Akashic Records
This is a quick reference term used to define the Universal Matrix of Cellular Memory that has contained within it, the recorded event of every possible experience and permutation of consciousness existing in our 15 dimensional Universal Time Matrix. Many times other healers refer to this term as a part of clearing the soul record memory in the "Akasha" field of memory. The Akashic record or Akasha is a reference to the name of our Universal God Seed Code system that carries all the frequency and coding that created our Universe. The Guardians refers to this Universal System as the " Eckasha" or Ecka Universal System. Akasha is a more common terminology that many of us have heard before that refers to the same meaning. When we are doing emotional clearing work, many times we will state with the power of our declaration in self sovereignty that we clear and dissolve its trauma effect upon our spiritual bodies karmic record. Hence clear this " pattern" from my "Akashic Record". You are stating you command its clearance from the record of ever existing in your holographic energy field across all time and space.
There are many references to the Akashic record, Hall of Records or the Eternal Book of Life from the many sacred texts of the ancients. The Akashic records emanate from the primordial substance of the Eternal God Source of which is projected as the DNA record and its instruction set (morphogenetic field) of all creation over time. They are comprised of the memory record of the entire consciousness journey over time, so every idea/thought, word, and action is registered in the Akashic record which can be accessed and interpreted over any point in the spiral of time. Each Universe, Galaxy, Planet, Being, has its own Akashic record memory, and there are many collective memory records of all spiritual families on their journey throughout time. The way we receive the intelligent information from the Akashic Record is through transmissions via encoded Light language, which is sacred geometry of words, symbols, glyphs, as the language encoded in "fire letters". There are stages of access in the Akashic Records, and very few beings at this time on earth have the purity to access beyond the soul planes of the second density.
One must be purified to exist within the higher ethical standards of spiritual morality, and it is impossible for the accurate representation of the Akasha to transmit through a being with purely selfish motivation of Negative Ego desires or Service to Self orientation. This manifests as a "partial access" or corrupted view to the historical record or Soul record under the guise of the ego's slant or judgment of circumstances.
With pure heart based motivation in sacred and reverent prayer towards Life, one may request to access one's own Akashic record to view other lifetime identities, histories, patterns and related issues that may have imprinted in the current lifetime. This may be very helpful in clearing and releasing painful patterns in the soul memory and emotional body.
Rudolf Steiner spoke about what he considered to be his direct experience of the Akashic Records (sometimes called the "Akasha Chronicle"), thought to be a spiritual chronicle of the history, pre-history, and future of the world and mankind. In a number of works,Steiner described a path of inner development he felt would let anyone attain comparable spiritual experiences. Sound vision could be developed, in part, by practicing rigorous forms of ethical and cognitive self-discipline, concentration, and meditation; in particular, a person's moral development must precede the development of spiritual faculties.