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So its important to understand how these timelines work, as when you call back these aspects of [[Inner Child]] or Self, your calling back fragments of your Self that have been [[Soul]] splintered through those particular timelines, especially when deep wounds like this are left unresolved and unhealed. These create holes and vulnerbaility in our energy field that attract Entities, generally they can be discarnates, they can be beings that have unresolved issues on the [[Astral Plane]] that will actually start to attach to that person because it's a familiar energy vibrating [[Trauma]] for them. There are millions of reasons that entities attach to others, sometimes they are from agreement, but most all of these imbalances are created from unhealed Trauma wounds. We create from the law of resonance so when our body is resonating at a particular vibration of [[Trauma]] wound, then it will attract energies that are resonating at that same [[Frequency]] rate. That also will include entities and when entities start getting involved in attaching to the human energy field, then that person will experience feelings of great dense heaviness, depression, oppression, things that take away the natural joy that we have as spiritual beings infused with [[Soul]].
So its important to understand how these timelines work, as when you call back these aspects of [[Inner Child]] or Self, your calling back fragments of your Self that have been [[Soul]] splintered through those particular timelines, especially when deep wounds like this are left unresolved and unhealed. These create holes and vulnerbaility in our energy field that attract Entities, generally they can be discarnates, they can be beings that have unresolved issues on the [[Astral Plane]] that will actually start to attach to that person because it's a familiar energy vibrating [[Trauma]] for them. There are millions of reasons that entities attach to others, sometimes they are from agreement, but most all of these imbalances are created from unhealed Trauma wounds. We create from the law of resonance so when our body is resonating at a particular vibration of [[Trauma]] wound, then it will attract energies that are resonating at that same [[Frequency]] rate. That also will include entities and when entities start getting involved in attaching to the human energy field, then that person will experience feelings of great dense heaviness, depression, oppression, things that take away the natural joy that we have as spiritual beings infused with [[Soul]].

There is a huge connection between these deep [[Trauma]] wounds that remain unhealed and over time the wounds are exaggerated and magnified in their painful effects by a 1000, through the entities that the person is now carrying. The more emotional charge that is around the [[Trauma]] is the number one issue that leads to addiction. So if there are deep wounds, not only emotionally, but also around the [[Instinctual Body]] that has to do with addiction, this wounding is very difficult on the emotional and etheric body of that human being. I just wish so much we could get this information out to the millions of beings that have addiction problems because if we started clearing the entities alone from the people that have addiction problems, they probably would be relieved by about 60 or 70%. I can't tell you how many times I've seen people deeply entrenched in problems of wounds or addiction or abuse and a huge percentage of their perceived pain isn't even coming from them, as the individual, it’s actually being filtered in from the airwaves not only from the etheric energies that they're attracting, but the entities that are manipulating it, because if you're not fully in your power as a being, you don't understand this realm in which dark entities exist.<ref>[PSD #4 Attachments]</ref>
There is a huge connection between these deep [[Trauma]] wounds that remain unhealed and over time the wounds are exaggerated and magnified in their painful effects by a 1000, through the entities that the person is now carrying. The more emotional charge that is around the [[Trauma]] is the number one issue that leads to addiction. So if there are deep wounds, not only emotionally, but also around the [[Instinctual Mind]] that has to do with addiction, this wounding is very difficult on the emotional and etheric body of that human being. I just wish so much we could get this information out to the millions of beings that have addiction problems because if we started clearing the entities alone from the people that have addiction problems, they probably would be relieved by about 60 or 70%. I can't tell you how many times I've seen people deeply entrenched in problems of wounds or addiction or abuse and a huge percentage of their perceived pain isn't even coming from them, as the individual, it’s actually being filtered in from the airwaves not only from the etheric energies that they're attracting, but the entities that are manipulating it, because if you're not fully in your power as a being, you don't understand this realm in which dark entities exist.<ref>[PSD #4 Attachments]</ref>

==Soul Fragmentation==
==Soul Fragmentation==