NAA Strategic Invasion Methods

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We have discussed many times the main areas of mind control, in the form of psychological and biological warfare used against humanity. The Archontic Deception Strategy is employed to get humans to succumb to ownership, by the invading species. The main strategy is to download the Predator Mind, which is their alien thought form, and hybridize the human body to accept these Archontic behaviors as normal and socially acceptable behaviors. The more reptilian genetics you carry, the more acceptable it is to you to deceive, manipulate, take advantage of the less privileged, and even kill, murder, rape, and have sex with children. Total ownership of human beings as personal property and the domination of earth resources are carried out using these methods:

  • Negative Alien Agenda uses Archontic Deception Strategy as Global Policy for Mind Control Enslavement that is enforced by mostly alien hybridized Power Elite.
  • Human Hybridization Hosting Programs for Multiple Reptoid Species, in underground and off planet bases.MILABS and related Secret Space Programs cooperating with Negative Aliens that intentionally deceive, manipulate and experiment on the public.
  • Genetic Modification, Augmentation, Pleomorphic Diseases and Technological Experimentation with the human genome.
  • Alien Machinery, Implants, Synthetic Timelines, Consciousness Traps, Psychotronic Warfare Technology, Artificial Intelligence created from genetic replication and hoarding, of off planet advanced technology.
  • Spiritual Possession and multiple occupants of the soul(s) to harvest life force for a variety of NAA purposes, on and off planet.



See Also

Archontic Deception Behavior


Sexual Misery