
Revision as of 21:16, 25 September 2013 by Lisa (talk | contribs) (→‎DNA)

The Oraphim are the original “Founder Guardian” specialized blueprint forms that were used as a prototype body for the 6D Indigo Family of consciousness. The blueprint bodies were stepped down in frequency as the 3D consciousness human forms were not able to hold the genetic material of a full Oraphim consciousness. The Oraphim blueprint is a Lyran-Sirian shapeshifter consciousness that has the ability to biologically transmute itself in and out of a dimenionalized time matrix. It also holds all Three Primal Sound Fields (Blue Ray, Gold Ray and Violet Ray) and directs the frequency of all of the Founder Races of the Christ Consciousness. It is a full Rainbow Crystal Matrix Being....

The Male Oraphim form carries a stronger electrical field and specializes in electrical field transmission, while the Female Oraphim carries the magnetic field and specializes in magnetic reception. Together they have the greatest ability of any biological race to transmit and receive the Founder Frequencies to structurally repair the Universal Blueprint Bodies all the way down to our density. They are the Keepers of the Universal Time Matrix, and the capacity for them to begin their creational purposes in genetic repair is now being revealed.


December 2009 Newsletter


The Blue Ray consciousness, are also known as the Oraphim, are the cosmic parents of the Indigo races and are accessible and able to support the incarnated Indigo races now. These "Unity Field Blue Ray Races" have been recently introduced via 13th gate circuits reconnected into our planetary grid and its holographic matrix field.


January 2010 Newsletter


Another Universal level of this “Blue Ray Family” has been able to connect to this plane and have returned to claim this domain in the Natural Laws of God.

The Blue Ray is a Collective of Four Universal Harmonic Layers of the Families of Blue Ray Consciousness. There are Three Primal Order Sound Fields that make up the Ray Aspects of our Universal creation and the Blue Ray is of the First Order of Emanation. The Highest Order of the Blue Ray Family emanate from the 13th Circuitry Gate which is the first layer projected from the (Zero Point) Universal God Core. This First Order Blue Ray Family is the esoteric 144,000 Genetic Timekeepers of our Universal System and is known in Egyptian-Sirian histories as the “Code of the Blue Nile”. Many wars through human and extra-terrestial history have been waged for this code which is essentially every KEY to the KING-DOMES OF GOD.


March 2010 Newsletter


The Oraphim is a part of the Diamond Sun DNA lineages, the original humans created from the Founder Race lines. The Diamond Sun refers to the original design of the angelic human 12 Strand DNA silicate matrix. This was the potential DNA and higher consciousness experienced by angelic human beings in previous time cycles on the 5D parallel earth, previous to its cataclysm. The Double Diamond Sun refers to the Original Founder Oraphim design of a fully embodied 12 strand DNA and further access to 24 other dimensions of consciousness while in a human body. When the Oraphim DNA potential is activated, it allows for physical body immortality and the ability for the consciousness bodies full transmutation out of dimensional time.

Term first found: Page 66, HGS Manual