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Parasitism is a non-mutual symbiotic relationship between species, where one species, the parasite, benefits at the expense of the other, the host. Parasite can be visible organisms or macroparasites (typically protozoa and helminths). Unlike predators, parasites do not kill their host, are generally much smaller than their host, and will often live in or on their host for an extended period. They survive through Consumptive Modeling.

Energetic parasites are a result of energy blockages in areas of the etheric double or ka battery body. Eventually if energetic blockages are not cleared, the result is energetic parasites which manifest into physical representation of infection and infestation. All outward disease patterns in the physical body are at the core causation level a malfunction of energy flow in its blueprint or an injurious blockage to the areas of impact. This can happen physically, energetically, emotionally, mentally or spiritually.

When one’s emotional body and loving heart is left unhealed, the higher energy centers shut down blocking life force circulation and we become a slave to our lower instinctual bodies. Operating the body from lower instincts means that we are governed by the external world and our false archetypal ego perceptions. From this state of being, the main controlling center governing the body is the 2nd chakra which over time becomes infested with energetic parasites that lead to addiction habits. If the emotional body and heart (soul) is left unhealed, further imbalances of distortions will result, such as phobias, OCD, psychopathy, sexual perversions, and addiction to the material world, objects and other people. This is because of the energetic vampirism required to soothe the inner anxiety and the energy required to continually manifest the person’s “reality bubble”. People addicted to the external will go to great lengths to enforce their version of reality through controlling behaviours. Without the healed heart and sensitive emotional body, people become cruel and disconnected which leads to spiritual possessions. Generally, this state overwhelms the psyche with powerlessness which attracts even more types of parasites. These parasites are sourced from a cornucopia of etheric, energetic, alien and physical phenomena. When the female principle is blocked, which is when the heart, emotions and spiritual qualities are ignored, the body’s energies atrophy and decay. The eyes will appear lifeless (soulless).This decay manifests as yeast, candida, fungus, mould and related microorganism imbalances. Once yeast is rooted in the digestive systems, parasites and worms take hold through the digestive organs and may pass through into the blood stream. Once an infection has infiltrated the blood and gone systemic, serious disease patterns will generally be “diagnosed” and given clinical names. If one has identified systemic candida-yeast problems, healing of the female principle, female ancestors and one’s emotional relationship to all female related belief systems is highly suggested. (Mother, Sister, Aunt, Daughter, Wife, Friend, Self) If one has identified parasites, healing of the spiritual light body (shielding) and developing core strength and acceptance of the inner spirit mission through the loving heart is highly suggested.

The microcosm impacts the macrocosm and the more humanity abuses the earth body and her natural kingdoms, the more microorganism imbalances and parasites are created. Energetic imbalances with nature create energetic parasites which manifest as disease, physical microorganisms, virus, pathogens and other mutations. Natural disasters such as volcanic eruption, earthquakes, weather cataclysm, when they are not being technologically manipulated by human military or alien sources, are also causal related to the state of energetic balance. There are unnatural disasters such as famine, poverty, tyranny, prostitution and rape of natural resources, careless misuse of fatal substances (Fukushima disaster),which are directly man-made and also intensely impact the overall collective balance. All of these factors can eventually annihilate a species if they are not corrected.

There are a number of different types of Parasite:

Parasites that live on the surface of the host are called ectoparasites (e.g. some mites). Those that live inside the host are called endoparasites (including all parasitic worms). Endoparasites can exist in one of two forms: intercellular parasites (inhabiting spaces in the host’s body) or intracellular parasites (inhabiting cells in the host’s body). Intracellular parasites, such as protozoa, bacteria or viruses, tend to rely on a third organism, which is generally known as the carrier or vector.[9] The vector does the job of transmitting them to the host. Those parasites living in an intermediate position, being half-ectoparasites and half-endoparasites, are sometimes called mesoparasite.[1][2]

Implants Produce Pathological Mind and Parasites

Thus, the use of light and sound to stimulate brain waves can be used to modify and change a person’s brain activity, thought processes and behavior in a relatively short period of time through frequency implants. What is little understood is that this can also be used to alter the natural function of DNA signaling in the human body, turning on and off genetic switches in the human body, which can alter perception.

Alien implants are used to implant thoughts into the minds of the masses to form socially acceptable belief systems that shape anti-human value systems, for upholding the main Controller Pillars of Society. This is a form of social engineering used to condition humanity to accept the spiritual abuse from the Negative Aliens and to self-enforce their predator thought systems, through hierarchical enslavement systems based in fear. This is the primary divide and conquer strategy made against the planet and humanity. Alien implants and their Archontic Deception Behaviors contribute to disease physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. Alien machinery and their mind control implants make us sick in a variety of ways.

Alien implants work in the human body in a similar way to the chemical process of geo-engineering that is spraying chemtrails in the skies, to manipulate or control electromagnetic forces in physical matter. The construction and raw substances used in alien implants are vast and some are unknown. They can be made of biological material, synthetic material, etheric substances, as well as programmed nanobots or nanites that are used in artificial intelligence technologies. Alien implants are a bioengineering technology designed to shape the human body through implanted thoughts, which produce mind control subjugation to NAA agendas. Whereas chemtrails are employing chemical sprays and nanoparticle geo-engineering that are used to control the weather, and also transmit ranges of programmable frequencies over populated areas to experiment for thought control.

In both examples when the foreign, unnatural or artificial material is introduced to the natural body it disrupts the electromagnetic energetic balance and the homeostatic rhythms within the human body. Many times running low level EMF or radio wave signals that are designed to disrupt the human body’s natural homeostasis and electromagnetic balance. This puts the body into hyper stress or a hyper-immunity state and adrenal exhaustion, while fighting off the “invader”. The body develops coping mechanisms to deal with the foreign invader, while extreme stress is placed upon the central nervous system, brain and immune system.

As with chemtrails, alien implants most generally act as a metallic frequency overload and exposure, to impact the overall bodily energies and it's auric field with ranges of heavy metals. Eventually this disrupts the body organism balance and as a result, parasites, fungi, yeast and other pathogenic microorganisms become overgrown and imbalanced in the body.

It is important to understand that energetic parasites are one byproduct of alien implants, and eventually they can manifest and turn into a variety of physical parasites that weaken the human body.

Physical parasites impact all bodily functions, mental body functions and negative thought-forms. They can induce emotionally hysterical states as well as promote disconnection from the inner self and spiritual energies. Many of these pathogenic organisms attract parasites that attract demonic energies into the weakened human body, and this is a primary reason for this strategy. If the body is heavily implanted, and therefore heavily parasitic, anti-parasitic therapy such as cleanses, fasts, meditations and prayers are highly suggested to help regain energetic balance within the homeostatic functions of the entire body, mind and spirit. It also is necessary to stop consuming all genetically modified foods, which are designed to radically increase parasitic invasion into the human body through the digestive system.[3]


Wikipedia Parasitism

November 2013 Newsletter

First found on page 59 in HGS Manual