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A [[Morphogenetic Field]] is a form-holding [[Blueprint]] that stores information for how that "form" of consciousness will manifest. Morphogenetic Fields are comprised by templates of conscious light and sound which serve as the blueprints on which matter and conscious identity will then manifest. This occurs at a microcosmic and macrocosmic level and is a part of the mechanics of all creation. All matter forms and forms of consciousness, including planetary bodies and human bodies, are manifested through these morphogenetic imprints. The architecture of that manifestation template is the [[12 Tree Grid]]. Layers upon layers of morphogenetic fields exist at every level form has manifested at each dimensional plane in the [[Universal Tree of Life]]. Our personal blueprint is known as our personal [[Morphogenetic Field]], and it expands to exist at a planetary level, the Galactic level, The Universal Level and Multi-verse levels. All of the levels of the manifestation templates, the Personal, Planetary, Galactic and Universal 12 Tree Grids are nested together interconnected as what manifest within our holographic reality.
To describe the antiparticle layers that exist in the higher [[Chakra]] system, these higher chakras 8 through 15 are called anti-particle chakras or [[Morphogenetic Chakra]]s.
[[File:Body-15-Chakras.png|thumb|right|Chakras 8-15|Anti-Particle Chakras 8-15]]
[[File:Body-15-Chakras.png|thumb|right|Chakras 8-15|Anti-Particle Chakras 8-15]]