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From The Zodiac and the Salts of Salvation by Dr. George Washington Carey and Inez Eudora Perry 1932]]
From The Zodiac and the Salts of Salvation by Dr. George Washington Carey and Inez Eudora Perry 1932]]

This ancient knowledge was studied and understood by many of the Ancient Mystery Schools, the importance of mineral cell salts in the process of spiritual initiation into hierogamic union, which allows higher frequencies to be embodied through the nourishing of the cells with the mineralized energy form that is required to transmutate the cell. This is a guideline provided based on the Alchemical Laws of the Zodiac which is based on material compiled and written by George W. Carey, M.D. and Inez Eudora Perry, "The Biochemic System of Medicine", and the "Zodiac and the Salts of Salvation" by George W. Carey, M.D.
This ancient knowledge was studied and understood by many of the Ancient Mystery Schools, the importance of mineral cell salts in the process of spiritual initiation into hierogamic union [[Hieros Gamos]], which allows higher frequencies to be embodied through the nourishing of the cells with the mineralized energy form that is required to transmutate the cell. This is a guideline provided based on the Alchemical Laws of the Zodiac which is based on material compiled and written by George W. Carey, M.D. and Inez Eudora Perry, "The Biochemic System of Medicine", and the "Zodiac and the Salts of Salvation" by George W. Carey, M.D.

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==4. Ferrum Phosphoricum (Ferr. Phos)==
==4. Ferrum Phosphoricum (Ferr. Phos)==

Rising or Sun Sign:Pisces
'''Rising or Sun Sign:Pisces'''
Rules: FEET
Rules: FEET
Mutable ELECTRIC FORCE,Female,Cold  
Mutable ELECTRIC FORCE,Female,Cold  
Neptune Ruler: Escapist/Escapism.
Neptune Ruler: Escapist/Escapism.

Mineral compound of iron and phosphorus. Both iron and phosphorus are in the body independently; phosphorus contributes to bone and muscle health, and iron aids the exchange of oxygen in the blood. Homeopathic practitioners consider ferrum phos good for patients who suffer from ailments with low energy and anemia. Target Ailments (Take internally)* tickling hacking coughs with chest pain, headaches, fevers that begin slowly, ear infections, early menstrual periods accompanied by headaches, anemia, fatigue, nosebleeds, sore throat, vomiting, palpitations. Use Ferr. Phos Externally on wounds and cuts--first line of defense for healing.  
Mineral compound of iron and phosphorus. Both iron and phosphorus are in the body independently; phosphorus contributes to bone and muscle health, and iron aids the exchange of oxygen in the blood. Homeopathic practitioners consider ferrum phosphate good for patients who suffer from ailments with low energy and anemia. Target Ailments (Take internally)* tickling hacking coughs with chest pain, headaches, fevers that begin slowly, ear infections, early menstrual periods accompanied by headaches, anemia, fatigue, nosebleeds, sore throat, vomiting, palpitations. Use Ferr. Phos Externally on wounds and cuts--first line of defense for healing.  
Ferrum Phos. is a natural source of iron for anemia.Found in all cells of the body but primarily in the hemoglobin of red blood cells and in the muscle cells of the blood and lymph vessels and in hair cells. Used for acute phases of disease. Increases body development; regulates the bowels; improves the appetite and relieves debility and listlessness. Also used in vomiting of food and blood; nosebleeds; teething fever; inflamed hemorrhoids; retention of urine in children; excessive menses; congestion, inflammatory pain in general, high temperatures, increased heart rates, insomnia and congestive headaches. FERRUM PHOS. is the cell salt for Pisces. It is the only common metal salt among the twelve cell salts, and is critically important in its function of making all of the other cell salts more effective. It is required for healthy red blood cells; lack of it can cause anemia. Pisces rules the lymphatic system and the feet. Ferrum phos. distributes oxygen to all body organs and tissues, and is indicated in all cases of inflammation and fever. It enables the blood and the lymph to carry waste and poisons away from affected tissue. It is especially indicated for people who are nervous and sensitive, who come down with every transient cold or flu.
Ferrum Phosphate is recommended in all the inflammations [cleansing] that are found in initial stage and in any organ, in the initial forms of inflammation with fever and congestion, in certain anemias, in children with anorexia and loss of weight. Ferr. Phos. is widely used salt is mostly found in the blood, veins, arteries, lungs, ears, and nose. It is THE principal first-aid remedy due to its anti inflammatory action. All fevers indicate iron phosphate. Since it is a part of hemoglobin, Ferr. Phos. helps to carry oxygen more efficiently throughout the body, helping it to fight all infections. It is indicated for anemia, as well as internal hemorrhaging. External bleeding can often be stopped by sprinkling the powdered salt on the wound. Fer. Phos. is mostly used at the beginning stages of all acute illnesses.
==5. Kalium Muriaticum (Kali Mur.)==
'''Rising or Sun Sign: Gemini'''
Mutable, ELECTRIC FORCE, Neutral, Cold   
Mercury Ruler: Mental
Potassium chloride is a mineral supplement prescribed for the treatment and prevention of potassium depletion. Such depletion usually results from the excretion of minerals through increased urine flow. A potassium chloride deficiency results in coating of the tongue, gland swelling, skin scaling, and excess mucous discharge. Kali Mur.  is used to clear the  residual effects of colds and flu such as fluid in the ear or excessive mucus in nose and throat. Has a special affinity for fibrin and is useful in diseases causing blisters. Indicated in all inflammatory or catarrhal conditions such as chickenpox, measles, burns and scalds, leucorrhea (white blood cells flowing out of the system via diarrhea), jaundice, acne and asthma. It is also used for sluggish conditions, sore throat, white colored tongue, light colored stools, coughs and colds. Potassium chloride is the cell salt for Gemini. Gemini rules the lungs, bronchial tree, shoulders, arms and hands, the tubes of the body and the central nervous system. Kali mur. is the cell salt essential to the formation of most cells in the body except the bone cells and helps cells retain their shape.  Symptoms of a deficiency of Kali mur. are congestion of the bronchial tubes, excessive mucus in the nose and sinuses, or swollen glands, including mumps and tonsillitis. Chronic inflammation of the mucus membranes can occur when the body is unable to break down nutrients and they are being run off in the form of mucus. Kali mur. breaks down mucus and allows the body to effectively create new tissue from dietary intake.
Potassium Chloride is recommended in the cases that we have mucus, infections. Circulation Enlarged Lymph Nodes.  Pharyngitis ("Strep Throat") and Allergy, Environment, Toxicity.  Potassium Chloride is an essential component of muscles, nerve cells, blood, mucous membranes, and brain cells. In the blood, this mineral helps to form fibrin. When there is not enough fibrin in the blood, a thick, white discharge results. Along with Calc. Phos., this salt is good for the convalescent. All ear and throat ailments, especially tonsillitis, respond well to potassium chloride. Kali Mur is often used in conjunction with Ferr. Phos. for treating fevers, headaches, abscesses, bleeding, coughs, and styes.
==6. Kali Phosphoricum (Kali Phos)== 
'''Rising or Sun Sign: Aries '''
Cardinal  MAGNETIC FORCE, Male, Hot     
Mars Ruler: Active, Tenancious and Head strong.
Potassium phosphate is found in all fluids and tissues in the body. A deficiency of this cell salt is characterized by intense body odor. It is used to treat mental problems such as depression, irritability, neuralgia, dizziness, headaches, and nervous stomach.Found in all cells, especially the gray matter of the brain , nerves, muscles, blood cells and plasma. All oxidation processes use this. The exchange of gasses in respiration and breakdown of fatty tissue depends on it. It is natures’ great “antiseptic” hindering decay in the organism. A remedy for offensive secretions and excretions, for nerve depression or excitement, sexual impotence, nervous headaches, lack of pep, ill humor, skin ailments, occasional sleeplessness, timidity, tantrums, loss of nerve and mental power or after great mental and bodily strain, and for nervous giddiness and squinting. Potassium  phosphate is the Aries cell salt. It is a nerve nutrient with a significant effect on the nerve cells, especially the brain cells. It is used for all forms of mental fatigue, as well as for depression, insomnia, irritability, hysteria and headaches. Nervous disorders and fatigue from long hours of concentration and overwork are particularly responsive to Kali phos.
Kalium Phosphate is recommended in oversensitive individuals, nervously and with decreased liveliness. Potassium Phosphate is mostly found as a component of the brain, nerve cells, spinal cord, and blood. Since it is found so much in the nervous system, Kali Phos. is indicated for all emotional problems such as depression, sadness, apathy, stress, irritability, poor memory, and irrational fears. Along with Ferr. Phos., Kali Phos. helps to carry oxygen in the body. It is therefore good for all infective or septic conditions. Some of the old homeopathic repertories recommend this cell salt when cancerous tumors are present. Along with Mag Phos., this salt helps to restore the nervous system to rightful functioning. Remember it for cases of shingles and neuralgia!
==7. Kalium Sulphuricum (Kali Sulph)== 
'''Rising or Sun Sign: Virgo  '''
Mutable, ELECTRIC FORCE, Neutral,Cold
Mercury-Chiron Rulers:  Mental body and Service to Others
Potassium sulphate is an oxygen-carrier for the skin. A deficiency of this cell salt causes a deposit on the tongue, and slimy nasal , eye, ear and mouth secretions. Found in epidermis and epithelial cells. Carries oxygen to the cells. Used for hot flashes; chills; weariness; heaviness; giddiness; boxed in feelings; stomach catarrh; inflammatory conditions; eruptions of the skin; shifting pains; palpitations; anxiety; fear; sadness; toothaches; headaches and pains in limbs that tend to increase indoors especially in warm and close rooms or in the warm air of the summer; yellow/slimy catarrhal discharges; dandruff; psoriasis and diseases of the nails (rough or ribbed).  Potassium sulfate is the salt attributed to those born under the sign of Virgo. Virgo rules the small intestine, spleen and lower alimentary system. Kali sulph. improves the body's ability to take up nutrition efficiently, and particularly to make and distribute oils throughout the system. As we age, our decreasing ability to effectively use what we eat shows up in dryness of the skin and hair. Kali sulph. assists (with another cell salt, Ferrum phos.) in the oxygenation of skin cells, and is the lubricant that keeps the body machinery functioning. A deficiency of Kali sulph. can cause eczema, dandruff, psoriasis, or any diseases where there has been a rash or scaling of the skin..
Kalium Sulphate(Potassium Sulphate ) is recommended in dermal problems (psoriasis, eczema, alopecia) and for problems in the epithelial cells. Potassium Sulphate is mostly used for skin ailments, this salt, found mostly in the tissues of the skin, mucous membranes, throat, and lungs, has many uses. Useful for all bronchial and sinus complaints, as well as oily skin, athlete's foot, moving pains, excess sweat, this salt is also indicated in the late stages of all inflammations.
==8. Magnesium Phosphoricum (Mag. Phos)==
Rising or Sun Sign: Leo
Rules: HEART
FIXED VITAL Force, Male, Hot
Sun Ruler: Lazy Sluggish System with Strong constitution.
Magnesium phosphate is an infrastructure constituent. A deficiency in this cell salt impairs muscles and nerve fibers, causing cramps, spasms and neuralgia pain, usually accompanied by prostration and profuse sweating. Magnesium Phosphate is best taken with hot Water. Found in beer and cereals. Note a craving for beer may mean a deficiency of Mag. Phos. It is a constituent of bone, teeth, white matter of brain tissue, nerve, muscle and blood cells. Used for headaches with darting stabs of pain, muscular twitching, rheumatic pains, throat spasms, muscle cramps, hiccoughs, squinting, teething, hypertrophy of the prostate gland, colic, asthma, spasmodic palpitation of the heart, spasmodic yawning, menstrual pain, stomach cramps, flatulence, neuralgia, sciatica, insomnia from brain exhaustion and in profuse sweating.
Magnesium phosphate is the cell salt for Leo. Physiologically, Leo rules the heart, upper back, diaphragm and cardiac system. Magnesium has recently been identified in allopathic medicine as a critical mineral for the prevention of heart attacks. In naturopathic medicine, the cell salt Mag phos. has a long-standing tradition of use in situations involving cramp, convulsions, spasms or paralysis. Mag phos. is the great anti-pain salt, a natural aspirin without side effects, and is indicated in all conditions of cramp and spasm--headaches, angina, neuralgia's, menstrual cramps, even the bronchial spasms of an acute asthma attack. Magnesium Phosphate is recommended in the convulsions, in cramps and in epileptic crises. Magnesium Phosphate is remarkable cell salt has an affinity for the nerves, muscles, and heart. It is excellent for cramps of all types, shooting pains, spasms, neuralgia, angina, colic, convulsions, and general pain. Curiously, flatulence can indicate a deficiency of Mag Phos. Along with Kali Phos., this is the principal nerve remedy. Women should always have a bottle nearby in case of painful menstrual cramps.
==9. Natrum Muriaticum (Nat. Mur)==
Rising or Sun Sign: Aquarius
FIXED  VITAL Force, Neutral, Medium
Uranus Rulers:Gifted Sensitive
Sodium chloride is simply salt, a substance present in the natural world in quantities greater than any other except water. Salt has been valued in human commerce throughout history because it is essential to life and health. Homeopaths prescribe dilute solution of salt for conditions that are coupled with symptoms of extreme thirst, emotional sensitivity, and a strong desire for salt. Target Ailments are for depression caused by grief, with a desire to be alone; menstrual irregularity; indigestion; fevers accompanied by weakness and chills; backaches that are relieved by firm pressure; cold sores, especially in the corners of the mouth; colds with sneezing, watery eyes, and runny nose; genital herpes; eczema; anemia; hay fever; migraine headaches.
A constituent of every liquid and solid in the body. A salt craving is indicative of deficiency, but the molecules of table salt are so big they cannot attach to the cells. It is the most important cell salt of the body as all the other cells are dependent on it for their distribution. Used for delirium tremors, eyestrain, vomiting of watery mucous, hay fever, low spirits, heartburn, toothaches, craving for salt and salty foods, weak eyes, either excess of heavy sleep or insomnia, falling hair, early morning headaches, headaches with constipation, chronic constipation due to dehydration, rapid pulse intermittent with palpitation, hangnails, cracked finger tips, numbness of the hands and feet and greasy skin.
Natrum muriaticum is the cell salt of Aquarius. Nat mur. has the effect of attracting or drawing away water from affected parts of the body, to redistribute it wherever it is needed. Symptoms of insufficient Nat mur. are watery colds, dryness or excessive salivation of the mouth, constipation, malaria, even herpes or any watery blisters on the skin or mucus membranes.  Aquarius rules the blood and circulation, the ankles, the spinal cord, and the electrical force of the nerves. Nat mur. supports the smooth and even flow of electricity through and across the nerves. Lack of Nat mur. can cause sleeplessness and prevent proper nerve synapse firing--with consequent learning and speaking difficulties and intermittent nerve pains.
Natrium Muriaticum is mainly recommended in the nervous disturbances, respiratory, peptic, and in depressing and hypocondriac. Sodium Chloride (abbrev. Nat Mur) Sodium chloride, salt, is the water distributor of the body. It is part of every fluid and solid in the body. Consequently, any condition involving too much dryness or too much moisture indicates Nat Mur. Edema usually responds well to Nat Mur, as do headaches, chronic diarrhea, hay fever, watery eyes, and dry, flaky skin.
==10. Natrum Phosphoricum (Nat. Phos)==
'''Rising or Sun Sign: Libra '''
Venus Rulers: Sluggish, Mind Wanders
Sodium phosphate regulates the body’s acid/alkaline balance. It catalyzes lactic acid and fat emulsion. An imbalance of this cell salt is indicated by a coated tongue, itchy skin, sour stomach, low appetite, diarrhea and flatulence.#I    Also:  Found in blood, muscles, nerves and brain cells and in intracellular fluid. Converts lactic acid into its byproducts. Used for gout, stiffness, swollen joints, lumbago, inflammatory rheumatism, high cholesterol, acid blood, headaches on top of the head, sour breath, pain over and inside the eyeballs, red blotched tongue coated yellow at the root, nausea, loss of appetite and habitual constipation. NAT PHOS. (Sodium phosphate) is the Libra cell salt. Libra rules the kidneys and lower back, and the acid/alkaline balance of the body. Nat phos. prevents excess acidity or alkalinity, especially in the bloodstream. It assists the kidneys in their function and is used to treat gout, kidney stones, ulcers and stomach acidity. Emotionally Nat phos. is helpful in restoring emotional equilibrium, especially after mental exertion, or exposure to extremely stressful or tense environments.  Natrium Phosphate is advised in diseases that are characterized from hyper virulence of the excretions, the urine, intestinal excretions , the vomiting and the sweat. Sodium Phosphate (abbrev. Nat Phos.). This is the biochemic acid balancer. All conditions of acidosis respond well to this salt. Needless to say, heart bum, dyspepsia, and other digestive upsets indicate Nat Phos. Nat Phos. is also the remedy of choice for intestinal worms and other parasites. Excess acid in the body is a prime indicator of disease. If you detect an overly acid pH in either your saliva or urine (6.4 is the ideal. Use pH paper, available at drug stores, to test for saliva or urine pH.), Nat Phos., along with more fresh fruits and vegetables, can help correct this.
==11. Natrum Sulphuricum (Nat. Sulph)==
Rising or Sun Sign: Taurus
FIXED VITAL Force, Female,Medium
Venus Ruler: Sluggish Sensations, Overeats, Overindulgence
An imbalance of sodium sulphate produces edema in the tissues, dry skin with watery eruptions, poor bile and pancreas activity, headaches, and gouty symptoms. Found in the intercellular fluids (the fluid between each cell). Draws water out of the cells helping them to breakdown to be recycled. Used for influenza, humid asthma, malaria, liver ailments, vesicular eruptions containing serum, herpes, twitching of hands and feet, constipation, liver and kidney disorders, gallbladder troubles, earache, burning in nose and mouth, brownish green coating of the tongue, bitter taste in the mouth, enlarged prostate and awakening at night with asthma attacks. Sodium sulfate is the Taurus cell salt and the first to use when a person born under Taurus becomes ill. Its main function is to remove excess fluids from the body. It is one of the most important salts affecting the digestive organs. The bile of the liver, pancreatic juices and secretions of the kidneys are all regulated by Nat sulph. A deficiency of Nat sulph. is shown by symptoms such as tiredness and sluggishness upon waking, gall stones, constipation and jaundice.  Complaints caused or aggravated by living in damp conditions, such as rheumatism or asthma, benefit from use of this cell salt. Taurus rules the throat, tonsils, thyroid, lower jaw and metabolic system. Colds and sore throats occur with increased frequency when the digestive organs are not functioning harmoniously. Their tendency to recur with every minor stress can be eliminated with Nat sulph.
Natrium Sulphate is recommended in the easy expulsion of liquids. Its action is recommended also for the vessels, the liver, the kidneys, the skin and the pancreas. Sodium Sulphate has an affinity for the inter cellular fluids, liver, pancreas, bile, intestines, and descending colon. Important for proper digestion and liver function, Nat Sulph. is used for yellow, watery secretions, light sensitivity, gas, biliousness, migraines, asthma, and green vomit. Along with Calc. Sulph., it has a profound action on the liver. Along with Nat Mur., this salt is excellent for edema or any type of watery swelling in the body.
==12. Silicea (Sil)==
'''Rising or Sun Sign: Sagittarius  '''
Mutable ELECTRIC FORCE, Male, Hot
Jupiter Ruler: Expansion, Big, Over doing
Silica is a mineral that is present in the human body in only trace amounts. It is vital to the development of bones, the flexibility of cartilage, and the health of skin and connective tissues. Very successful in treating boils, pimples and abscesses, blood cleansing and rebuilding the body after illness or injury. Target Ailments* headaches beginning in the back of the head and spreading forward to the eyes, swollen glands in the neck, gum infections, hemorrhoids, breast cysts. athlete’s foot, earache with decreased hearing and a stopped-up sensation, fingernails that have white pots and split easy.
Found in connective tissue and in the brain. Found in bran, egg whites, hair, nails, epidermis, and in connective tissue. Used for fatigue, greater mental than physical strength, over- sensitivity to noises, absentmindedness, crankiness, headaches from nape of neck to top of head settling in one eye, nausea, nervous exhaustion, falling hair, sties, floating spots before eyes, red tip of nose, violent sneezing, thickening of nasal mucus membranes with congestion, intensely painful hemorrhoids, large abdomen in children, uric acid deposits in urine, smelly feet and armpits, pus formation, boils, tonsillitis, stomach pains, brittle and ribbed nails with white spots and weak ankles.
Silica is the cell salt for those born under the sign of Sagittarius. It is of use whenever there is pus to be discharged, such as in boils, abscesses or splinters. Taking silica after surgery helps minimize scar formation, and can assist the body to expel foreign objects such as splinters. Sagittarius rules the liver, hips, thighs, sciatic nerve and autonomic nervous system. Sagittarians under stress use up their Silica, leaving themselves prone to chronic problems involving liver function or hip degeneration later on in life. Silica is an important constituent of the cells of the connective tissue and the epidermis, of the bones, teeth, even the lens of the eye. Inadequate silica can make the teeth susceptible to decay, the hair dull and the nails brittle.
Silica is recommended in the inflammations [cleansing], in rachitis, in headaches, in bronchitis, in bronchial asthma. Silica is called the homeopathic surgeon for its ability to help the body throw off nonfunctional organic matter, Silica is a basic nutrient to the hair, skin, and nails. This remedy cleanses and eliminates waste, with a slow but deep and long-lasting effect in the body. It is indicated for all injuries and slow-healing wounds. It is helpful for all septic conditions in the body.
[[ Biochemic Cell Salts]]
[[  Biosalts]]

Ferrum Phos. PISCES    is a natural source of iron for anemia.#I    Also:  Found in all cells of the body but primarily in the hemoglobin of red blood cells and in the muscle cells of the blood and lymph vessels and in hair cells. Used for acute phases of disease. Increases body development; regulates the bowels; improves the appetite and relieves debility and listlessness. Also used in vomiting of food and blood; nosebleeds; teething fever; inflamed hemorrhoids; retention of urine in children; excessive menses; congestion, inflammatory pain in general, high temperatures, increased heart rates, insomnia and congestive headaches. #II  Also:  No.4  PISCES (February 20-March 20): FERRUM PHOS. (Iron phosphate) is the cell salt for Pisces. It is the only common metal salt among the twelve cell salts, and is critically important in its function of making all of the other cell salts more effective. It is required for healthy red blood cells; lack of it can cause anemia.    Pisces rules the lymphatic system and the feet. Ferrum phos. distributes oxygen to all body organs and tissues, and is indicated in all cases of inflammation and fever. It enables the blood and the lymph to carry waste and poisons away from affected tissue. It is especially indicated for people who are nervous and sensitive, who come down with every transient cold or flu. #III Also:   Ferrum Phos.  4) Ferrum Phosphate -- PISCES it is recommended in all the inflammations [cleansing] that are found in initial stage and in any organ, in the initial forms of inflammation with fever and congestion, in certain anemias, in children with anorexia and loss of weight. Etc.  Iron Phosphate (abbrev. Ferr. Phos.) This widely used salt is mostly found in the blood, veins, arteries, lungs, ears, and nose. It is THE principal first-aid remedy due to its anti inflammatory action. All fevers indicate iron phosphate. Since it is a part of hemoglobin, Ferr. Phos. helps to carry oxygen more efficiently throughout the body, helping it to fight all infections. It is indicated for anemia, as well as internal hemorrhaging. External bleeding can often be stopped by sprinkling the powdered salt on the wound. Fer. Phos. is mostly used at the beginning stages of all acute illnesses.#IV Also:#5 .Kalium Muriaticum ( Kali Mur.)  Rising or Sun Sign:  Gemini    LUNGS, HANDS, SHOULDERS, ARMSRising or Sun Sign:  Mutable  ELECTRIC FORCE      Neutral      Cold    Mercury Rulership    Mental.Potassium chloride is a mineral supplement prescribed for the treatment and prevention of potassium depletion. Such depletion usually results from the excretion of minerals through increased urine flow. A potassium chloride deficiency results in coating of the tongue, gland swelling, skin scaling, and excess mucous discharge.Example Kali Mur.  GEMINI  is used to clear the  residual effects of colds and flu such as fluid in the ear or excessive mucus in nose and throat.#I    Also:    Has a special affinity for fibrin and is useful in diseases causing blisters. Indicated in all inflammatory or catarrhal conditions such as chickenpox, measles, burns and scalds, leucorrhea (white blood cells flowing out of the system via diarrhea), jaundice, acne and asthma. It is also used for sluggish conditions, sore throat, white colored tongue, light colored stools, coughs and colds..#II  Also:      No.5 GEMINI (May 21-June 20): KALI MUR. (Potassium chloride) is the cell salt for Gemini. Gemini rules the lungs, bronchial tree, shoulders, arms and hands, the tubes of the body and the central nervous system. Kali mur. is the cell salt essential to the formation of most cells in the body except the bone cells and helps cells retain their shape.  Symptoms of a deficiency of Kali mur. are congestion of the bronchial tubes, excessive mucus in the nose and sinuses, or swollen glands, including mumps and tonsillitis. Chronic inflammation of the mucus membranes can occur when the body is unable to break down nutrients and they are being run off in the form of mucus. Kali mur. breaks down mucus and allows the body to effectively create new tissue from dietary intake. #III Also:    Kali Mur.  5) Kalium  Muriaticum (Potassium Chloride)  -- GEMINI it is recommended in the cases that we have mucus, infections. Circulation Enlarged Lymph Nodes.  Pharyngitis ("Strep Throat") and Allergy, Environment / Toxicity. Etc. Potassium Chloride (abbrev. Kali Amur.) Potassium chloride is an essential component of muscles, nerve cells, blood, mucous membranes, and brain cells. In the blood, this mineral helps to form fibrin. When there is not enough fibrin in the blood, a thick, white discharge results. Along with Calc. Phos., this salt is good for the convalescent. All ear and throat ailments, especially tonsillitis, respond well to potassium chloride. Kali Mur is often used in conjunction with Ferr. Phos. for treating fevers, headaches, abscesses, bleeding, coughs, and styes.#IV Also:#6. Kali Phosphoricum ( Kali Phos )  Rising or Sun Sign:  Aries        HEAD  &  WILL POWERRising or Sun Sign:  Cardinal  MAGNETIC FORCE      Male    Hot      Mars Rulership          Active--Head strong.Potassium phosphate is found in all fluids and tissues in the body. A deficiency of this cell salt is characterized by intense body odor. It is used to treat mental problems such as depression, irritability, neuralgia, dizziness, headaches, and nervous stomach.#I    Also:.  Found in all cells, especially the gray matter of the brain , nerves, muscles, blood cells and plasma. All oxidation processes use this. The exchange of gasses in respiration and breakdown of fatty tissue depends on it. It is natures’ great “antiseptic” hindering decay in the organism. A remedy for offensive secretions and excretions, for nerve depression or excitement, sexual impotence, nervous headaches, lack of pep, ill humor, skin ailments, occasional sleeplessness, timidity, tantrums, loss of nerve and mental power or after great mental and bodily strain, and for nervous giddiness and squinting. #II  Also:    No.6 ARIES (March 21-April 20): KALI PHOS. (Potassium  phosphate) is the Aries cell salt. It is a nerve nutrient with a significant effect on the nerve cells, especially the brain cells. It is used for all forms of mental fatigue, as well as for depression, insomnia, irritability, hysteria and headaches. Nervous disorders and fatigue from long hours of concentration and overwork are particularly responsive to Kali phos.#III Also:  Kali  Phos. 6) Kalium Phosphate -- (Potassium Phosphate)  ARIES  it is recommended in oversensitive individuals, nervously and with decreased liveliness.  Etc. Potassium Phosphate (abbrev. Kali Phos.) This salt is mostly found as a component of the brain, nerve cells, spinal cord, and blood. Since it is found so much in the nervous system, Kali Phos. is indicated for all emotional problems such as depression, sadness, apathy, stress, irritability, poor memory, and irrational fears. Along with Ferr. Phos., Kali Phos. helps to carry oxygen in the body. It is therefore good for all infective or septic conditions. Some of the old homeopathic repertories recommend this cell salt when cancerous tumors are present. Along with Mag Phos., this salt helps to restore the nervous system to rightful functioning. Remember it for cases of shingles and neuralgia!#IV Also:#7. Kalium Sulphuricum ( Kali Sulph)  Rising or Sun Sign:  Virgo      DIGESTION intestinal Lower Stomach area.Rising or Sun Sign:    Mutable  ELECTRIC FORCE      Neutral    Cold    Mercury-Chiron Rulership  Mental/Service Giving.Potassium sulphate is an oxygen-carrier for the skin. A deficiency of this cell salt causes a deposit on the tongue, and slimy nasal , eye, ear and mouth secretions.#I    Also:    Found in epidermis and epithelial cells. Carries oxygen to the cells. Used for hot flashes; chills; weariness; heaviness; giddiness; boxed in feelings; stomach catarrh; inflammatory conditions; eruptions of the skin; shifting pains; palpitations; anxiety; fear; sadness; toothaches; headaches and pains in limbs that tend to increase indoors especially in warm and close rooms or in the warm air of the summer; yellow/slimy catarrhal discharges; dandruff; psoriasis and diseases of the nails (rough or ribbed). .#II  Also:      No.7 VIRGO(August 23-September 22): KALI SULPH. (Potassium sulfate) is the salt attributed to those born under the sign of Virgo. Virgo rules the small intestine, spleen and lower alimentary system. Kali sulph. improves the body's ability to take up nutrition efficiently, and particularly to make and distribute oils throughout the system. As we age, our decreasing ability to effectively use what we eat shows up in dryness of the skin and hair. Kali sulph. assists (with another cell salt, Ferrum phos.) in the oxygenation of skin cells, and is the lubricant that keeps the body machinery functioning. A deficiency of Kali sulph. can cause eczema, dandruff, psoriasis, or any diseases where there has been a rash or scaling of the skin..#III Also:    Kali Sulph.  7) Kalium Sulphate -- (Potassium Sulphate )- VIRGO  it is recommended in dermal problems (psoriasis, eczema, ,,alopecia) and for problems in the epithelial cells. Potassium Sulphate (abbrev. Kali Sulph.). Mostly used for skin ailments, this salt, found mostly in the tissues of the skin, mucous membranes, throat, and lungs, has many uses. Useful for all bronchial and sinus complaints, as well as oily skin, athlete's foot, moving pains, excess sweat, this salt is also indicated in the late stages of all inflammations.#IV Also:#8. Magnesium Phosphoricum ( Mag. Phos )  Rising or Sun Sign:    Leo              HEART.Rising or Sun Sign:    FIXED VITAL Force      Male      Hot      Sun Rulership    Lazy Sluggish system / Strong.Magnesium phosphate is an infrastructure constituent. A deficiency in this cell salt impairs muscles and nerve fibers, causing cramps, spasms and neuralgia pain, usually accompanied by prostration and profuse sweating.    Mag  Phos. 8) Magnesium Phosphate -- LEO  Best Taken In / with  Hot Water.#I    Also:    Found in beer and cereals. Note a craving for beer may mean a deficiency of Mag. Phos. It is a constituent of bone, teeth, white matter of brain tissue, nerve, muscle and blood cells. Used for headaches with darting stabs of pain, muscular twitching, rheumatic pains, throat spasms, muscle cramps, hiccoughs, squinting, teething, hypertrophy of the prostate gland, colic, asthma, spasmodic palpitation of the heart, spasmodic yawning, menstrual pain, stomach cramps, flatulence, neuralgia, sciatica, insomnia from brain exhaustion and in profuse sweating.#II  Also:    No.8 LEO (July 21-August 22): MAG PHOS (Magnesium phosphate) is the cell salt for Leo. Physiologically, Leo rules the heart, upper back, diaphragm and cardiac system. Magnesium has recently been identified in allopathic medicine as a critical mineral for the prevention of heart attacks. In naturopathic medicine, the cell salt Mag phos. has a long-standing tradition of use in situations involving cramp, convulsions, spasms or paralysis. Mag phos. is the great anti-pain salt, a natural aspirin without side effects, and is indicated in all conditions of cramp and spasm--headaches, angina, neuralgia's, menstrual cramps, even the bronchial spasms of an acute asthma attack. #III Also:    Mag  Phos. 8) Magnesium Phosphate -- LEO  it is recommended in the convulsions, in cramps and in epileptic crises. Etc. Magnesium Phosphate (abbrev. Mag Phos.). This remarkable cell salt has an affinity for the nerves, muscles, and heart. It is excellent for cramps of all types, shooting pains, spasms, neuralgia, angina, colic, convulsions, and general pain. Curiously, flatulence can indicate a deficiency of Mag Phos. Along with Kali Phos., this is the principal nerve remedy. Women should always have a bottle nearby in case of painful menstrual cramps.#IV Also:#9. Natrum Muriaticum ( Nat. Mur ) Rising or Sun Sign:  Aquarius      ANKLESRising or Sun Sign:  FIXED  VITAL Force    Neutral    Medium  Uranus Rulership      Gifted Sensitive.Sodium chloride is simply salt, a substance present in the natural world in quantities greater than any other except water. Salt has been valued in human commerce throughout history because it is essential to life and health. Homeopaths prescribe dilute solution of salt (Nat mur, as they call it), for conditions that are coupled with symptoms of extreme thirst, emotional sensitivity, and a strong desire for salt.    Target Ailments * depression caused by grief, with a desire to be alone; menstrual irregularity; indigestion; fevers accompanied by weakness and chills; backaches that are relieved by firm pressure; cold sores, especially in the corners of the mouth; colds with sneezing, watery eyes, and runny nose; genital herpes; eczema; anemia; hay fever; migraine headaches.#I    Also:  A constituent of every liquid and solid in the body. A salt craving is indicative of deficiency, but the molecules of table salt are so big they cannot attach to the cells. It is the most important cell salt of the body as all the other cells are dependent on it for their distribution. Used for delirium tremors, eyestrain, vomiting of watery mucous, hay fever, low spirits, heartburn, toothaches, craving for salt and salty foods, weak eyes, either excess of heavy sleep or insomnia, falling hair, early morning headaches, headaches with constipation, chronic constipation due to dehydration, rapid pulse intermittent with palpitation, hangnails, cracked finger tips, numbness of the hands and feet and greasy skin. #II  Also:    No. 9 AQUARIUS (January 21-February 19): NAT MUR. (Natrum muriaticum) is the cell salt of Aquarius. Nat mur. has the effect of attracting or drawing away water from affected parts of the body, to redistribute it wherever it is needed. Symptoms of insufficient Nat mur. are watery colds, dryness or excessive salivation of the mouth, constipation, malaria, even herpes or any watery blisters on the skin or mucus membranes.      Aquarius rules the blood and circulation, the ankles, the spinal cord, and the electrical force of the nerves. Nat mur. supports the smooth and even flow of electricity through and across the nerves. Lack of Nat mur. can cause sleeplessness and prevent proper nerve synapse firing--with consequent learning and speaking difficulties and intermittent nerve pains.#III Also:    Nat  Mur. 9) Natrium Muriaticum (Sodium Chloride) -- AQUARIUS  it is mainly recommended in the nervous disturbances, respiratory, peptic, and in depressing and hypocondriac.  Etc. Sodium Chloride (abbrev. Nat Mur) Sodium chloride, salt, is the water distributor of the body. It is part of every fluid and solid in the body. Consequently, any condition involving too much dryness or too much moisture indicates Nat Mur. Edema usually responds well to Nat Mur, as do headaches, chronic diarrhea, hay fever, watery eyes, and dry, flaky skin.#IV Also:#10. Natrum Phosphoricum ( Nat. Phos)  Rising or Sun Sign:    Libra      Liver  KIDNEYS.Rising or Sun Sign:  Cardinal  MAGNETIC FORCE      Male  Medium    Venus Rulership  Sluggish /Feeling/ Mind floats.Sodium phosphate regulates the body’s acid/alkaline balance. It catalyzes lactic acid and fat emulsion. An imbalance of this cell salt is indicated by a coated tongue, itchy skin, sour stomach, low appetite, diarrhea and flatulence.#I    Also:  Found in blood, muscles, nerves and brain cells and in intracellular fluid. Converts lactic acid into its byproducts. Used for gout, stiffness, swollen joints, lumbago, inflammatory rheumatism, high cholesterol, acid blood, headaches on top of the head, sour breath, pain over and inside the eyeballs, red blotched tongue coated yellow at the root, nausea, loss of appetite and habitual constipation. #II  Also:    No.10 LIBRA (September 23-October 22): NAT PHOS. (Sodium phosphate) is the Libra cell salt. Libra rules the kidneys and lower back, and the acid/alkaline balance of the body. Nat phos. prevents excess acidity or alkalinity, especially in the bloodstream. It assists the kidneys in their function and is used to treat gout, kidney stones, ulcers and stomach acidity. Emotionally Nat phos. is helpful in restoring emotional equilibrium, especially after mental exertion, or exposure to extremely stressful or tense environments. #III Also:    Nat  Phos.10) Natrium Phosphate --(Sodium Phosphate)  LIBRA  it is advised in diseases that are characterized from hyper virulence of the excretions, the urine, intestinal excretions , the vomiting and the sweat.  Etc.  Sodium Phosphate (abbrev. Nat Phos.). This is the biochemic acid balancer. All conditions of acidosis respond well to this salt. Needless to say, heart bum, dyspepsia, and other digestive upsets indicate Nat Phos. Nat Phos. is also the remedy of choice for intestinal worms and other parasites. Excess acid in the body is a prime indicator of disease. If you detect an overly acid pH in either your saliva or urine (6.4 is the ideal. Use pH paper, available at drug stores, to test for saliva or urine pH.), Nat Phos., along with more fresh fruits and vegetables, can help correct this.#IV Also:#11 .Natrum Sulphuricum ( nat. Sulph)  Rising or Sun Sign:  Taurus        NECK Ears Throat Nose.Rising or Sun Sign:  FIXED  VITAL Force      Female  Medium  Venus Rulership    Sluggish /Feeling/ Sensations/Pigs Out.An imbalance of sodium sulphate produces edema in the tissues, dry skin with watery eruptions, poor bile and pancreas activity, headaches, and gouty symptoms.#I    Also:  Found in the intercellular fluids (the fluid between each cell). Draws water out of the cells helping them to breakdown to be recycled. Used for influenza, humid asthma, malaria, liver ailments, vesicular eruptions containing serum, herpes, twitching of hands and feet, constipation, liver and kidney disorders, gallbladder troubles, earache, burning in nose and mouth, brownish green coating of the tongue, bitter taste in the mouth, enlarged prostate and awakening at night with asthma attacks. ..#II  Also:    No.11 TAURUS (April 21-May20): NAT SULPH. (Sodium sulfate) is the Taurus cell salt and the first to use when a person born under Taurus becomes ill. Its main function is to remove excess fluids from the body. It is one of the most important salts affecting the digestive organs. The bile of the liver, pancreatic juices and secretions of the kidneys are all regulated by Nat sulph. A deficiency of Nat sulph. is shown by symptoms such as tiredness and sluggishness upon waking, gall stones, constipation and jaundice.  Complaints caused or aggravated by living in damp conditions, such as rheumatism or asthma, benefit from use of this cell salt. Taurus rules the throat, tonsils, thyroid, lower jaw and metabolic system. Colds and sore throats occur with increased frequency when the digestive organs are not functioning harmoniously. Their tendency to recur with every minor stress can be eliminated with Nat sulph.#III Also:    Nat  Sulph. 11) Natrium Sulphate -- (Sodium Sulphate)  TAURUS  it is recommended in the easy expulsion of liquids. Its action is recommended also for the vessels, the liver, the kidneys, the skin and the pancreas.  Etc. Sodium Sulphate (abbrev. Nat Sulph.). Nat Sulph. has an affinity for the inter cellular fluids, liver, pancreas, bile, intestines, and descending colon. Important for proper digestion and liver function, Nat Sulph. is used for yellow, watery secretions, light sensitivity, gas, biliousness, migraines, asthma, and green vomit. Along with Calc. Sulph., it has a profound action on the liver. Along with Nat Mur., this salt is excellent for edema or any type of watery swelling in the body.#IV Also:#12.Silicea ( Sil)  Rising or Sun Sign:  Sagittarius    THIGHS.Rising or Sun Sign:  Mutable ELECTRIC FORCE    Male  Hot Jupiter Rulership  Expansion/ Big/ Over doingSilica is a mineral that is present in the human body in only trace amounts. It is vital to the development of bones, the flexibility of cartilage, and the health of skin and connective tissues. Very successful in treating boils, pimples and abscesses, blood cleansing and rebuilding the body after illness or injury. Target Ailments* headaches beginning in the back of the head and spreading forward to the eyes, swollen glands in the neck, gum infections, hemorrhoids, breast cysts. athlete’s foot, earache with decreased hearing and a stopped-up sensation, fingernails that have white pots and split easy.#I    Also:  Found in connective tissue and in the brain. Found in bran, egg whites, hair, nails, epidermis, and in connective tissue. Used for fatigue, greater mental than physical strength, over- sensitivity to noises, absentmindedness, crankiness, headaches from nape of neck to top of head settling in one eye, nausea, nervous exhaustion, falling hair, sties, floating spots before eyes, red tip of nose, violent sneezing, thickening of nasal mucus membranes with congestion, intensely painful hemorrhoids, large abdomen in children, uric acid deposits in urine, smelly feet and armpits, pus formation, boils, tonsillitis, stomach pains, brittle / ribbed nails with white spots and weak ankles. .#II  Also:    No.12 SAGITTARIUS (November 23-December 22): SILICA is the cell salt for those born under the sign of Sagittarius. It is of use whenever there is pus to be discharged, such as in boils, abscesses or splinters. Taking silica after surgery helps minimize scar formation, and can assist the body to expel foreign objects such as splinters. Sagittarius rules the liver, hips, thighs, sciatic nerve and autonomic nervous system. Sagittarians under stress use up their Silica, leaving themselves prone to chronic problems involving liver function or hip degeneration later on in life. Silica is an important constituent of the cells of the connective tissue and the epidermis, of the bones, teeth, even the lens of the eye. Inadequate silica can make the teeth susceptible to decay, the hair dull and the nails brittle.#III Also:    Silica  12) Silica -- SAGITTARIUS    it is recommended in the inflammations [cleansing], in rachitis, in headaches, barleys-shaped pasta, in bronchitis, in bronchial asthma.  Etc. Silicon Dioxide (abbrev. Silica). Called the homeopathic surgeon for its ability to help the body throw off nonfunctional organic matter, Silica is a basic nutrient to the hair, skin, and nails. This remedy cleanses and eliminates waste, with a slow but deep and long-lasting effect in the body. It is indicated for all injuries and slow-healing wounds. It is helpful for all septic conditions in the body.