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From Ascension Glossary
(Created page with "To better comprehend the landscape of the magical Emerald Isle, and why there are so many different names for assorted Triple Gods and Triple Goddesses with different characteristics said to be inhabiting the lands, we must consider the existence of Geomantic Entities and Collective Egregores in the planetary grid created for different landmasses. Because Éire was designed with a divine purpose that is sacred to fulfill the cosmic order of the Emerald Order and Cosmic M...")
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Latest revision as of 01:14, 1 February 2024

To better comprehend the landscape of the magical Emerald Isle, and why there are so many different names for assorted Triple Gods and Triple Goddesses with different characteristics said to be inhabiting the lands, we must consider the existence of Geomantic Entities and Collective Egregores in the planetary grid created for different landmasses. Because Éire was designed with a divine purpose that is sacred to fulfill the cosmic order of the Emerald Order and Cosmic Mother, the lands of Ireland have retained much more of their animating elementals, natural folk-spirits and collective egregores that are designed to retain the consciousness records, language, culture and divine blueprint that holds the spiritual purpose of Ireland. Thus, Ireland and the northernmost remote areas of the United Kingdom house a variety of organic spiritual beings that used to inhabit the entire planetary grid network as a working hierarchy, and were being directed by Solar Angels.

As humanity lost their spiritual nature and became disconnected from the planet, along with the changes with the moon and damaged grid areas caused by major cities or war-torn lands, these areas became barren of their original spiritual counterparts. This planetary grid damage happens when war and killing agendas are ongoing in a particular demographic area with intentions to harm and massacre the original inhabitants and natural living creatures residing there. Further, this level of ongoing violence in the lands destroys their historical records and cultural traditions, erasing its indigenous peoples in order to control historical narratives, whereby subverting and replacing them by erecting something else in its place.

Once we comprehend that all energy is conscious and consciousness is energy, then it is easier to grasp concepts such as the formation of a variety of collective consciousness spiritual beings as record holders. These are geomantic entities and devachan realms that serve different energetic functions in the creational matrix and thus are directly attached into the planetary grid system. These geomantic entities have been referenced throughout many ancient wisdom teachings, and have been referred to as devas, angels, folk-spirits or egregores that exist throughout the multidimensional layers of the natural kingdoms of the planet and beyond. This is a way to describe the spiritual gestalt of the collective consciousness identity that form many energetic layers of our unique soul and spiritual body blueprint, which also forms our human tribal identity, in which we are interconnected with when we incarnate onto the planet.

Thus, these many hierarchies of sentient geomantic entities can exist upon multiple dimensions and can be utilized by the Christos consciousness of more advanced beings, such as the Solar Rishi and Solar Reisha, that are stationed in higher dimensions. This could be understood as the purpose of the Tu’Atha answering the clarion call of Holy Mother to come to Ireland to help direct the geomantic entities and egregore spirits located there. There are also lower spirits formed into etheric body layers or astral expressions which contain their original blueprint function and the collective consciousness streams that they are being exposed to by human beings, and that thought substance and emotional content expresses as an energetic mass flowing through their spiritual-energetic body.

These particular spiritual entities are composed of soul substance or etheric form holding blueprints without the quality of higher mind that sources from a human being’s unique individual perception, personal discernment and higher sensory abilities. They co-exist with humanity upon another dimensional plane which does not perceive solid matter as we do, where the collective consciousness streams of collective soul instruction sets on the planet pass through them and this generates an assortment of vibrational influences. Thus, these kinds of geomantic entities can form into diverse expressions of energetic intelligence that can comprise any kind of quality of collective energy; organic or artificial light, dark or shades of grey travelling throughout the dimensional spectrum of their particular location, impacting its function and spiritual purpose held for the planet.

These spiritual entities are composed of the collective consciousness that has been formed in the morphogenetic patterns existing within the local land mass and its natural kingdoms, along with the influences of the human souls interacting within that section of the land’s planetary grid. That specific location of the planetary grid network and its local spiritual entities, are that which holds the shared energy impact being generated from their collective thoughts, beliefs, actions and subtle energies or psychic influences. This is where we can consider the many different cultures, belief systems, and differences in landmasses that have been formed based upon where on the planet the human soul has incarnated, and how there are many spiritual factors and external factors, such as biological family or social expectations that have shaped their individual way of being.

The locations of the primary planetary stargates are enmeshed within that land masses historical records and its particular grid system that is specific to the original human tribes and their genetic spiritual family histories, comprising all the ancestors that have chosen to incarnate into that region. Generally soul families continue to incarnate into certain regions of land mass because they are of the same human soul tribe that is genetically key coded into that particular stargate system and are connected to the karmic implications, ancestral issues or have spiritual missions connected to its extensive historical consciousness records. Thus, each landmass and nation have their own collective consciousness egregor or spiritual hierarchy existing within its own central diamond heart complex accessed within the intersecting lines of the local planetary grid network, which is a part of maintaining those specific consciousness records.

With the NAA invasion, through fieldwork we learned that these geomantic entities that form the consciousness egregores in each of the land mass regions and their natural kingdoms had been disconnected from the dark matter template and the sophianic diamond heart of the Holy Mother Sophia’s direct spiritual influence. The Holy Mother Sophia emanates her presence in the planet through her solar daughters which are the planet’s Triple Solar Goddesses or through Mother Elaysa’s Triple TARA female principle aspects. They were originally created to protect and serve their respective natural kingdoms by directing their consciousness streams into the planetary geomantic entities or collective egregores to support the planetary grid network. These consciousness aspects of our Holy Mother were missing and disconnected; thus, allowing a greater comprehension of how humanity has been living on a planet without the full presence of their Holy Mother. Our planet seems to be embarking on the next stage of rehabilitation which returns many of these specific planetary grid features which were disconnected from their collective egregore, in which Cosmic Mother’s return into Éire appears to highlight their return into the matter realm, worldwide.

Thus, Emerald Guardians have been focused upon the recent rehabilitation of the Emerald Cathedral architecture with accompanying three and four clover coded plasma activations in the Emerald Heart of Ireland, activating the Emerald Crystal of the Lia Fail, or stone of destiny anchored in the Hill of Tara by the Tu’Atha.

White Elohei Mother Ériú

In Irish mythology, the sovereign Triple Solar Goddess and protector of Ireland is Ériú, she is often still correctly interpreted as the Mother Goddess personification of Ireland. Ériú was the ancient White Elohei spiritual mother of the original Tu’Atha, the Elohim descendants of the original Hyperboreans that subsequently embodied within the Celtic-Druid Maji Grail Lines of the 11th and 12th Essene Tribes. The Holy Mother was utilizing Ériú ’s Solar Dragon body to supervise and facilitate the divine purpose of the Ireland landmass by preparing its unique grid system in order to initiate the catalyst of the global emerald heart awakening, through the activation of the Emerald Crystal Heart of Éire upon the Hill of Tara, in divine right timing during the Ascension Cycle.[1]



See Also



Tuatha Dé Danann


Trinity Gates

King Arthur