Military Grey Alien Technology

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Grey Alien technology has been artificially written into the various reversal field grid networks, as well as have manifested independent harm from their technologies of military weapons, genetic experiments, timeline programs, holographic inserts and mirages, human abductions, tagging/tracking and astral plane manipulation. A massive 5D base and 3D timefield connector point was in Lima, Peru, on the coast in the county of Mira Flores. Mira Flores is Spanish for “Looking at the Flowers”. The flowers they were looking at, in this case, is the living lotus flower of a Christed, pure heart complex. This base was planning more aggressive technology usage with the upcoming electrical peak, and simultaneous 5D dimensional frequency activation coming into this 3D reality in May from the Machu Picchu 5D Vortex and its intersections with the 7D Phantom System Parallels. (This has been recently called a “Pleiadian Activation”, this is not an organic Pleiadian activation, needless to say.) [1]

7D Alien Base Phantom Wormhole

This is how the Grey Alien Technology and Human Military Shadow Government were using as parts of this technology from this base located in Peru:

A huge square field of thousands upon thousands of technology in pockets of “hyperspace fields” that looked like “solar panels” in perfect rows, side by side, in square and rectangular shapes were being used as a soul capturing and energy capturing technology - 8 hours west of the Macchu Picchu, 5D vortex and Gateway. This field of energy capture directs massive amounts of current power to the Black Hole technologies (BHT) used all over the globe to instigate destruction. (Recently attempts to use black hole technology to weaken North American seaboards was instigated, and stabilized by Guardians.) These square-rectangles are artificial “tile e spheres” ( similar to embedded tv screens that refract light into images, so this is a refractive light and image capturing technology), while capturing soul, capturing animals, capturing nature, whatever levels of “capture”, that would mirror an exact replica of the item/person/animal in a holographic projection into another phantom dimension. (This phantom dimension feedline influences to 7D phantom Arcturian intersections, as well as 7D logos/ planetary brain controls.) This “soul capture” creates a probable future timeline of that person/animal here on 3D earth “now” - as its replica parallel “clone” is leading it towards its own pathway of destruction into a phantom dimension of enslavement and eventual consumption by these negatives, in controlled artificial future timelines. This is exactly like understanding the computer technology of a “mirror site server”. When one wants to have multiple copies (CLONES) of the same website content accessible in many countries, they will create a duplicate of the original site and replicate its projection onto many internet IP addresses (vector locations in time and space). This soul capture technology was doing exactly that. Whomever is not “soul connected”, using their soul, or an innocent bystander (like an animal or mammal, such as the 900+ dolphins recently killed in Peru waters, and another 600 Pelicans that sacrificed themselves) a negative form projection of their genetic signature would be captured and projected into the siphoning device (into the phantom field) to simultaneous power and feed the operation of the BHT. This technology was getting upgrades and they were testing it in the field for about 60-90 days, testing it in 5D, 3D and parallels. The plan was to roll out a big BHT agenda – soul capture extravaganza agenda at the May 1st, Beast-Beltaine ritual and ongoing.

The next generation of this alien technology being developed for use in this timeline was being designed for another purpose. The next generation technology was to splinter the solar plexus, so that the soul body could not connect into the still point areas of the lightbody. This works like a reversal clamp with teeth, inside the solar plexus into a focal point where the soul and spiritual energy bodies actually embody in the physical biology. There is a point inside the solar plexus that functions with the heart and still point that needs to be open to “receive” the spiritual frequencies of its own soul body. If they are successful in blocking this solar plexus function, the person will not be spiritually activated in the coming months of 2012, and the soul can be captured and harvested without any resistance or fight from the person/being it actually belongs to. This way their “negative form clone” is safe and working for them in the parallel dimension, of which the person who has been captured will eventually meet his destiny to merge with that “clone” in the future lifetime. This would also create potential bodies for takeover to possession, depending on their future anticipated “needs.”

Additionally these technologies manipulate time and space, and create spin offs of artificial realities and artificial timelines, which in itself create damage in the organic time and space fields. The design of this is called “looking glass” technology and it’s a time travel system given to the military complex and is being used by both Grey Aliens and Human Military in this timeline. Since its inorganic technology, when they time travel many times what they see as probable events are limited to their current mental perception. Many do not know their limited mental perception is not the organic ascension timeline that trumps their artificial technology. Still, they do damage in the field and a consequence of subsequent actions, have been taken and are being monitored by Defender Guardian Forces.

Approximately Mid April, the main hub networks of the Mira Flores Grey Alien technology base was systematically eradicated of its ability to use its technology to harm and prevent the May 1st Beltaine Agenda. Retaliation was taken on team members, and some of us were taken low for those reasons. On April 22nd and approximate, all of us in the Guardian family network that had imprints, or compromises from the solar plexus BHT technology in the field, were given etheric surgery to general clearings, depending on what was required to regain the area of the still point back to its stabilized function to house the soul and higher spiritual bodies. Nausea, faintness, dizziness and stomach and head issues were a side effect. Some of us needed more recovery time than others, however our 12 D families are being monitored and supported and checked for these issues of energy body compromises. Some of us may need to continually check return of clones, body parts and energies that were snatched or stolen at this time, ( Mostly heavy duty gridworker’s) however being aware of this issue during this time, will ensure your parts and energies will be “returned to rightful owner”.

Pay attention if you are asked to cooperate with this function as this makes it easier for the Guardian Mentor Band to help support your reclamation or healing as smoothly and quickly as possible.