Yod of Father God

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As an Amplifier (Talisman) it is defined as Rod of Power – Magenta Wand:

Magenta and Gold Founder Ray merged with Mother Arc. Yod of Father God, also Father Arc, is the Living Compassion of the God head, and the Hand of God’s compassion in action, which is activated through our Heavenly Father. Together, with his counterpart, Mother Arc, Father is overriding the Gold Ray by creating the Universe’s Golden Rod, and also creating a new Cosmic Green Ray, to bring healing to his children and the earth. He is the healer and re-animator of the family of Michaels, the Male Christ principle. He is the rehabilitator of patriarchal domination and masculine tyranny through his Hand of Compassion, which is his Yod, or Rod of Power. He returns the Rod of Masculine Power to balance with the Staff of his Wife, and together, they restore Balance to the Universes. Through their marriage of equal force, Mother’s Sound of Love and Father’s Light of Compassion, together they are the Hieros Gamos of the living holy spirit of the Unity Logos. When male principle healing, mental body healing, or physical demonstrations of an compassionate action to resolve disputes is needed, Heavenly Father will give his hand to help. Upon Mother Arc’s return to this Universe, and through her eternal love for him, she collected her husband’s parts and restored him to his True Glory and Power. (All 14 dimensions of his parts were collected to restore him.) In his Hand is the Rod, and can be called upon when a compassionate action, resolution, movement or clarity in a situation has been requested in heartfelt prayer. Father issues are best resolved through his hands. He is committed to end war throughout the patriarchy lines. His Tetramorphic or Animal Symbol is a Bi-pedal Golden Eagle with Spread Wings, wearing a Gold Solomon Shield with an encrusted Diamond Heart Breastplate (Overtone & Resonate Tone).


Page 161, HGS Manual


The Father God Principle.


December 2012 Newsletter


In the Guardian reference Yod is a symbol code referring to the “Finger of God”. This is not referring to the mystical Hebrew tradition of Yod as the beginning of the Hebrew alphabet letters that spell the name JHVH. (Jehovah). We have learned that Jehovah is an Annunaki ET that decided to inflict salavationistic models of religion upon humanity. Although there are some other similarities in the use of the letter Yod in this Guardian terminology, the main distinction is the deviation from the 10 base alphabet and 10 base Sephiroth as represented in the Kabbalah mystical science. As we have been informed, the base of creation is 12, and the 12 Tree Grid of Life represents the 12 Forces and their 12 timelines. The Guardian material presents that the Male Christ Electrical pattern is 12:12 and not 10:10. We use the term Yod to refer to Base 12 Krystic architecture in the God Masculine principle, represented as the Finger of God. When we call upon Father’s Yod, we are asking for the compassionate action of God’s finger to be with our inner masculine principle. Yod also is synonymous with humility and compassionate action of the Father principle. The Yod can only be represented while in the Three Parts of its inherent Trinity. (The Holy Father, The Holy Mother and the Holy Son). The Yod means “hand” and it suggests an outstretched hand or arm that is reaching to Heaven and bridging God between heaven and earth. Yod is the first letter of Yeshua, the Guardian "Christ" which is also a reference to the Father principle of God which he (Christos) embodies. As the first letter Yod is Spirit of One and from the One all other things are created in this Universe through the power of his spoken word.


Page 161, HGS Manual