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[[Emotional Self-Regulation]] or regulation of emotion is the ability to respond to the ongoing demands of life experiences with the range of emotions in a balanced manner that is spiritually healthy and supportive for the individual, the purpose is to reduce or eliminate self harming behaviors as a result of a lack of [[Impulse Control]]. [[Emotional Self-Regulation]] is directly related to increasing ones [[Emotional Competence]] and [[Coherence]].  
[[Emotional Self-Regulation]] or regulation of emotion is the ability to respond to the ongoing demands of life experiences with the range of emotions in a balanced manner that is spiritually healthy and supportive for the individual, the purpose is to reduce or eliminate self harming behaviors as a result of a lack of [[Impulse Control]]. [[Emotional Self-Regulation]] is directly related to increasing ones [[Emotional Competence]] and [[Coherence]].  

==Emotional Intelligence==
On the pathway of Spiritual [[Ascension]], we are constantly challenged to address and heal our [[Pain Body]] in so that we can increase emotional intelligence which leads to emotional balance.  Emotions are like a spectrum of color we can choose when painting the color palette of our life landscape. When we use a certain emotional color, we must realize that we can choose another emotional color and paint over the previous colors which creates a different landscape. Emotions are energetic intelligence that create a color wave spectrum. One does not have to remain stuck in an emotional state if they learn to shift the emotional state through shifting thoughts. If we do not know how to monitor our emotional state and learn to choose consciously our mental attitudes that shape how we feel, we can feel at the mercy of the unhealed instinctual mind or [[Pain Body]]. When the pain body is unhealed, and the ego is dominating ones thoughts, the unhealed emotions buried within the body can surface with [[Mental Triggers]]. This may feel like a banshee whipping us with uncontrollable amounts of painful or negative emotions.