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New Age astral bliss narratives are filled with fantastical illusions, wishful and magical thinking, self-deception and escapist fantasies of the rainbows and butterflies outlook on life that appear to be like a Disney movie. Many times, severely emotionally wounded people are led into the New Age, where they are not interested in healing themselves or taking responsibility for their behaviors. They seek instead, further excuses to continue negative behaviors and being deceptive to others, in an accepted social setting. To have better discernment, the most common New Age Astral bliss profiles may include demonstrated qualities such as:
New Age astral bliss narratives are filled with fantastical illusions, wishful and magical thinking, self-deception and escapist fantasies of the rainbows and butterflies outlook on life that appear to be like a Disney movie. Many times, severely emotionally wounded people are led into the New Age, where they are not interested in healing themselves or taking responsibility for their behaviors. They seek instead, further excuses to continue negative behaviors and being deceptive to others, in an accepted social setting. To have better discernment, the most common New Age Astral bliss profiles may include demonstrated qualities such as:

Complacency, carelessness, demonstrating a lack of responsibility and cluelessness towards others
* Complacency, carelessness, demonstrating a lack of responsibility and cluelessness towards others
Easily mentally confused and overwhelmed, vacant eyes and expression, incoherent and fractured communication
* Easily mentally confused and overwhelmed, vacant eyes and expression, incoherent and fractured communication
Drug like ecstasy, euphoria to sedative state when in astral frequency transmissions from Guru
* Drug like ecstasy, euphoria to sedative state when in astral frequency transmissions from Guru
Addictive tendencies to recreate the astral bliss filled state over and over again
* Addictive tendencies to recreate the astral bliss filled state over and over again
Projected spiritual fantasies on others, accusing others of being dark, prone to emotional tantrums, acts as the chaos-disruptor
* Projected spiritual fantasies on others, accusing others of being dark, prone to emotional tantrums, acts as the chaos-disruptor
Ungrounded in body therefore prone to self-delusions, naïve with poor decision making
* Ungrounded in body therefore prone to self-delusions, naïve with poor decision making
May be prone to emotional hysteria and archetypes of drama (rolling around on the ground crying, screaming, going into primal or fetal states when in groups)
* May be prone to emotional hysteria and archetypes of drama (rolling around on the ground crying, screaming, going into primal or fetal states when in groups)
Lack of discernment in environmental energies, places trust in untrustworthy people and highly corrupted organizations
* Lack of discernment in environmental energies, places trust in untrustworthy people and highly corrupted organizations
Auric disconnections in one or more layers (i.e. body and heart disconnected)
* Auric disconnections in one or more layers (i.e. body and heart disconnected)
No boundaries and open to whatever may come in the astral, covered with energy parasites
* No boundaries and open to whatever may come in the astral, covered with energy parasites
Rejects existence of pain and fear when confronted by it, cannot tell dark from light
* Rejects existence of pain and fear when confronted by it, cannot tell dark from light
Says everyone is "one" and so they can take whatever you have, because its theirs already
* Says everyone is "one" and so they can take whatever you have, because its theirs already
Tends to lack discipline or self-responsibility, may confuse drug like states and addictive states with higher consciousness state, retraumatizes wounds and fragments through drug use in shamanic journeying
* Tends to lack discipline or self-responsibility, may confuse drug like states and addictive states with higher consciousness state, retraumatizes wounds and fragments through drug use in shamanic journeying
Holier than thou with prideful self-importance, declares they are on a spiritual mission and that gives them permission to treat others badly
* Holier than thou with prideful self-importance, declares they are on a spiritual mission and that gives them permission to treat others badly
Hedonistic or bohemian personality, a total sensualist nature, following the highest excitement (Do what thou wilt)
* Hedonistic or bohemian personality, a total sensualist nature, following the highest excitement (Do what thou wilt)
Alien implanted, unaware of the existence of implants, mind control or negative ego
* Alien implanted, unaware of the existence of implants, mind control or negative ego
Unwilling to confront or face negativity or bad behaviors for fear of being labeled judgmental
* Unwilling to confront or face negativity or bad behaviors for fear of being labeled judgmental
Low ethical behavior, holds grudges, easily puts down others and engages in malicious gossip
* Low ethical behavior, holds grudges, easily puts down others and engages in malicious gossip
These naïve astral visions propagated by the New Age hijack have filled people’s minds with denial, one of the most potent forms of fear-based programming. Denying the nature of reality and denying the painful truth by remaining in escapism and complacency by avoiding self-responsibility. These disempowering and negative qualities have come to be the primary factors that have dominated the acceptable narratives that are included in the New Age movement as group think.  Some of the New Age material has promoted shocking emotional damage to people in this way, by positively rewarding negative behaviors and unethical conduct such as spiritual bypassing, as acceptable norms in the management of the spiritual community.
These naïve astral visions propagated by the New Age hijack have filled people’s minds with denial, one of the most potent forms of fear-based programming. Denying the nature of reality and denying the painful truth by remaining in escapism and complacency by avoiding self-responsibility. These disempowering and negative qualities have come to be the primary factors that have dominated the acceptable narratives that are included in the New Age movement as group think.  Some of the New Age material has promoted shocking emotional damage to people in this way, by positively rewarding negative behaviors and unethical conduct such as spiritual bypassing, as acceptable norms in the management of the spiritual community.