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In the creational structure of Harmonic Universes there are two timelines per dimensional octave. So within our Harmonic Universe of 3D earth, within the three dimensions (1-3D), we have six timelines. When we energetically evolve and move up in octave, being initiated into higher frequencies, we are exposed to more dimensional octaves, therefore more potential timelines. Within these dimensions of future timelines are “stations of identity”, commonly called “soul”, “oversoul”, “higher self”, which comprise body parts or whole spiritual bodies of our “forgotten” selves. These are spiritual energetic bodies that hold our intelligence matrices, our mind matrices, that make up our spiritual identity, and of which we are designed to reclaim during these “timeline collapses” transpiring during the Ascension cycle. This is why those on the ascension path continually experience their energetic healing by meeting the cellular memories in the multiple timelines. (What? This emotional theme, again?) We have to move through the series of timelines in each dimensional octave and reclaim our identity while recoding and changing the obsolete or false reality from interfering with our continued spiritual growth. Like a tri-athlete running and jumping over the hurdles, we merge with these timefields and collect our spiritual bodies, to make it to the finish line. What is being accomplished with this process, especially now with Guardian Ascension Timeline, is that we have to move through all the artificial, inorganic time fields (negative alien timelines with their false selfish agendas) in order to arrive at the GOD GATEWAY.

Because the original 5D plan was not achievable, it required our evolution through the time fields in the Harmonic Universes to be drastically sped up. Those serving the Law of One, are moving through extreme amounts of the future timelines, observing its collapse, in order to arrive at the Gateway Octave where the Organic and eternal light is overriding the artificial and replicated alien coding....

When you reclaim your spiritual body and its identity in an obsolete or inorganic timeline, you move though that timeline into the next dimensional octave timeline, to repeat the process. As we move up the dimensional octaves (or scale) to higher frequency, we also become conscious of future time. Moving through octaves of dimensional frequencies is synonymous with moving forward in time. The Ascension cycle is the end of a 3D combined timeline, and the planet is moving into a higher frequency of future time, a future dimensional octave. This skips the planetary consciousness field, therefore human beings and their consciousness into future time fields and higher dimensional frequencies.

As many different people on 3D earth are existing at different levels on the scale of spiritual evolution, where their frequency resides and stabilizes, will determine their direction and future, whether they are personally involved in that decision or not. If a person is initiated into their soul bodies, (4D-5D-6D) and enters the frequency of the next Harmonic Universe, (by embodying their soul frequency), they will be exposed to another potential six timelines. The next Harmonic Universe, the parallel 5D earth, has these next six potential timelines, and those entities, with an agenda for 5D, are working for that agenda. (That would be the Nibiruan Annunaki Alien invasion and subsequent later timeline, Orion Zeta-Draco Invasion of 5D earth.)

If a person is initiated into their oversoul (monad) bodies, (7D-8D-9D) they will enter the frequency of the next Harmonic Universe, and will be exposed to another six potential timelines. When exposed to these timelines, they will be activated with cellular memory clearing or remembering these timelines, in order to reclaim the identities that exist within those timelines. This is a direct pathway of the spiritual ascension process for all beings, to re-integrate all the selves. The oversoul Harmonic Universe, the parallel 7D earth, has the next six potential timelines, and those entities, with an agenda working in 7D, are working for that agenda. (That would be the beings known as the Ascended Masters, or Chohans serving the Orion Group Agenda.)

This natural and organic evolutionary event is being fought over in the multiple timelines with unaware 3D human beings caught in the middle. Knowledge protects while Ignorance Harms. 5D Timeline - this was the original Ascension evolution timeline for the 3D earth, which has now been aborted by Founder Guardians and the Starseeds who incarnated on 3D earth to serve the Sovereign Organic Ascension timeline, The Law of One. (All sovereign and future advanced races that have a basic understanding of the natural physics of creation, choose to live in harmony with each other, as within The Law of One.) As our current 3D earth evolved through time (therefore dimensional space), at the end of this evolution round (every 26,000 years), by moving into the next octave, the planet and its inhabitants would “ascend” to the next dimensional space. The next dimensional space, or Harmonic Universe, comprises 4D-5D-6D, which is the human soul matrix (where the human soul identities and soul bodies exist). Together these three dimensions make up the next harmonic universe of the 5D parallel earth. At the end of this evolutionary round, (which ends 12/21/2012) humanity merges into the next octave by living out all of the potential six timelines of the 3rd dimension, into “memory” completion, and the next series of future timelines open to commence in the next cycle.


May 2012 Newsletter

Term first found: Page 43, HGS Manual