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3D Level of Intelligence

3D Houses of Ego Conscious Mind

1. Addiction / Lust2. Wrath / Rage / Vengeance3. Greed / Avarice4. Envy / Jealousy 5. Gluttony / Waste 6. Laziness / Discouragement7. Pride / (+/-) Self-Importance

3D Third Internal Layer

This is the conscious mind layer of the ego of which we all perceive as a self or personality. If one pays attention to their conscious thoughts, one becomes aware if they are having negative ego thoughts as defined above by the Seven Houses of Ego. All Houses of Ego are formed by making judgments of people and the external circumstances. The third layer is directly impacted by the first and second layer to the degree the painful memory has created walls of separation and traumatized sub-personalities. If the main areas of the walls of separation are not dismantled and sub-personalities brought into transparency for healing, these hidden influences control and manipulate the strength and power within the person’s Houses of Ego. Essentially the more weak and in pain a person is, the more strong their walls of separation (pain body) which create the judgments which build the Houses of Ego. In most cases the houses are also created as a coping mechanism to deal with the harshness experienced in the 3D world. The Houses of Ego are a direct rejection of God’s spirit and repel the Christos spirit from dwelling within one’s body. If the Houses of Ego are extremely strong and the person replays its characteristic behavior repeatedly, that ego behavior builds an internal “house” which then attracts a “spirit”. As example, if a person has an addiction problem sourcing from unhealed trauma and replays the addictive behavior repeatedly, a “House of Addiction” will be built as an internal structure of the ego mind. Once that “House of Ego” is built internally, it attracts a spirit, the same consciousness energy that will match the vibrational quality in the internal house. The Spirit of Addiction is a demonic spirit. So as one builds a House of Addiction inside their mind and body, it attracts a demonic spirit to dwell within their house. As the laws of energetic structure states, one has built an internal house and has thus created the energetic agreement for a demonic spirit to dwell inside that house. This is the consensual agreement that unaware humans make for demonic spirits to dwell inside their body and then later, the consent they give the predator force to use their body as a dark portal.

Walls of Separation + Houses of Ego = Realm of Predator As we begin to see how deep the painful ego behavior runs through in humanity, one may recognize that a clear pattern is present. The predator force intentionally creates hidden consensual agreements through the manipulation and abuse of the Universal Laws of Structure. They start implementing a reign of terror and pain upon the human being as young as possible to record painful and traumatic memories that fragment the mind and spirit. As the human reincarnates with their conscious memory wiped, they carry that pain and burden from lifetime to lifetime. From the accumulative lifetime(s) of pain builds more walls of separation which are purposely held in place through the Victim/Victimizer software, a self-enforced human enslavement program. Through the deep unworthiness and lack of self-love resulting from repeated traumatic abuse, the rejection of God and the crucifixion of the inner spirit is maintained easily. This leads to negative ego behaviors to cope with the disconnection from God, which we can observe in the Seven Houses of Ego. As we build these Houses of Ego from ignorance, we allow their equivalent demonic spirits to dwell inside our mind and body. These demonic spirits increase the power of the Houses of Ego in human behavior which invite the predator forces to use or possess the mind and body at will. This is the definition of mental and spiritual bondage to the predator (dark) forces. The Archontic Deception is designed to create hidden internal energetic structures and vibrationally matched external structures which allow the predators to have a “free for all” on planet earth. If a conscious human being starts to comprehend the power inherent in controlling their own mind and thus changing their internal structure, the external structures built upon Houses of Ego will fail. Thus the higher knowledge is suppressed or the Victimizer program is directed at the target(s) who are giving other humans this awareness to learn how to become free. This brings us to issues of deception and manipulation of the people around us who may be used as a dark portal for predator forces.