and sacred sites of Ireland would forever hold her consecrated sounds of silver flamed Eiras, sacred musical tones from the God Worlds. One day she would return to Éire and reclaim what is hers from the anti-Christ vandals that invaded our home during the [[Sumerian-Egypt Invasion]] many thousands of years ago. The [[Emerald Crystal Heart of Éire]] interconnects directly with the [[Cosmic Emerald Heart]] principle in our Universe and beyond, where direct communication can be made with the 48D [[Emerald Order God World Creation]].
==Collective Egregores for Each Landmass==
To better comprehend the landscape of the magical Emerald Isle, and why there are so many different names for assorted Triple Gods and Triple Goddesses with different characteristics said to be inhabiting the lands, we must consider the existence of Geomantic Entities and [[Collective Egregores]] in the planetary grid created for different landmasses. Because Éire was designed with a divine purpose that is sacred to fulfill the cosmic order of the [[Emerald Order]] and [[Cosmic Mother]], the lands of [[Ireland]] have retained much more of their animating elementals, natural folk-spirits and collective egregores that are designed to retain the consciousness records, language, culture and divine blueprint that holds the spiritual purpose of Ireland. Thus, [[Ireland]] and the northernmost remote areas of the [[United Kingdom]] house a variety of organic spiritual beings that used to inhabit the entire planetary grid network as a working hierarchy, and were being directed by Solar Angels.
==White Elohei Mother Ériú==
In Irish mythology, the sovereign [[Triple Solar Goddess]] and protector of [[Ireland]] is [[Ériú]], she is often still correctly interpreted as the Mother Goddess personification of [[Ireland]]. Ériú was the ancient White Elohei spiritual mother of the original Tu’Atha, the [[Elohim]] descendants of the original [[Hyperboreans]] that subsequently embodied within the [[Celtic-Druid Grail Bloodlines|Celtic-Druid Maji Grail Lines]] of the 11th and 12th Essene Tribes. The [[Holy Mother]] was utilizing Ériú ’s [[Solar Dragon]] body to supervise and facilitate the divine purpose of the [[Ireland]] landmass by preparing its unique grid system in order to initiate the catalyst of the global emerald heart awakening, through the activation of the [[Emerald Crystal Heart of Éire]] upon the [[Hill of Tara]], in divine right timing during the [[Ascension Cycle]].
==Emerald Crystal Activation at the Hill of Tara==
The [[Hill of Tara]] was the residence of the [[Maji Grail King]]s, who in ancient times ruled over [[Ireland]]. They were connected to a massive cathedral temple embedded in the holographic features found in this location of the planetary grid. The King of Tara was a spiritual kingship, rather than a territorial seat; thus, the king was believed to be a link between the otherworld and humankind, the spiritual seat of kingship that embodied of the [[Natural Laws]] of God into Ireland. When a true benevolent [[Maji Grail King]] has embodied his [[Avatar]] Solar Christ self, his spiritual connections are intact and therefore, he assures that the krystal river current is flowing throughout his kingdom enriching his lands, nation or country.<ref>[ Emerald Heart of Eire]</ref>
