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==Female Energy Blockage==
==Female Energy Blockage==
When the [[Mother Arc|female principle]] is blocked, which is when the heart, emotions and spiritual qualities are ignored, the body’s energies atrophy and decay. ( See [[Mitochondrial DNA]]) The eyes will appear lifeless ([[Soul Fragmentation|soulless]]).This decay manifests as yeast, candida, fungus, mold and related microorganism imbalances. Once yeast is rooted in the digestive systems, parasites and worms take hold through the digestive organs and may pass through into the blood stream. Once an infection has infiltrated the blood and gone systemic, serious disease patterns will generally be “diagnosed” and given clinical names. If one has identified systemic candida-yeast problems, healing of the female principle, female ancestors and one’s emotional relationship to all female related belief systems is highly suggested. (Mother, Sister, Aunt, Daughter, Wife, Friend, Self) If one has identified parasites, healing of the spiritual [[Lightbody]] (shielding) and developing core strength and acceptance of the [[Christos|inner spirit]] mission through the loving heart is highly suggested.<ref>[ November 2013 Newsletter]</ref>
When the [[Mother Arc|female principle]] is blocked, which is when the heart, emotions and spiritual qualities are ignored, the body’s energies atrophy and decay. ( See [[Mitochondrial DNA]]) The eyes will appear lifeless ([[Soul Fragmentation|soulless]]).This decay manifests as yeast, candida, fungus, mold and related microorganism imbalances. Once yeast is rooted in the digestive systems, parasites and worms take hold through the digestive organs and may pass through into the blood stream. Once an infection has infiltrated the blood and gone systemic, serious disease patterns will generally be “diagnosed” and given clinical names. If one has identified systemic candida-yeast problems, healing of the female principle, female ancestors and one’s emotional relationship to all female related belief systems is highly suggested. (Mother, Sister, Aunt, Daughter, Wife, Friend, Self) If one has identified parasites, healing of the spiritual [[Lightbody]] (shielding) and developing core strength and acceptance of the [[Christos|inner spirit]] mission through the loving heart is highly suggested.<ref>[ November 2013 Newsletter]</ref>
==Shadow Clearing is Emotional Wound Clearing==
At the most basic level, we each have a [[Universal Shadow|collective shadow body]] that we have inherited as connected to humanity, as well as an individual shadow body that has formed from accumulative traumatic experiences and emotional conflicts. The negative emotions generate shadow elemental substances and dead energies that build up and become enmeshed with our physical layers forming into energy blockages.  To release these energy blockages, we are required to address the [[Shadow Selves|shadow body]], so clearing the shadow means to first be able to face our emotional wounds. To achieve spiritual integration, we must become conscious of our past emotional [[Trauma]] and then allow a safe space in which to heal these dark places, in order to transmute the shadow body and live in a much more conscious, authentic, and loving lifestyle.
Core emotional wounds that form into our shadow and pain body sabotage our divine purpose and prevent us from finding deeper meaning in life, it dampens our joy and interferes with our service in this world. The shadow shows up as our unconscious fears, uncontrolled impulses, knee jerk reactions, chronic forms of anger, depression, loneliness and [[Addiction]]s. These accumulated [[Emotional Fracturing|emotional wounds]] form a dark shadow interior that will resonate with outer dark forces in matched resonance, and then the body can be used to transmit a range of negative forces in the environment. This phenomenon manifests as the psychic vampire profile, an unconscious person with unhealed shadow that has become a repository of outer negative forces, which they unconsciously transmit to others in exchange for siphoning higher energies from their target from a lack of [[Self Awareness]].<ref>[ Universal Shadow]</ref>