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Each [[Chakra]] wheel is responsible for interacting with the physical body through the stimulation of the respective endocrine gland and nerve plexus that runs its messaging. Each Chakra generally has had governance over the area of the body where it’s located and runs archetypal programs or patterns of expression.  As the false identity programming eventually dissolves, through expanding consciousness, the responsibility of the new functioning is given directly to the endocrine gland, and the body grows new nerve plexus in order to handle the circulation of connections into the bodily systems. This stimulates a reconnection of internal systems to communicate with the body parts, so the body parts can communicate with the [[Expanding Consciousness]]. The endocrine gland becomes awakened with new purpose and new frequency, and with potentially new functions.  <ref>[http://www.energeticsynthesis.com/index.php/resource-tools/news-shift-timelines/2723-genetic-mutations Genetic Mutations January 2016]</ref>
Each [[Chakra]] wheel is responsible for interacting with the physical body through the stimulation of the respective endocrine gland and nerve plexus that runs its messaging. Each Chakra generally has had governance over the area of the body where it’s located and runs archetypal programs or patterns of expression.  As the false identity programming eventually dissolves, through expanding consciousness, the responsibility of the new functioning is given directly to the endocrine gland, and the body grows new nerve plexus in order to handle the circulation of connections into the bodily systems. This stimulates a reconnection of internal systems to communicate with the body parts, so the body parts can communicate with the [[Expanding Consciousness]]. The endocrine gland becomes awakened with new purpose and new frequency, and with potentially new functions.  <ref>[http://www.energeticsynthesis.com/index.php/resource-tools/news-shift-timelines/2723-genetic-mutations Genetic Mutations January 2016]</ref>
==Dissolution of Particle Chakras==
There's a lot of obsolescence happening now with the movement of configurations impacting the lower field energies (1D, 2D and 3D). For that reason, we need to focus on primarily that seat of the [[Monad]] (hara complex), seat of the soul, clearing reversal polarities, and obsolete lower energies. We are being raised into the next higher frequency or harmonic attunement that is appropriate for the seat of the monad to be fully embodied ([[Hara Complex]]). We ask to determine the physical body stability and all physical matrix reconnections that support this core body, monadic embodiment.
Some of us may be experiencing a shift in the lower energies of our body, primarily the dissolution of Earth particle frequency color wave spectrums that we have previously known make up the construction of the lower body (1D-2D-3D chakras). Levels of that are undergoing upgrades. It is like a mixing of higher color waves from the higher spectrums directed into our lower chakra region, primarily the first and second layers. This is in direct alignment to the macrocosm dissolution and shifting of horizontal grids impacting the first and second dimensional frequencies and how those frequencies run in what we know as the particle spectrum. As that gets shifted at a macrocosm level of the planet, the platform of what our body has been using as a part of our structural matrix, that platform of our spirit body, undergoes a shifting and the color ray structure of that platform is undergoing multiple changes now.
==Chakra Software Template==
The chakra template is transmitted in its architecture from the planetary bodies that are in our solar system. Each chakra cone in the outer layers, the outer layers of the chakra cone that are projecting a template of consciousness. Think of it as an energy software, like a kind of software program that is influencing a level of expression. Again, all of that would be fine without the mind control overlay, but we understand that [[AI]] mind control overlay has been put in the template structure of the chakras to control the expression. What has happened in our bodies is that the overlay being used in [[Mind Control]] to bend, shape, influence or send harmful frequencies to the human being with the intention of enslavement, suppression or manipulation have been aimed through the planetary body ( In the solar system) that is in governance of that particular principal.
The planet Saturn, as a part of its governance over the [[Root Chakra]] created in our planet and in most of the human beings inhabiting this planet, because of the level of mind control being sent from Saturn and the negative alien agenda is using Saturn as an outpost for Orion to send out these mind control mechanisms, psychotronic warfare, etheric weaponry, everything that has to do with the [[Victim-Victimizer]] archetypes. A lot of our study of victim victimizer programming is intrinsic in the clarity that we are receiving in this period of time to be free from the software of Saturn using and directing victim victimizer software mind control. This is a subset of the [[Armageddon Software]]. When you understand that false timeline program promoting false identities, promoting the [[False King of Tyranny]], so that they can create a master slave race. That's what their agenda has always been. By creating a master and a slave, you create cycles of victimization. By doing that you increase the cycle of victim victimizer in the person who is believing they are subservient to the tyrant God, in this case a tyrant alien, who is masquerading as a God in order to create this impact of the master slave control of the terrain. This is especially true in the global religious mind control or spiritual mind control.<ref>[Transcript January 8, 2016 Group Session]</ref>
