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As within and without, as micro and macro relationship is represented in the roadmap of our Starseeded bodies…today we were given an opportunity to journey into a portal connecting between the Megalith known as the Longstone located on the Isle of Wight and a Irish Dolmen gateway. We were taken to an opening linking underground to a Irish/Celtic druid dolmen that further linked into the dynastic lineage of Egypt where at a certain point in the histories, ( the timelines) we were shown a “ rip in time” occurred…..the Matriarchal female fell and a further split occurred, ripping it’s presence from the earth body, and the False King archetype was replaced to rule with the slant of patriarchal domination. The understanding is that at this moment in time within this particular historical lineage - the “ spirit” was removed from its presence on the physical Earth plane, the last vestige of the embodied “kings and queens” were removed completely from the Earth plane. The damage incurred by this rip, (split apart the masculine and feminine balance that had created neutral fields or " spiritual marriage") resulted in another wall ( frequency fence) to be erected making it impossible for the higher soul frequency to connect into the physical matter vibration at incarnation. It was that timeline we were addressing that came from that Egyptian dynastic period.At this time, The Matriarchal Codes were stolen and some salvaged, and that was what was taken to Ireland, and hid underground in a series of portal systems. Ireland became the spawn of what is known as the lineage of Magog that then came further into power on the Earth, through the stolen feminine coding. The Alchemy was known, and the magi line was corrupted to perform what was necessary without the “spirit” ( i.e. feminine) intervention. The False King Male ( tyranny), with the greed for power having possessed his body( as he had been stolen of his spirit, without knowing) for he had made his “Faustian pact” with the “Devil”. Which means the love of power through stolen knowledge was bargained for by selling the soul, selling out the divine human’s birthright. This act was a catalyst in the timelines that would change the direction of human evolution at a planetary scale. ( approx. 3000-5000 years ago)Today was a type of reuniting and acknowledgment of the larger planetary land mass ( Ireland and England) to these masculine and feminine counterparts re-seeding themselves to prepare for another “wedded” template. This is a new creation of spiritual marriage being seeded into the morphogenetic fields by releasing the matriarchal codes once more to be found and carried by the rightful King’s and Queen’s ( so to speak) . This insight to the field tells us that another larger push to heal the masculine is underway, and the reversal systems used to control the mental body now have a pathway that carries those that seek it out of that mental prison construct. The pathway leading out into a higher octave is now here, and although we shall see some that will experience largely unpleasant circumstances, we are comforted to know that the pathway, the “gateway” is opened and available in a way that was not previously made. This is very good news and supports us in healing the masculine mental body (psycho-spiritual connections) in the larger planetary group consciousness grid systems.

Atonement of Azazael

We were in Portugal to view the crucifixion implant and black hearts of this NAA cross theology and to help release the martyrs blood - this is substance they had used to torture those people. It is the martyrs blood they use to BUILD and feed into these structures, and is why its important to dismantle martyrdom architecture. That crucifixion implant has a mirror in the UK, and the UK and Ireland act as the land mass of the anti -HG union in terms of the Reversal King and Reversal Queen. All of this feeds into and goes back into the UK areas. So if we remember the Cornwall PEG for BTR sessions, we got a glimpse of that huge and vast size of reversal male and female and that is the seed of Azazael.The gestalt of force that represent the reversal King and Queen on earth are a location and a consciousness force, called the Gog and Magog. They are Frankenstein-like creations of such vast and huge amounts of force, I believe we may be hitting into the source fields of Luciferian and Satanic gestalts in the earth matter and how these entities became "devils spawn". Thus they were able to inhabit this earthly plane through the war, killing, martyrdom and hatred for Christ races that they generated from their reversal parents. These forces were previously not capable of full embodiment in a matter plane, and seeing what they did here was to get a body, to make the undead shadows of the hell realms "come to life", in so they could "revel in its glory". Similar to a mad scientist who builds a Frankenstein body and thinks it is a "God-Creator" because it was able to animate life, but really unleashed a grotesque monster into the worlds. We are in a world where the mad scientist has invaded creation and run amok, to build Frankenstein like bodies, cyborgs, etc., where they can have dominion over their very own creations, the living dead or robotic. <ref>Atonement of Fallen Azazael

==References====See Also:==