Centaurian Wars

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Reference from Historical Timeline Trigger Events: Approximately 8,000 YA, Alpha Centaurian races attempt takeover on Earth from other NAA races, manipulation of Stonehenge and 11D timeline. Unsuccessful hijack.[1]

Centaurians are Annunaki hybrids from Alpha Centauri and Omega Centauri that are under the enslavement of Draconian and Necromiton armies of the NAA. They are used to infiltrate the Astral Plane reporting back to their supervisors, and battle for control over the Planetary Gates in the middle East, such as the Giza Pyramids and Sphinx location in Egypt. The Necromiton are the entities that project themselves as Men in Black to clean up and sanitize UFO or related extraterrestrial evidence that reveal their agenda on planet. They cannot exist on surface for long periods of time, so they have built bases underground with the cooperation of human military.

HGS Manual

Centaurian Wars is listed in the HGS Manual under the Fragments clearing under Fragment Influences (RRO) Historical Timeline Trigger Events. [2]


  1. Historical Timeline Triggers
  2. 2.7 Fragments in HGS Manual: Page 92

See Also

Alpha Centaurians

Galactic Wars

Law of One