Inner Body Focus

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As we study the damaged blueprint of the 3D digression occurring to those groups that are frozen in Subconscious Programming in which destructive negative ego thought patterns are acted upon, we should also keep a clear perspective. All of the artificial intelligence signal, the mental body distortions and the consequence of the damage it makes to the Lightbody can be cleared and eventually healed, based on the foundation of practicing some very basic and simple energetic principles, creating a shift into inner balance.

The dedication made towards improving Self Observation and cultivating self-awareness is the most important realization for directing the energy required for clearing the subconscious and opening the potentials for inner transformation and consciousness Awakening.

Without personal attention being directed towards the inner body landscape along with some dedicated Self Observation, people remain trapped in the cluttered and undisciplined ego mind filled with stories of deception, judgment and bias, which stunts them from deeper emotional and spiritual growth. The uncleared subconscious will throw many obstacles up to clutter and scatter our mind, triggering our reactions, judgments and generating bias which most often produces Cognitive Dissonance. Many people have hidden subconscious programming that rules their mind and this subconscious belief will oppose and contradict their conscious beliefs, generating the type of person who is divided and confused within themselves. A person divided inside themselves will use Doublethink and Doublespeak, constantly contradicting themselves while demonstrating unstable behaviors and imbalances. The practice of Self Observation and inner focused meditation is what helps us to observe things more clearly and to see the patterns inside us and around us that were previously unnoticed, which help us restore energetic balance.

The common theme of people acting out destructive behaviors and enduring the negative consequences that are the result, is simply stemming from a lack of inner body focus and lack of self-observation. Subconscious Programming which impulses the mind into acting out destructive behaviors can be fully and completely prevented, when that person makes an effort to be a productive cause of positive change within themselves. Self-observation helps us to broaden our perspective and deepen our understanding of ourselves and the environment, that results in more self-awareness which helps us to work past our bias and judgments that have been formed from the subconscious programming and the outer story we tell ourselves.

Through the inner body focus we are fully connected with our spirit, we are fully connected with God, and so this is our main focus; cultivating our inner life, developing peace inside, continually creating the conditions for our inner landscape to be in balance, and thus bring peace and relaxation.

The death culture promotes a society that is totally stressed out and living inside the anxiety of polarized thoughts in the subconscious and conscious mind, staying focused on the external. And as we continue to live in the busyness of the never-ending thoughts running in our minds, we automatically lose connection with our bodies and we disconnect from the inner landscape. We can consider the inner body to be both physical components and nonphysical components that we can communicate and connect with consciously. Our inner landscape can be felt and sensed when we are fully present with our inner self. To feel our inner body consciously we must place our full attention and presence upon it with a still and calm observer mind.

Let’s make it a regular meditative practice, as the more we focus on the Inner Landscape with a calm and relaxed mind to restore balance, the stronger we become to repel mind control and dissolve existing subconscious programs that are being aimed at us. The expansion of consciousness leads us to increase our awareness of the inner observer, and the inner observer embraces non-resistance and non-judgment towards finding greater acceptance of all things, which produces profound changes inside that transform us deeply through personal emotional and spiritual growth.[1]


See Also

Subconscious Programming

Three Layers of Ego

Negative Ego