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Revision as of 01:53, 3 December 2014

These large, tall and hairy humanoids may also be called Sasquatch and are inner earth or cavern-dwellers. They are known to forage through mountainous or wooded areas on the surface in search for roots, berries, grasses and nuts which make up their diet. They possess heightened Higher Sensory Perception ability which allows them to remain hidden and and stay away from human influence. Some are here to take genetic samples and monitor the status of the earth kingdom. They have often been described as having a human face on an ’ape-like’ body. They are mostly strict vegetarians. Most Sasquatch apparently possess a human Soul Matrix. They are usually described as being 6-9 ft. tall, while other branches may be smaller. Hairy humanoids, both large and smaller "dwarf like" entities, have on some occasions been observed in connection with UFO encounters, or subterranean encounters. Sasquatch have been known to attack humans ONLY in self defense (sometimes throwing large boulders to frighten intruders away). There is a possibility that other entities, possibly more animal than human, are the result of humanoid-Sasquatch and nonhuman-Sapien interbreeding or genetic manipulation, in which case the offspring might be more human OR beast in nature, but this is mere speculation. Another type of ’hairy humanoid’ is allegedly the result of genetic manipulation, and have been reported in underground bases in northwestern New Mexico and in Southern Nevada. Sasquatch apparently have the ability to spontaneously induce invisibility through producing an electromagnetic psychic shield around themselves, and are said to commute between our dimension and a "5th" dimensional realm. [1]


==See Also:==