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The [[Mainstreaming of Satanism]] and the Mainstreaming of [[Luciferianism]], are the current dominant cultures that are being methodically and secretly constructed through an array of social engineering experiments. These are being perpetrated through an increasing multitude of electromagnetic and chemical weapons targeting the unaware earth population, with the goal of mass mind control. Most people are still not able to discern the aggressive agendas hidden in plain sight that directly promote the [[Death Culture]]. These agendas are based upon manipulating Satanic and Luciferian doctrines and ideologies, and their proponents continue to deceive the public through pushing for mainstream acceptance while denying accountability for the destructive harm caused by their actions. These [[Controller]] groups desire to make the more extreme Satanic and Luciferian ideologies and their related behaviors and rituals fully mainstreamed and socially integrated.  Thus, the agenda is to mainstream these practices so that they will become legally protected when their various harmful activities are openly disclosed or observed in full view of the public.   
[[File:7-Black-Sun-Draconian-Agenda.jpg|thumb|Black Sun Agenda (Satanics)]]
The [[Mainstreaming of Satanism]] and the [[Mainstreaming of Luciferianism]], are the current dominant cultures that are being methodically and secretly constructed through an array of social engineering experiments. These are being perpetrated through an increasing multitude of electromagnetic and chemical weapons targeting the unaware earth population, with the goal of mass [[Mind Control]]. Most people are still not able to discern the aggressive agendas hidden in plain sight that directly promote the [[Death Culture]]. These agendas are based upon manipulating Satanic and [[Luciferian Doctrine]]s and ideologies, and their proponents continue to deceive the public through pushing for mainstream acceptance while denying accountability for the destructive harm caused by their actions. These [[Controller]] groups desire to make the more extreme Satanic and Luciferian ideologies and their related behaviors and rituals fully mainstreamed and socially integrated.  Thus, the agenda is to mainstream these practices so that they will become legally protected when their various harmful activities are openly disclosed or observed in full view of the public.   

This month’s newsletter is intended to demystify, educate and eliminate the many veils of confusion and the gaslighting tactics that are used by the main supporters of these dark ideologies. This is to help remove the knee jerk avoidance and the mainstream taboo, that prevents openly discussing the definition of the practices that are classified as Satanism or Luciferianism.
This month’s newsletter is intended to demystify, educate and eliminate the many veils of confusion and the gaslighting tactics that are used by the main supporters of these dark ideologies. This is to help remove the knee jerk avoidance and the mainstream taboo, that prevents openly discussing the definition of the practices that are classified as [[Satanism]] or [[Luciferian]]ism.

This is a very complex subject where layers upon layers of deceptions, lies and cover stories are put in place to confuse the masses about the real source and intention behind these practices. There are many different schools of thought on the path towards achieving self-realization and greater enlightenment. There are discussions and debates on what are often referred to as the right-hand and left-hand path, and whether taboo types of activities can be used for spiritual benefit. However, what this newsletter attempts to define is the larger global agendas of the most powerful Satanic and Luciferian practitioners, those in the [[Power Elite]] that have alien handlers that use these practices to directly contact the [[NAA]], and conjure sorcery against the masses.
This is a very complex subject where layers upon layers of deceptions, lies and cover stories are put in place to confuse the masses about the real source and intention behind these practices. There are many different schools of thought on the path towards achieving self-realization and greater enlightenment. There are discussions and debates on what are often referred to as the right-hand and left-hand path, and whether taboo types of activities can be used for spiritual benefit. However, what this newsletter attempts to define is the larger global agendas of the most powerful Satanic and Luciferian practitioners, those in the [[Power Elite]] that have alien handlers that use these practices to directly contact the [[NAA]], and conjure sorcery against the masses.

When attempting to describe Satanism or Luciferianism, the descriptors used are generally portrayed inaccurately to the public as delusions or fabrications of the unstable and superstitious mind, made up as purely religious constructs to control the masses through fear. That discussions about Satanism and Luciferianism are limited to conspiracy theorists, or whispered behind the closed doors of members of the clergy, exorcists, and secret societies is by design. Many people are taught to believe that these spiritual forces, rituals and the doctrines behind them do not exist, that these forces are purely imaginary and do not have an influence in the world or on those minds that are properly educated in the hard sciences. This is absolutely inaccurate. More people need to be able to identify and recognize Satanism and Luciferianism in action, when its ideology is being represented through the use of mainstream symbols and in practices that are shaping the cultural and societal norms, because it is being used as a type of black magic sorcery to directly infect minds, greatly impacting how the masses think and perceive their reality.
When attempting to describe Satanism or Luciferianism, the descriptors used are generally portrayed inaccurately to the public as delusions or fabrications of the unstable and superstitious mind, made up as purely religious constructs to control the masses through fear. That discussions about Satanism and Luciferianism are limited to [[Conspiracy theorist]]s, or whispered behind the closed doors of members of the clergy, exorcists, and secret societies is by design. Many people are taught to believe that these spiritual forces, rituals and the doctrines behind them do not exist, that these forces are purely imaginary and do not have an influence in the world or on those minds that are properly educated in the hard sciences. This is absolutely inaccurate. More people need to be able to identify and recognize Satanism and Luciferianism in action, when its ideology is being represented through the use of mainstream symbols and in practices that are shaping the cultural and societal norms, because it is being used as a type of black magic sorcery to directly infect minds, greatly impacting how the masses think and perceive their reality.

When we finally recognize and know what it is, its darker existence can be found everywhere by opening our eyes to see the current state of chaos, mental fragmentation and traumatized pain in people that are running the world around us. Because when people do not recognize these forces even when they are looking them in the face, they are easily manipulated by them to easily give up their consent and authority. Classic dark Satanists and Luciferians glorify themselves through the ultimate heights of narcissism and lust for power, using knowledge to feel superior and to take unfair advantage over others. Thus, they endorse the master-slave relationship and they believe it is their natural right to be the dark master of humanity, because they consider themselves smarter, stronger and genetically superior.
When we finally recognize and know what it is, its darker existence can be found everywhere by opening our eyes to see the current state of chaos, mental fragmentation and traumatized pain in people that are running the world around us. Because when people do not recognize these forces even when they are looking them in the face, they are easily manipulated by them to easily give up their consent and authority. Classic dark Satanists and Luciferians glorify themselves through the ultimate heights of [[Narcissism]] and lust for power, using knowledge to feel superior and to take unfair advantage over others. Thus, they endorse the master-slave relationship and they believe it is their natural right to be the dark master of humanity, because they consider themselves smarter, stronger and genetically superior.

==Denying the Dark Agenda’s Ancient Ideology==
==Denying the Dark Agenda’s Ancient Ideology==
The point is to comprehend that Satanism and Luciferianism are ancient ideologies based in total secrecy, black magic sorcery and the continual cover up and denial of their existence to outsiders. Many of these mixed ideologies are promoted as atheistic, when this is entirely inaccurate, as they are connected directly to specific gestalts of energy intelligence. These are consciousness lifestyles and sometimes religious practices that have remained deeply buried behind the mysteriously hidden shadows of the esoteric occult, which has grown its tentacles of influence way beyond any current world religion, intellectual reasoning or spiritual philosophy. It is a dark predatorial consciousness with a doctrine that has infiltrated and infected every single aspect of secular society, generating an inverted society designed to reverse the principles of life into principles of death. Satanic and Luciferian death symbolism, black magic sorcery and their destructive beliefs are being thrust into our subconscious mind every day, through the onslaught of commercial entertainment, advertising and consumer branding of the death culture. These assaults against human consciousness are meticulously pre-planned, through the intentional social engineering experiments decided upon by the many academic think tanks and international committees that are founded by the Power Elite, and run at the highest levels by the NAA puppet masters.   
The point is to comprehend that Satanism and Luciferianism are ancient ideologies based in total secrecy, black magic sorcery and the continual cover up and denial of their existence to outsiders. Many of these mixed ideologies are promoted as atheistic, when this is entirely inaccurate, as they are connected directly to specific gestalts of energy intelligence. These are consciousness lifestyles and sometimes religious practices that have remained deeply buried behind the mysteriously hidden shadows of the esoteric occult, which has grown its tentacles of influence way beyond any current world religion, intellectual reasoning or spiritual philosophy. It is a dark predatorial consciousness with a doctrine that has infiltrated and infected every single aspect of secular society, generating an inverted society designed to reverse the principles of life into principles of death. Satanic and Luciferian death symbolism, black magic sorcery and their destructive beliefs are being thrust into our [[Subconscious Programming|subconscious mind every day]], through the onslaught of commercial entertainment, advertising and consumer branding of the death culture. These assaults against human consciousness are meticulously pre-planned, through the intentional [[Social Engineering]] experiments decided upon by the many academic think tanks and international committees that are founded by the Power Elite, and run at the highest levels by the NAA puppet masters.   

The most powerful cult of insiders, such as those involved with the Power Elite, misrepresent themselves and lie to the unaware public who are being tricked every day to believe that Mainstream Satanism or Luciferianism is an ideology that has genuinely benign, noble and humanitarian intentions. Under the guise of the marketing promotions of a gentler, kinder and more charitable Satan or Lucifer to the unaware masses, he is a friendly, sensual God that just wants to give you the knowledge you deserve so you can manipulate and lie to get the things you want on the material plane. Other forms of this propaganda use the atheistic mind control to target the subconscious, that none of this actually exists and life is meaningless anyway, so you better stick it to others and get yours while you can.
The most powerful cult of insiders, such as those involved with the Power Elite, misrepresent themselves and lie to the unaware public who are being tricked every day to believe that Mainstream Satanism or Luciferianism is an ideology that has genuinely benign, noble and humanitarian intentions. Under the guise of the marketing promotions of a gentler, kinder and more charitable Satan or Lucifer to the unaware masses, he is a friendly, sensual God that just wants to give you the knowledge you deserve so you can manipulate and lie to get the things you want on the material plane. Other forms of this propaganda use the atheistic mind control to target the subconscious, that none of this actually exists and life is meaningless anyway, so you better stick it to others and get yours while you can.
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*Who are the human groups that are mind controlled by the NAA and are used to enforce the Satanic and Luciferian global agendas of the Negative Aliens?
*Who are the human groups that are mind controlled by the NAA and are used to enforce the Satanic and Luciferian global agendas of the Negative Aliens?

There are many terms used to describe the minority group of human bloodlines that were infiltrated with Satanic and Luciferian ideologies creating the [[Psychopathy|psychopathic]] human minds that would be used to enforce and carry out the enslavement of the earth population. Many of these people are severely traumatized with [[Dissociation|dissociative disorders]] from participating in Satanic or Luciferian based rituals since birth. The goal of a Satanist Bloodline family is to bind the child to a demonic entity gestalt or negative alien, so that person is a possessed biological robot that does what he or she is told by the [[NAA]].  
There are many terms used to describe the minority group of human bloodlines that were infiltrated with Satanic and Luciferian ideologies creating the [[Psychopathy|psychopathic]] human minds that would be used to enforce and carry out the enslavement of the earth population. Many of these people are severely traumatized with [[Dissociation|dissociative disorders]] from participating in Satanic or Luciferian based rituals since birth. The goal of a Satanist Bloodline family is to bind the child to a demonic entity gestalt or negative alien, so that person is a possessed biological robot that does what he or she is told by the [[NAA]].
==Archontic Deception Strategy==
The psychological warfare approach of [[Divide and Conquer Tactics]] used by the [[NAA]] to condition anti-human values and erode integrity in the masses is called the Archontic Deception Strategy. The [[Archontic Deception Strategy]] is used to [[Social Engineering|socially engineer]] the [[Death Culture]], a culture of fear, dishonesty, deception and intimidation. This produces the mindset of a slave.
==Black Magic Sorcery==
*How do the NAA and the Power Elite manage to maintain their power and global control over the majority of the wealth and planetary resources when they are such a small minority?
The [[Power Elite]] are a small group of people who conjure black magic through dark rituals that are used for maintaining contact with the [[NAA]], in order to control the entire planet through the manipulation of the collective consciousness. The manipulation of consciousness technology, planetary grid networks and the world of forces for [[Service to Self]] and [[Negative Ego]] purposes, without regard for the consent or the consequence of actions upon others, is a form of black magic sorcery. See [[Black Magic Sorcery]].
==Blood Sacrifice and Ritual Killing==
*Why do these Black Magic rituals contain blood sacrifice and ritual killing?
For centuries the [[NAA]] have developed and exploited multidimensional occult practices through reversal creation code. This has been given to secret societies and institutions for the purpose of mind control, in order to harvest negative emotional energy or [[Loosh ]]from the masses. [[Blood Sacrifice]], whether human, animal or any living thing, are made during some of the black magic rituals that are designed to call directly upon the NAA, feeding them with [[Loosh]]. Also, the ritualist may desire to conjure aspects of dark energy intelligence, such as the elemental forces that directly connect into the black magic grids. The NAA rewards ritual sacrifice and the killing that happens in wars, because this is the main food source of collecting loosh, as well as satisfying their addictive sensations that they get from ingesting the fear hormones that are released from the person or animal during its ritual killing.
==Ritual Abuse in Childhood==
The [[Death Cult Ideology|Luciferian cult]] pass their own kids around for programming and [[Child Sexual Abuse|sexual abuse]] for the purpose of preparing them to carry on the activities of the cult, as these children will rise to power one day and be required to rule with an iron fist. [[SRA|Ritual abuse]] is the systematic destruction of [[Neurons]] in the [[Brain]], healthy neurons are needed to help progress natural human characteristics. This [[Black Heart|kills the human heart and turns it black]]. A heart center devoid of [[Love]], [[Compassion]] and truth, and authentic being; this severely damages the lightbody by creating holes and tears in the layers, creating bindings between the person and demonic entities on the [[Astral Plane]] for the purpose of generating [[Attachments]] and [[Possession]] in that individual, to incite the trauma needed for maximum damage of the human consciousness. They repeat the [[Trauma]] over and over to literally create brain damage so that the child's brain will not develop properly into adulthood, because the actual [[Neurons]] have been burned out from the intense voltage of the traumatic experiences that they have had, and this burns out the circuits in the brain. The [[Trauma]], [[Mind Control]], and physical abuse repeated during childhood is how psychopaths and serial killers can actually be molded, shaped, and generated into adulthood. This is the result they want, and this is very hard for a sane person to understand. But we need to wake up to this and try to understand it, because we are being ruled and governed by these people who have [[Soul Fragmentation|split personalities]], alternate personalities running the show, as well as partial to full dark entity [[Possession]]s while this activity is happening behind the scenes in secret. The [[Luciferian]] and satanic cults have devised specific [[Blueprint]]s for ritual abuse, [[Mind Control]] to systematically create [[Psychopathy|psychopaths]] from specific methodical and premeditated abuses that can program certain characteristics that the cult can exploit for their agenda. As a result, they have shaped [[Demoralization|demoralizing]] and dehumanizing spiritual beliefs and spiritual systems into this world, because they are aware spiritual suffering causes a culture to be damaged and weakened. Therefore they can exploit, control, and manipulate humanity through their deceptions. See [[Death Cult Ideology]].<ref>[ Violating Laws of Nature]</ref>
==Child Abuse and Child Sacrifice==
Child Abuse and Child Sacrifice is an [[Archontic Deception Strategy]] of the NAA. The [[NAA]] and Satanists prefer to use children as targets in order to harvest negative emotional energy or [[Loosh]], and as a result, child abuse, child sex slavery, child porn, child organ harvesting and child sacrifice are immensely profitable for those in the criminal network. See [[Child Sexual Abuse]].
==Human Trafficking==
Currently, the World Slavery system is used to parasitize soul energy but also to superimpose karmic exchanges on the masses, and is an important reason the NAA fight so hard to retain their control and access over earth and the trafficking of its inhabitants. It is estimated that at least 8 million children worldwide go missing each year. See [[Human Trafficking]].

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==See Also==
==See Also==
[[Main Goals of the Power Elite]]

[[Black Magic]]
[[Black Magic]]