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Self-esteem is a human psychological need and that to the extent this need remains unmet, pathology of [[Ego Defense Mechanism]]  (controlling, anxiety, depression, difficulty in relationships, etc.) tends to result. Self-esteem formally is the disposition to experience oneself as competent to cope with the basic challenges of life and as worthy of happiness. While others (parents, teachers, friends) can nurture and support self-esteem in an individual, self-esteem relies upon various internally generated practices.  As we commit to these internally generated practices, we build trust in ourselves. Simultaneously, this is at the core of strong self-esteem and confidence. All change starts within.
Self-esteem is a human psychological need and that to the extent this need remains unmet, pathology of [[Ego Defense Mechanism]]  (controlling, anxiety, depression, difficulty in relationships, etc.) tends to result. Self-esteem formally is the disposition to experience oneself as competent to cope with the basic challenges of life and as worthy of happiness. While others (parents, teachers, friends) can nurture and support self-esteem in an individual, self-esteem relies upon various internally generated practices.  As we commit to these internally generated practices, we build trust in ourselves. Simultaneously, this is at the core of strong self-esteem and confidence. All change starts within.
[[Uncleared Conflicts create Mental Anxiety==
The lower particle fields in the [[Shifting into Second Harmonic Universe|third dimension are rolling up into higher dimensional spaces]], and are ceasing to exist in the same way that they were. The contents that were in these lower particle fields include the collective unconscious mind and pain body of all of humanity. All of this content of unconsciousness and pain is coming to the surface of the earth to be made visible, and people do not know what to do with the painful content when they are feeling it, or when it is pushing to be expressed through their body. This shift is unseen in the visible light spectrum, and although many people cannot see the dimensions rolling up, they can feel it happening. When people cannot see something occurring externally, they can still feel it occurring internally. If there are no words or context to describe the feeling, and no one else is talking about it, this unknown feeling can bring anxiety, doubts and fears. If this accumulated anxiety is not addressed, it builds momentum and the unprocessed content can be emotionally or physically explosive. In the extreme, we can see many lost and confused males under 30 acting out the unconscious rage surfacing from these lower particle fields. They are used by dark forces to magnify the victimizer programs through inflicting pain and hurt on many more people near them.
Many people can feel that the energetic root in the third dimensional foundation of the earth field has shifted, which lends to sensations of great anxiety, tension and stress. This is the feeling of having no secure foundation or safety, as if the floor and walls are crumbling away. When the foundation of our third dimensional identity is crumbling, the consciousness of the body feels anxiety and stress, through the confusion of not comprehending what is actually occurring.  The earth is entering an amplified state of multidimensional bleed-through, as many other realities are spilling into this reality, and the accumulated energies, entities and experiences are very confusing for many. People do not know how to process what they are feeling, what they are experiencing, and how to give it proper context, from all the lies and deceptions they have been told about the nature of reality. As a result we see the outward manifestation of constant mental anxiety and exhibiting imbalanced to extreme negative behaviors. These are the uncleared mental and emotional conflicts, which exist inside that person, which can further create fragmentation and attachments.
Sadly, this is resulting in the extreme mental and emotional imbalances that are manifesting outwardly in many of the earth population, who are being suppressed from accessing [[Lightbody|multidimensional consciousness anatomy]], as well as [[Ascension]] knowledge.  People that are unprepared mentally, emotionally and spiritually, to comprehend the impact of these Ascension changes made upon our body, are subjected to excessive sensations of emotional tension and mental anxiety. Unfortunately, the suppression of consciousness information has been made successful by labeling multidimensional consciousness experiences as psychological or emotional diseases. Nonetheless, with nonjudgment and unconditional love, it is imperative to address unresolved conflicts that create anxiety in our mind, emotions and body, and apply clearing and healing tools to remove discord, and replace these negative feelings with neutrality and inner harmony. With some basic energetic context and proper [[Meditation]] tools, this can be accomplished. When personal effort toward healing or improvement is made, it does not matter what kind of belief system that person has.<ref>[ Cause and Effect]</ref>

==Building Core Self==  
==Building Core Self==