Messier 62

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Messier 62 (also known as M62 or NGC 6266) is a globular cluster in the constellation Ophiuchus. It was discovered in 1771 by Charles Messier. M62 is at a distance of about 22,500 light-years from Earth and measures some 100 light-years across. From studies conducted in the 1970s it is known that M62 contains the high number of 89 variable stars, many of them of the RR Lyrae type. It also contains several X-ray sources, thought to be close binary star systems, as well as millisecond pulsars in binary systems.[1]

Messier 62

HGS Session References

HGS Sessions - Clearing Planet Verticals - 3/17/2015 [2] HGS Sessions - Clearing Horologium, Phoenix, Scutum - 3/18/2015 [3]HGS Sessions - Clearing Temple Mount, Jerusalem. - 3/20/2015 [4]


Found in HGS Manual on Page 108

Found in HGS Manual on Page 115