Three Layers of Ego

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In order to understand the Internal Structures of Ego which we also refer to as “Houses of Ego”, it requires the awareness that there are three main layers. The three layers of mind work together to serve the functions of the ego in all human beings. Each energetic layer has separate functions yet all three layers are interconnected and directly impact each other. As we learn about the layers in the internal structure of the ego, this clarifies the purpose of identifying what the ego is and how it operates within us. When we understand how ego operates inside our mind we are better equipped to heal the energetic imbalances.

1D Memory Storage Unconscious Mind

1. Abuse 2. Trauma 3. Shock 4. Devastation

First Internal Layer: This is the root layer of our unconscious mind and it functions like a hard drive for the ego. In this hard drive is the cellular memory storage from all of one’s lifestreams. This means that cellular memories from past lives, present lives and future lives may all be stored in this memory hard drive. These memories are not given value when they are recorded, whether one may perceive them as good or bad, these many multiple memories are stored on the root hard drive of every human being. Whether one was a fetus, baby, in between lifetimes, or unconscious when the body suffered “abuse”; it was recorded in one’s memory storage whether one currently remembers that event consciously or not. Because the planet was invaded and our individual memory and identity erased from those tragic events, most all human beings have four main areas of cellular memory record in their unconscious mind at varying degrees. Those four main areas are: Abuse, Trauma, Shock and Devastation. Some people will feel these painful memories but not know what caused them or where they came from. Others will suffer from shock and will have shut these memories down completely as a coping mechanism. Others are very successful clearing these memories through emotional clearing practices such as with hypnosis and past life regression. Since this 1D unconscious mind controls our autonomic nervous system and autonomic bodily functions, unhealed memory trauma in these four main areas creates many kinds of physical symptoms and disease. These devastating memories have been partially described in twisted half-truths in the fall of humankind, or the genesis story of Adam and Eve in the bible. Starseeds have an earth mission to heal these memories (and timelines) in a multitude of ways.

2D Walls of Separation Instinctual Mind

1. Unworthiness 2. Shame / Guilt 3. Lack of Trust / SelfDoubt 4. Betrayal / Abandonment

5. Anger / Rage 6. Fear 7. Entrapment / Enslavement

Second Internal Layer: This is the instinctual layer of ego which for many people remains a part of the unconscious mind as many do not pay attention to the cause of their instinctual drives or addictions. The first part of healing is to be willing to pay attention to drives though dedicated self-awareness. The second layer is directly impacted by the first layer to the degree the painful memory is experienced in the person’s hard drive. This second layer could also be called the pain body. It is the location where unresolved pain memories will manifest as instinctual drives within the person’s ego. If the 1D storage memories are not identified or cleared, the pain of these memories creates “walls of separation” in the 2D layer as a pain body. The pain body further creates “walls of separation” which manifest in the ego as seven primary mental and emotional states identified above. These walls of separation isolate the ego self in the person and as the person identifies with that ego state, they become disconnected from their inner spirit. This disconnection from the inner spirit creates a wall where another part of the ego identity may split off and may hide itself. This identity could have been created when one is a baby, a six year old child, teenager, or even in other timelines. This phenomenon is called ego sub-personalities, and they may be hidden behind the walls as a result from deeply experienced trauma. These traumatized sub-personalities also hold a fragment of our spiritual energy. The goal of Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA) is to intentionally create these traumatized sub-personalities which fragment the mind and spiritual body, thereby causing harm to the internal energy structures of the person’s aura. The current way this is enforced en masse on planet earth by the N.A.A. is through the Victim/Victimizer software program. When we are separated from our inner spirit, we are disconnected from our experience with God Source. The result is more Pain, Disconnection and Disease which exacerbates the ego walls and perpetuates the cycle of misery. The goal of our inner spirit is to find and locate those sub-personalities to heal them, reclaim them as Children of God, so that the spiritual light can be reintegrated and brought back into wholeness.

3D Houses of Ego Conscious Mind

1. Addiction / Lust 2. Wrath / Rage / Vengeance 3. Greed / Avarice 4. Envy / Jealousy

5. Gluttony / Waste 6. Laziness / Discouragement 7. Pride / (+/-) Self-Importance

Third Internal Layer: This is the conscious mind layer of the ego of which we all perceive as a self or personality. If one pays attention to their conscious thoughts, one becomes aware if they are having negative ego thoughts as defined above by the Seven Houses of Ego. All Houses of Ego are formed by making judgments of people and the external circumstances. The third layer is directly impacted by the first and second layer to the degree the painful memory has created walls of separation and traumatized sub-personalities. If the main areas of the walls of separation are not dismantled and sub-personalities brought into transparency for healing, these hidden influences control and manipulate the strength and power within the person’s Houses of Ego. Essentially the more weak and in pain a person is, the more strong their walls of separation (pain body) which create the judgments which build the Houses of Ego. In most cases the houses are also created as a coping mechanism to deal with the harshness experienced in the 3D world. The Houses of Ego are a direct rejection of God’s spirit and repel the Christos spirit from dwelling within one’s body. If the Houses of Ego are extremely strong and the person replays its characteristic behavior repeatedly, that ego behavior builds an internal “house” which then attracts a “spirit”. As example, if a person has an addiction problem sourcing from unhealed trauma and replays the addictive behavior repeatedly, a “House of Addiction” will be built as an internal structure of the ego mind. Once that “House of Ego” is built internally, it attracts a spirit, the same consciousness energy that will match the vibrational quality in the internal house. The Spirit of Addiction is a demonic spirit. So as one builds a House of Addiction inside their mind and body, it attracts a demonic spirit to dwell within their house. As the laws of energetic structure states, one has built an internal house and has thus created the energetic agreement for a demonic spirit to dwell inside that house. This is the consensual agreement that unaware humans make for demonic spirits to dwell inside their body and then later, the consent they give the predator force to use their body as a dark portal.


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