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To be able to understand the sociopathic sick mind of AD systems, one would need to better understand the general attitude of an AD infected human or nonhuman (NAA). If a technologically advanced extradimensional race has decided to implement a gradual takeover of a planet and its inhabitants, what strategy would it use? First they would look to how they could maximize the efficiency of the invasion process and reduce the expenditure of resources that they have to generate themselves. To achieve this goal the secretive infiltration of the core societal organizational structures such as: religions, medical, financial and legal systems, would be ideal to shape the value systems that generate reality belief systems they want to control. Through the engineering of a labyrinth of self–enforced enslavement policies based on fear and intimidation among the earth inhabitants, they would achieve the use of minimal “off planet” resources by piggy backing on the earth-human resources. The people on earth would effectively enforce their own enslavement as well as enslave their own global human family by giving up their rights and their resources. This is very effective for takeover and invasion with minimal resistance or revolt by inhabitants who are unaware they are being invaded.
To be able to understand the sociopathic sick mind of AD systems, one would need to better understand the general attitude of an AD infected human or nonhuman (NAA). If a technologically advanced extradimensional race has decided to implement a gradual takeover of a planet and its inhabitants, what strategy would it use? First they would look to how they could maximize the efficiency of the invasion process and reduce the expenditure of resources that they have to generate themselves. To achieve this goal the secretive infiltration of the core societal organizational structures such as: religions, medical, financial and legal systems, would be ideal to shape the value systems that generate reality belief systems they want to control. Through the engineering of a labyrinth of self–enforced enslavement policies based on fear and intimidation among the earth inhabitants, they would achieve the use of minimal “off planet” resources by piggy backing on the earth-human resources. The people on earth would effectively enforce their own enslavement as well as enslave their own global human family by giving up their rights and their resources. This is very effective for takeover and invasion with minimal resistance or revolt by inhabitants who are unaware they are being invaded.

==AD Strategy 1: Divide and Conquer==Divide and conquer the inhabitants of earth by generating secret societies that are heavily rewarded with earthy power by infiltrating and establishing AD programs and behaviors among their influencers. By establishing bloodline spiritual relationships in the ruling classes, these humans are indoctrinated at birth to believe their elite status through bloodline and that their god of choice will protect them and their families on the luciferian or satanic ideology. To be an apostate of their ruling class secrets is punishable by torture or death. The main tool for human Divide and Conquer is generating war, economic terrorism, blood sacrifice, sexual abuse, mind control and SRA to steal physical and energetic resources generating all its combined power to feed back into a centralized system of control. (NWO)
==AD Strategy 1: Divide and Conquer==

==AD Strategy 2: Victim/Victimizer==Indoctrination into the AD behaviors and their supporting organizations will require mind control in repetition to repeat the regurgitation of dogma, and methods of intimidation to self-enforce those systems from human to human. This indoctrination must start at birth and be entrained by childhood for maximum conformity to accept AD abusive behaviors and loss of personal dignity as a way of life. The goal is to start as early as possible to superimpose these AD behaviors on babies and children. Introduction of the victim/victimizer abuser pattern as a mind control structure is implemented everywhere possible. When the baby or child is victimized by abusers, they grow up as adults that inflict abuse upon their victims, thereby switching their roles interchangeably. The indoctrinated and repeated patterns of abuse are cycled throughout and are medicated with mind altering and neurologically harming pharmaceuticals as soon as possible. More advanced levels of the V/V program is Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA), which is more common than any sane person would like to know about.
Divide and conquer the inhabitants of earth by generating secret societies that are heavily rewarded with earthy power by infiltrating and establishing AD programs and behaviors among their influencers. By establishing bloodline spiritual relationships in the ruling classes, these humans are indoctrinated at birth to believe their elite status through bloodline and that their god of choice will protect them and their families on the luciferian or satanic ideology. To be an apostate of their ruling class secrets is punishable by torture or death. The main tool for human Divide and Conquer is generating war, economic terrorism, blood sacrifice, sexual abuse, mind control and SRA to steal physical and energetic resources generating all its combined power to feed back into a centralized system of control. (NWO)
==AD Strategy 2: Victim/Victimizer==
Indoctrination into the AD behaviors and their supporting organizations will require mind control in repetition to repeat the regurgitation of dogma, and methods of intimidation to self-enforce those systems from human to human. This indoctrination must start at birth and be entrained by childhood for maximum conformity to accept AD abusive behaviors and loss of personal dignity as a way of life. The goal is to start as early as possible to superimpose these AD behaviors on babies and children. Introduction of the victim/victimizer abuser pattern as a mind control structure is implemented everywhere possible. When the baby or child is victimized by abusers, they grow up as adults that inflict abuse upon their victims, thereby switching their roles interchangeably. The indoctrinated and repeated patterns of abuse are cycled throughout and are medicated with mind altering and neurologically harming pharmaceuticals as soon as possible. More advanced levels of the V/V program is Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA), which is more common than any sane person would like to know about.

==AD Strategy 3: Sexual Abuse and Misery==Sexual abuse and sexual misery are preferred by AD because it serves many purposes for torturing human beings into submission and enslavement. 1. The sexual energies can be stolen and used by the black magician or the sexual predator as a “reward” system to carry out AD behaviors. 2. Vaginal or anal rape can yield soul energies that are siphoned and bound to the human or demonic entity that has committed the act of rape. Raping children is the most productive way to steal soul energy and create soul damage in the child which becomes an adult with dissociative, split or narcisstic personalities. Many raped children suffer with soul bindings to demonic and satanic entities, both human and nonhuman. The most common soul binding used in child rape and genital mutilation in SRA is the demonic altar of Moloch. 3. The dissatisfaction with sexuality and dysfunctional fears that are generated within sexual relations create misery, pain and torment for many humans on the earth. This misery if not healed erupts into deviations, perversions and fetishes which are further satanically controlled through whatever means. This disconnects the person from soul, and the great void of pain generates addiction, many times within the sexual energies of the person whom is desperate for relief from personal anxiety or pain. In many cases this pain creates a double life or duplicity, the person appears normal in their day job, and yet behind the scenes is addicted to deviant behavior as an outlet for anxiety.
==AD Strategy 3: Sexual Abuse and Misery==Sexual abuse and sexual misery are preferred by AD because it serves many purposes for torturing human beings into submission and enslavement. 1. The sexual energies can be stolen and used by the black magician or the sexual predator as a “reward” system to carry out AD behaviors. 2. Vaginal or anal rape can yield soul energies that are siphoned and bound to the human or demonic entity that has committed the act of rape. Raping children is the most productive way to steal soul energy and create soul damage in the child which becomes an adult with dissociative, split or narcisstic personalities. Many raped children suffer with soul bindings to demonic and satanic entities, both human and nonhuman. The most common soul binding used in child rape and genital mutilation in SRA is the demonic altar of Moloch. 3. The dissatisfaction with sexuality and dysfunctional fears that are generated within sexual relations create misery, pain and torment for many humans on the earth. This misery if not healed erupts into deviations, perversions and fetishes which are further satanically controlled through whatever means. This disconnects the person from soul, and the great void of pain generates addiction, many times within the sexual energies of the person whom is desperate for relief from personal anxiety or pain. In many cases this pain creates a double life or duplicity, the person appears normal in their day job, and yet behind the scenes is addicted to deviant behavior as an outlet for anxiety.