Trinity Gates

Revision as of 18:57, 16 November 2016 by Lisa (talk | contribs)

Recently, it has been made clear to me that there has been a Guardian and group mission to help restore access to the Trinity Gates, because these particular portals are the most easily accessible for the majority of the human race that have not activated their higher DNA or expanded their consciousness bodies during the Ascension Cycle. Many people that need safe passage when they drop their body at this time, are taken through Trinity Gates through the Aqua Portal, if they are not able to sustain higher frequencies. It can be dangerous to take them through a portal if they are not prepared for those higher frequency levels. Here in ES, we take many people through the Trinity Gates for safe passage, if they cannot sustain transit all the way to Aurora time continuums.

As has been described in the Consciousness Corridors newsletter (Cosmic Evolution Edict), there are multiple transit stations and exit points being prepared for everyone on this planet to have a better choice in the next cycle for their consciousness evolution. However, the majority of people at this time are not aware of this happening, and do not know how to prepare their consciousness for transition or passage into higher dimensions. As such, the Trinity Gates are to support this problem and as a result, they need gridwork and clearing to help support the maximum load out of people that are not able to cross over out of the astral plane or from the 3D earth plane, or are unable to move through other portals because their DNA is damaged or is under 4 connected strands. The Trinity Gates are designed for the majority of the population that currently exist at 3 DNA strands. Because of this trinity coding at 3 DNA strands, these gates can be accessed from the earth plane in 3D, making transit easier for some groups, either stuck in the earth from eons ago, or current time. They are moved to a safe space where they can be briefed and supported to rebuild or repair DNA, that helps them progress to the higher dimensions.

Over the past few months, many of us on the ascending path have been elevated out from 3D morphogenetic fields, thus, our consciousness body shifted to the next octave into the next Harmonic Universe. As a result our Lightbody is existing above the 3D earth body, even while we are inhabiting our body on the material plane. Because, there are not that many of us in numbers, relative to the overall human population, those of us that are Starseed Gridworkers have been working on special project mission to help restore Trinity gates, while bifurcation events and plasma influxes are occurring. This event has created some issues in bifurcation that dark entities have taken advantage over to control these gates and stop them from working as they need to. Essentially, a struggle to repair and maintain these gates is transpiring while they can take advantage of the current vulnerabilities in the field. The NAA has attacked some of our people, as a way to get to others, such as myself, because they are very angry at us for using these Trinity Gates as portal access. When we remove people from the earth or astral, this is considered by them that we are stealing souls from them to harvest, so they are very angry when we take people through these portals.

Trinity Gates are required to be plugged into other gates in order to work effectively, such as what we refer to as Mother Arc Gates or Ark Covenant gates. They run off the Mother Arc Gates portal between planet earth and the Andromeda galaxy. To work with the Mother Arc gates and proficiently help to plug them into the Trinity Gates, 12 DNA strand activation of Diamond Sun is needed. Some of us have grid missions to use this with Guardian Krystal Star Hosting and thus we are capable to have access for this purpose here and our HGS session are supporting this particular mission. This allows us to connect with these gates and plug them into the Trinity gates, which allows people access to safe passage and transit with average DNA activation levels. This is relative for people that drop their body on earth in the current time, in the past or future timelines, providing they do not activate higher DNA imprints. The Mother Arc Gates or Polarian Gates go directly to the Aurora time continuums, so that would be the major preference for most of us.

For this reason, I am listing the Trinity gates here, so our community is aware of them. When you live close to a Trinity Gate, it is a vulnerability, because the dark forces are doing what they can to take control over them, stop their connectors links to Mother Arc Gateways and fight over the passage of people in the lower planes. They are really angry because they consider humans at the low DNA level as their personal property, and they will fight you over the portal access. (i.e. You will not pass!). Personally, I worked on the Malibu Gate for a few years from 2004-2008, and have physically made it to New York, Castaglione, Italy and Hatshepsut Temple in Egypt to help support passage areas available on the earth plane.

Trinity Gates

  • 1 Malibu beach, Malibu California
  • 2 Belize City, Belize, Central America
  • 3 Goa ,India (1mile of SE coast)
  • 4 Staten Island, NYC, New York
  • 5 SE Tuscany, 7 Miles of Castaglione, Italy)
  • 6 Fiji , South Pacific Ocean
  • 7 Andaman Sea (7miles W of coast Tavoy)
  • 8 Auckland City, North Island, N-Zealand
  • 9 Lake Superior, Canada (2miles of coast Thunder Bay)
  • 10 Hatshepsut Temple, Egypt
  • 11 Epsom Downs, Surrey United Kingdom
  • 12 Cork, Ireland

Trinity Hub Gate is in Cornwall, Uk, can be a connector portal for all other Trinity Gates and is also a Mother Arc Gate.

Mother Arc Star Gates

  • 1 Adare, Ireland
  • 2 Stonehenge, England
  • 3 Seattle, Wash, US
  • 4 Manhattan Island, US
  • 5 Bali, South Pacific
  • 6 Uluru (Ayers Rock), Australia
  • 7 Phoenix, Arizona US
  • 8 Atlantic Ocean, SW of Bermuda (64.9W, 32.1N)
  • 9 Antarctica (13W, 88S)
  • 10 Baghdad, Iraq
  • 11 Newgrange Ireland
  • 12 Cornwall, UK

Recently, there has been gridwork focused to hold connector points for Trinity Gates in Cork, Ireland, Surrey, UK and Hatshepsut Temple, as well as a working on the Krystal Cathedral anchor in the Trinity Hub gate in Cornwall, UK. Additionally Uluru, Bali, Seattle and Phoenix, because they act as the portal links for some of the Trinity Gates.

Thank you and hoping that this information is a helpful reference as well as supportive to our earth gridwork, in comprehending why we may be working in some of these areas.


See Also:

Mother Arc Hubs

Yod of Father God