Caduceus Nadial Network: Difference between revisions

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In regards to the [[Nadial Structure]], the Caduceus has its own overlay of nadial systems enmeshed in the several layers of the human lightbody, including the etheric layers and soul matrix layers, as well as a top layer over axial tonal lines, to interfere with correct alignment of the inner vertical channels. In some ways it appears that the Caduceus “nadis network” was piggybacking on the core soul nadial layers in the human lightbody. This false overlay was redirecting the energy channels into running reversal current, or lunar forces, used to hijack soul energy. Essentially, the [[Caduceus Nadial Network]] imposed upon the human body is to create an ascending path for lunar forms, or support to feed soul energy into lunar consciousness and related [[Moon Chain]] forms.<ref>[ Changing Architecture]</ref>
In regards to the [[Nadial Structure]], the Caduceus has its own overlay of nadial systems enmeshed in the several layers of the human lightbody, including the etheric layers and soul matrix layers, as well as a top layer over axial tonal lines, to interfere with correct alignment of the inner vertical channels. In some ways it appears that the Caduceus “nadis network” was piggybacking on the core soul nadial layers in the human lightbody. This false overlay was redirecting the energy channels into running reversal current, or lunar forces, used to hijack soul energy. Essentially, the [[Caduceus Nadial Network]] imposed upon the human body is to create an ascending path for lunar forms, or support to feed soul energy into lunar consciousness and related [[Moon Chain]] forms.
Regardless, the Caduceus configuration overlay on the Ida-Pingala breath current is referenced as running false light and lunar light through its nadis overlay. It’s time to evolve beyond this lunar structure and move into the [[Solar Logos]] nadial transmissions, which are coming from rainbow plasma filaments connecting to a vast network of Sun Stars, that can also be referred to as the Galactic or Cosmic Suns, and these are [[Paliadorians]] from the [[God Worlds]]. This is a long-term evolution project as one can imagine, reconfiguring and upgrading the human lightbody nadial structure and central nervous system is not generally something that can happen extremely quickly, unless there is a pre-birth agreement. As humans in the material world, we need to function in the environment that we are exposed to and have inherited as a result of incarnating on planet earth. However, this phase seems to be a big milestone in the upgrades to the nadial structure and CNS reconfiguration, in which we may experience completely different and unusual symptoms, like metabolic changes and body parts going offline temporarily.
As the human nadial structure sheds the lunar channels, it ripples effects in the messaging of our physical central nervous system. This effects more specifically those nadis that run from the center column in the [[Chakra]] cone and down into each of extremities, into our hands, fingers and feet and toes. Most tingling sensation starts at the joint, like the knee down through the shin, and the elbow joint down to the forearm leading into the hand and fingers. Tingling, heat, palpitations and temporary numbness in body parts are common as new nadis neurology comes online and is being calibrated to the Krystal body. The heart complex nadis sends current directly from up to shoulders and runs down to each center palm and spreads into the fingers and tips. The primary nadis responsible for moving upwards inner spiritual forces throughout the body for higher frequency activation is located in the throat center area, as well there are many nadis links from mouth to rectum, and into the throat which connects into all facial orifices. The 5D throat center is the primary center that runs, pushes and moves the kundalini activation to circulate into and around the body parts.
[[Starseed]]s hold certain frequencies, holographic architecture or specified blueprints to be activated in the earth grid, and thus when major events like the Caduceus network dismantling occurs, some of us may experience more direct and acute symptoms as a result of being a [[Gridworker]]. The current theme has been accelerating so we want to pay more attention and participate as consciously as possible, to support changes occurring in our nadial structure and central nervous system. It helps to reduce stress and take special care of our body as we may experience sudden, strange and unusual neurological related symptoms in the process of bio-neurological calibration to a [[Krist-Krystallah|Krystal body]] template. This usually means more rest and not pushing yourself too hard to get things done, we have to pace ourselves and assess our available energy, being careful about too much exertion. Yet, during intense [[Kundalini]] phases we may need to stretch and move our body in order to increase circulation and energy movement with some low impact exercise.<ref>[ Changing Architecture]</ref>