Zero Point Field

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Zero Point God Matrix Field, the source of our genesis. The central point of all Oneness within our Universe projects itself through the Threefold Flame Founder Fields of the 13D-14D-15D Rays (Mother, Father, Christed Child) to create the prism of multidimensional life. The source of the zero point field is the infinite energy supply of our God Creator that is contained within all things.

Love is a radiating, strengthening and unifying force spiraling into the upward movement towards the central point of Oneness. The Force of Love naturally aligns to return itself back into the zero point field, the unified heart of the Universe. The absence of love, or hatred, is a disintegrating, separative and weakening force, which absorbs light and energy away from the central point of Oneness. The more absence of love, the more absence of living light, as a result darkness is manifested through the process of fragmentation into successive layers of density.

Zero Point/144

Newsletter discusses Zero point also as a reference for location coordinate:

These (Hierogamic or Sacred Marriage) unions are genetically purposed to work on templating the transfiguration Orb architecture in the Merkaba body, as both Rod and Staff corrected principles are required to enable this function in the Diamond Sun Crystal Body. As the Female principle (Staff) holds the Monadic Blueprint architecture to infuse the Mother Aquamarine 13th Gateway, the Solar Father RA Rod principle unites with her to open the Inner Stargate within a 45 degree spinning field that collapses into a Transharmonic Orb body. That Inner Stargate is located inside our core Diamond Sun body and enables complete transfiguration of our physical and auric body to occur. As the physical body dematerializes pulling its particle mass into the center of the body core, the mass is pulled into the core at a 45 degree angle from four sides. Upon the dematerialization collapse, the Orb field spins in 360 degrees aligned to zero point/144. The inner spinning core opens into the Universal Monadic Core and every direction and movement ( into any event horizon) possibility opens into the consciousness awareness field. Moving around from inside of this Orb Body feels like “sliding”. Similar to a slippery monorail, there is a directional movement of the consciousness field perception of “sliding” back and forth. It’s a little like having sea legs after sailing on a boat and returning back to walk on land.


[1] Letting Go of All you Know, Sept, 2011]

One Unified Conscious Energy Source

As our understanding of this universal energy source continues to expand, we are soon confronted with the idea that it is intelligent, that it can directly interact with our consciousness. After all, if this truly is the “Unified Field” that mainstream science has been searching for as the basis for all matter, then we are also a part of that unified field – mind, body and spirit. Or to put it in different terms, since we have consciousness, then consciousness must be a functioning part of that unified field as well.

The entire Universe is composed of a unified field, or One Unified Conscious Energy Source, then we are also a part of that field; our consciousness can interact with it at many levels. And though many of us have not reached consensus about who or what God actually is, we must also follow the logic and admit that all of our most fundamental conceptualizations of God must be considered in this model as well.

And when we strip away the religious and denominational distinctions of various belief systems on the planet and try to weave a single thread through their teachings, we are left with the simple fact that the fundamental nature of God’s Energy is Love and Light.

And since its nature is loving, we are told that it seeks to have everyone else feel the same way; it is continually striving to have each conscious life form in the Universe reunite with that Love and Light as much as possible. Hence, Jesus taught us to “Love thy neighbor as thyself.” We are told that God is evolving, through the free-will decisions of its apparently separate participants. The whole universe changes as we choose to reunite in Oneness.

The key point that can connect the concepts of God, Love and physics is the idea of sympathetic vibrations, as researcher John Keely suggested.

Keely reminds us that this principle is easily seen with a tuning fork. If you strike a tuning fork and have another nearby of similar proportions, the sound vibrations will mysteriously "carry over" to the non-vibrating fork and cause it to resonate on its own. Similarly, we have different people, different nations, different planets, and we can either choose to love and get along with each other, or choose to hate and destroy each other.

So, in the simplest possible sense, we can either have faith or simply postulate that the entire universe is One Being with One Mind, and that both the nonphysical aether and physical matter is all a fundamental part of that interconnected being. The world’s spiritual teachings all tell us that God seeks Oneness, unity and connection, and they also associate this quite directly with the concept of vibration.


Exerpt from "Divine Cosmos", A Vibrational View of God, Love and Physics, By David Wilcock

See Also

Zero Point

Term first found in HGS Manual: Page 57