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The [[Ban of Non Interference]] is an energetic structure that is created as a deflection technique to stop neagtive energies or entitles from infiltration or superimposing negative energy towards our [[Lightbody]], [[Consciousness]] or mission projects. Now in using a deflection technique, what the difference of this is, is the application of a deflection technique is that you are not interfering with that person. As an a example, maybe there's a person from their own ignorance, that person is unaware that they are being used by negative forces because of their lack of consciousness. Now to deflect a particular directional field that is being sent to interfere or create harm, truly they may not be aware that that is actually what they are being used to do. (See [[Dark Portal Bodies]]). So in deflecting what you are doing is that you're deflecting the stream of negativity or the stream itself, think of a river of energy and that river of energy is being sent to you lets say for interference. So that interference may be coming from intent from that person, or the person has no idea because they have no idea what [[Law of Consent|consent or intent]] even is. So when you deflect from a Ban of Non-interference, you are not interfering with that person's individual right to choose what force comes in or out of that person as conduit. And this is important even if they do not understand that. Because the krystic person that is in alignment to using the [[Law of One|law]] correctly, does not superimpose their will over banning any kind of force that that person is expressing. That persons body is being utilized as a certain consciousness expression and the consciousness that is coming through that person, no matter what level of consciousness it is, using deflection means that you are not interfering with their growth, you are not interfering with their choice, and you're not superimposing upon them. Instead, you are accessing rights to protect yourself and deflecting any negative interference that could be sent with some kind of harm towards you,  or some kind of destruction or interference directed towards your mission or work.  Now, that is a deflection technique.  
The [[Ban of Non Interference]] is an energetic structure that is created as a deflection technique to stop negative energies or entitles from infiltration or superimposing negative energy towards our [[Lightbody]], [[Consciousness]] or mission projects. Now in using a deflection technique, what the difference of this is, is the application of a deflection technique is that you are not interfering with that person. As an a example, maybe there's a person from their own ignorance, that person is unaware that they are being used by negative forces because of their lack of consciousness. Now to deflect a particular directional field that is being sent to interfere or create harm, truly they may not be aware that that is actually what they are being used to do. (See [[Dark Portal Bodies]]). So in deflecting what you are doing is that you're deflecting the stream of negativity or the stream itself, think of a river of energy and that river of energy is being sent to you lets say for interference. So that interference may be coming from intent from that person, or the person has no idea because they have no idea what [[Law of Consent|consent or intent]] even is. So when you deflect from a Ban of Non-interference, you are not interfering with that person's individual right to choose what force comes in or out of that person as conduit. And this is important even if they do not understand that. Because the krystic person that is in alignment to using the [[Law of One|law]] correctly, does not superimpose their will over banning any kind of force that that person is expressing. That persons body is being utilized as a certain consciousness expression and the consciousness that is coming through that person, no matter what level of consciousness it is, using deflection means that you are not interfering with their growth, you are not interfering with their choice, and you're not superimposing upon them. Instead, you are accessing rights to protect yourself and deflecting any negative interference that could be sent with some kind of harm towards you,  or some kind of destruction or interference directed towards your mission or work.  Now, that is a deflection technique.  

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For 15 - 20 years or so there is a process we have around the community, these commands and scripts, and there's a particular script I call it ‘an oldie but goodie’ and it is called the [[Ban of Non Interference]]. And the Ban of Non-interference is sort of like a beginner’s tool, but it's not something to make that less important because it's something we can use today and its one of those ones you forget because its off in the background, and yet we can use it. It certainly has application today.
For 15 - 20 years or so there is a process we have around the community, these commands and scripts, and there's a particular script I call it ‘an oldie but goodie’ and it is called the [[Ban of Non Interference]]. And the Ban of Non-interference is sort of like a beginner’s tool, but it's not something to make that less important because it's something we can use today and its one of those ones you forget because its off in the background, and yet we can use it. It certainly has application today.

And so one of the questions in terms of grammatical correctness is the [[Ban of Non Interference]], if we look at that statement there's a double negative there and the challenge with this is understanding, as we know, sometimes bringing in the ethereal and the energetics of what we are experiencing or seeing and bringing it into verbalization, it doesn't translate very well. And goodness knows we have a big issue with that in our community where so much of what we are discussing can be misunderstood because of the context that is used on the earth plane for written language.
And so one of the questions in terms of grammatical correctness is the [[Ban of Non Interference]], if we look at that statement there's an apparent double negative<ref>The word 'Ban' in this sense is used as a noun and not as a verb.</ref> there and the challenge with this is understanding, as we know, sometimes bringing in the ethereal and the energetics of what we are experiencing or seeing and bringing it into verbalization, it doesn't translate very well. And goodness knows we have a big issue with that in our community where so much of what we are discussing can be misunderstood because of the context that is used on the earth plane for written language.

So I found out that the [[Ban of Non Interference]] has this exact issue. So first of all it is important to understand that whatever script or text in terms of commanding your space or you know things that are given, this is a beginning template. We have been given the sort of beginner template in order to understand certain structures of how to interact with the law. Again when we understand the Law of Structure and by having a certain verbiage or a certain clarity about how things work energetically, we can bring words to that, that resonate with us personally, and again the more that we resonate with the word, like it feels right for us, the better it is. So when there is a word that doesn't feel right to you, you should feel free, and you should encourage your clients or anybody that asks you, if there is a word you don't like and you want to replace it with something that has a similar meaning but it feels better for you then you should do that because what feels better for you, what feels like meaningful for you, what comes from your heart and you like have resonance with, that is most important thing. So its like saying the energies of how you're feeling about something, like it feels good, just something really resonates, you are looking for that sweet spot, you're looking for that animation, you want that feeling because it's the feeling and the energy signature of it that is actually more important than the actual word that is being used.
So I found out that the [[Ban of Non Interference]] has this exact issue. So first of all it is important to understand that whatever script or text in terms of commanding your space or you know things that are given, this is a beginning template. We have been given the sort of beginner template in order to understand certain structures of how to interact with the law. Again when we understand the Law of Structure and by having a certain verbiage or a certain clarity about how things work energetically, we can bring words to that, that resonate with us personally, and again the more that we resonate with the word, like it feels right for us, the better it is. So when there is a word that doesn't feel right to you, you should feel free, and you should encourage your clients or anybody that asks you, if there is a word you don't like and you want to replace it with something that has a similar meaning but it feels better for you then you should do that because what feels better for you, what feels like meaningful for you, what comes from your heart and you like have resonance with, that is most important thing. So its like saying the energies of how you're feeling about something, like it feels good, just something really resonates, you are looking for that sweet spot, you're looking for that animation, you want that feeling because it's the feeling and the energy signature of it that is actually more important than the actual word that is being used.