Self-Responsibility as Child Abused Adults

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All human beings are responsible for their thoughts, deeds, actions and behaviors, in all conditions of which they are exposed. All of these are direct choices that are made by each person in the moment that will have direct consequences that impact them. We must remember that at some point, we chose to come to the earth to experience and observe the control matrix, phantom spaces and deception that has happened here. We came with specific spiritual missions to help heal that negativity in the earth through our higher consciousness body. For that, we must take responsibility for the purpose that we are incarnated on the earth, no matter how difficult the outer world may appear to be. There are profound reasons for being incarnated during the Ascension Cycle, and we must find greater acceptance for this fact, so as Adults, we can accept full responsibility for being here. Taking responsibility for our life situation and removing blame, correctly aligns us to the Law of Cause and Effect, so the Law will be able to work more positively for the results of healing and actualization of spiritual purpose.

This can be very difficult to accept when we are unable to understand the direct causality related to child abuse, and the trauma inflicted during childhood, that emotionally and spiritually stunts many people into adulthood. In our community, we are aware that this is the Archontic Deception Strategy that is carried out specifically to abuse the children of the earth. Many adults on the earth today have experienced childhood trauma and childhood abuse that results in shutting down their heart and oppresses their emotional and spiritual growth. This is designed to impair and damage their emotional competency and self-esteem in life. As challenging as it may be to progress beyond this childhood pain, it is imperative that the adult take actions of Self-Responsibility in order to free themselves from the bondage of continuing to carry that pain.

To begin to free ourselves we must open our heart and be vulnerable in order to really look at our hurt feelings and process those emotions. The more we hold back expressing emotional hurts, the more this festers as internal conflicts, that build up tensions and energetic blockages in our pain body. Many times taking the action of self-responsibility to process and forgive painful emotions will dissolve the energetic link that the child had bonded with their False Parent, during the abuse cycle that they had suffered from in the past. These energetic links can form into attachments that feed into destructive energies such as; co-dependence, addictions, and a variety of self-abuses that attract dark entities. We can make this choice at any time to forgive our past, forgive others, and forgive ourselves from the abuse that we have suffered, which dissolves the destructive links and negative attachments.

The False Parent is the main Victimizer Archetype that is used to create pain and trauma in the child, when that child is totally dependent upon that adult person. When abuse is suffered in childhood, destructive attachments and negative bonds are formed within that child that carry into adulthood, if they are not cleared. To free the body, mind, emotions and spirit from the bondage of trauma induced by parents or others when we were children, we must take responsibility to learn how to love ourselves and unconditionally forgive what has happened to us. This action dissolves the causality and the consequential effects, as well as later entanglements that this pain has created throughout the child’s timeline, all the way into adulthood. Unhealed childhood trauma and pain is commonly carried over into our adult intimate relationships, infecting them with pain and leading into unhealthy and destructive relationships. When we are able to unconditionally forgive the situation and love ourselves, we learn that what happened to us as a child, had nothing to do with our real self. We shift our thinking to reflecting upon what lessons we have learned, and what strengths we can take away from that experience. We must shift our concept of the Parent that exists on the external, to become the Parent that exists in the internal self, and know that we are the true spiritual parent for ourselves. Our self-worth is not relative to how our biological family or adopted parents treated us as children.

When we change the way we perceive our negative experiences, we are able to own our own emotional conflicts without blame, guilt or projection upon another person, by needing to make it their fault. The set up on earth is to disempower people into always thinking that their misery is someone else’s fault, so that they are always in a state of blaming something else outside of themselves. This creates powerlessness and cycles of victimization that trap the person into compliance with the enslavement programs. Do not assume that you know anything about that person that can be judged for what you cannot see or really know, as you have not walked in their shoes. Many people on this earth live with a broken heart, experiencing a large amount of isolation, misery and fear throughout their life. Chances are you had a parent or other people that acted these feelings out on you.

When feeling emotionally upset, we can restore balance to our heart and aura, by lovingly holding our personal boundaries, without violating others boundaries, by expecting them to resolve our emotional conflicts. This requires that we are willing to be open to learn what the real issue of conflict or pain is, and why it is there. The source of pain will reveal itself in your unchecked behaviors, blaming others or in unconscious reactions. Most of the time what you think is causing your pain, by judging it from what you see on the surface, is not really what is causing the pain you are feeling. It is much deeper than that. By going deeper and reflecting on unconditional forgiveness of yourself and others and allowing the time required to heal, helps to neutralize the inner conflict. Learning how to become responsible in recognizing when we need to process emotions and hurt feelings is a major step, in productive Negative Ego clearing and Spiritual Maturity. When we have been severely abused as children, we grow up into adults that have very little reserves of unconditional love for ourselves. As we develop into our own spiritual parent, it will be up to us to grow as much unconditional love reserves as possible, to help restore the depletion of love that this abuse has created in our heart. This is why having a direct relationship with the God source in our life is so important. It is the most pure source of unconditional love we will ever experience.[1]


See Also

Children (targets)

Law of Cause and Effect

Law of Consent