Signal-to-Noise Ratio

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Signal-to-noise ratio (abbreviated SNR) is a measure used in science and engineering that compares the level of a desired signal to the level of background noise. It is defined as the ratio of signal power to the noise power. This is very helpful to apply in the comreprehension of developing our levels of increasing Higher Sensory Perception, Remote Viewing and Expanding Consciousness.

Signal-to-noise ratio is sometimes used informally to refer to the ratio of useful information to false or irrelevant data in a conversation or exchange. For example, in online discussion forums and other online communities, off-topic posts and spam are regarded as "noise" that interferes with the "signal" of appropriate discussion.[1]

This is a clear example of why the Negative Ego, Ego Defense Mechanism and fear must be cleared from the mind or it will impact the "noise" ratio of the clear signal input as well as the translation and deciphering of the signal input.

Higher Sensory Perception

In studies of how Higher Sensory Perception works, it has long been held that mental images are formed first, and only then do estimations of their meaning take place.

But, and very briefly, in signal-to-noise theory when applied to the human nervous systems:

  • Signals first come in
  • The signals are then, in pre-conscious processing, translated into information-meaning categories, usually by some kind of comparing with meanings already stored in memory banks
  • If memory-meanings comparable to the signals are found, then mental images can be manufactured and rise into consciousness
  • However, if no comparable or comparative memory-meanings are available, then the pre-conscious systems segue over to the next best memory-meanings – and mental perceptions and images are then constructed in the light of those
  • When this happens, the resulting mental-image impressions can be at some distance from the real import of the original signals, but can carry bits of information contained in the original signals

Signals Input First

Rather, signals come first, then meanings of them, and then mental images based on the meanings. Within the scope of the human nervous systems, signals in-put via any of the sensory detectors are electronic in nature. The electronic signals are then decoded, via pre-conscious processes, into meaning categories and specifics, and it is the results of this decoding that, in turn, trigger on mental perception of them.

Save to say that signals ARE somehow translated (transduced) into pre-conscious meaning, and then into mental awareness and perception, no one yet exactly knows how any of this takes place.

For clarity, three steps are involved here:

  1. Signal in-put
  2. Meaning comparison within the contexts of meanings already stored in memory
  3. Mental perceptions (feelings, images) built upon the meanings

In any event, within the contexts of Remote Viewing research, it turned out that meaning (of things and situations) was the fulcrum of functioning BETWEEN signal in-put and mental images of them.

This is to say that remote viewing does not begin with mental perceptions, whether in the form of feelings or images that are propelled into the state of conscious awareness of them.

Assigned Meanings

As to types of meaning, these may be numerous. But there certainly are at least two general types, i.e., meanings that can be deduced about things and situations in general, and meanings that in particular arise from meaning-memory storage at the individual level.

In explanation of this, it is generally thought, in philosophy anyway, that all things are redolent with intrinsic possible meanings. But at the individual level, any deducing of meanings is principally confined to the contexts of meaning that have accumulated and achieved storage in the individual’s memory banks. Therefore, meanings outside the range of the individual’s meaning-memory banks might have little chance of being recognized at all, or might be interpreted only within the contexts of analogous meanings that HAVE achieved memory storage.

Remote Viewing

Now, with regard to the processes of remote viewing, some issues that are additionally important need to be pointed up. The first of these issues is that viewers do not view a remote “target” via their five physical senses. Remote viewing provides information about things and situations distant in space and time from local surroundings, and if such information proves to have some degree of correctness, it is clearly legitimate to wonder what senses and sensing systems have made the distant information accessible. This is a natural function of human Consciousness.

Prior to the onset (in the latter three decades of the twentieth century) of discoveries of thousands of cellular information receptors extant throughout the biological networks of human nervous systems, there was hardly anything that shed any light on how interactions with distant information could be possible. Human cell receptors exist because they are a full part of the human genome – and thus download into all individuals of the species.

Once the combined dimensions of human information receptors are appropriately grasped and understood, it can be seen that the human receptor range is quite astonishing. As but one example, sensing receptors in the pineal gland, if it is good health, are continuously busy sensing the sun and its changing conditions. This particular sensing is usually taking place beneath conscious awareness of it. But apart from that, it is safe to point up that the sun is at some great distance from Earth, and so it can be thought that pineal gland receptors are remote viewing the sun.

In addition to pineal gland receptors (which also function at the X-ray level), many other receptors of a similar nature have been identified with respect to distant sensing.

And so not only are various kinds of “remote viewing” possible, but they are already taking place throughout human nervous systems, albeit at levels usually beneath conscious awareness of them.

And so arises the second issue mentioned above. This has to do with what does and what does not get into conscious awareness. This, in turn, has to do turn with how parameters of conscious awareness are conditioned to function.


See Also
