Leadership Competence

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Leadership Competence is successfully meeting an optimum challenge in a group environment, which is similar to the capacity of a basic human need like exerting healthy personal self-control and self-discipline in one's life. These are requirements of self-mastery before leadership competence in any group environment is possible. By paying attention to consistent and demonstrated behaviors in leadership and having awareness of Negative Ego, tyrant behaviors, pain body, Lack of Empathy and other Archontic Deception Behaviors, one can develop much more accurate assessments of group conditions, and therefore have improved discernment. Leaders are humble servants to the people. When the attitude of humble servant is forgotten, the road leading to tyranny is just around the corner.

Tyrants and Controllers have several perceptions and beliefs that are out of balance and potentially destructive.

The mistaken belief that what "I can control fully cannot hurt me" drives the negative ego behavior of many control freaks and tyrants. Others are driven by their internal fear that they will lose control over the situation and the people involved. Their anxiety results from vulnerabilities that the control freak tries to eliminate by controlling every aspect of the environment and the people in it. They try to control every perceived threat, whether it is real or imagined. They lose track of what they can change and what they cannot change, descending even further into destructive behaviors and pathologies. They choose an ineffective approach to cope with their anxiety by attempting to control and manipulate others around them, many times lying, deceiving and cheating to get what they desire.

The Consumptive Modeling of energy vampirism, through a person that does what they can to exert control over others while manipulating scenarios, is entirely exhausting. Uncontrollable adverse events can often lead to sensations of Learned Helplessness and extreme mismanaged stress. Control freaks exert control over others in order to prevent feelings of learned helplessness and the feeling of powerlessness. Tyrants attempt to reduce their own fears by removing anyone and anything that may pose a threat to their personal needs, belief systems, or whatever else.

True leadership is not about controlling people, it's about caring for people and being a useful resource to help guide and develop people to reach their highest selves. The best leaders help people to harmoniously work together and do their best to inspire the group to achieve an important goal. Their actions are focused on accomplishing goals through unified cooperation, as a team effort, because working together as a group accomplishes much more than one person can do alone. Leadership is about helping people to find their highest expression in the process of attaining a goal, it is not about glorifying the leader. Tyrants do not serve others and humble servants do not control.

Leadership Vs. Tyranny

We have been intentionally confused to discern the qualities of leadership and authoritative influence over others as defined by egocentric and alpha type of aggressive behaviors, which lead to control oriented and tyrannical oppression. We all want to stay clear of feeding the tyrant as a leader or giving them authority. Tyranny is no substitute for leadership and should never be confused with leadership. However, we have been conditioned to give our power away to tyrannical psychopaths, so to change the power structure we must become aware of how we have given our personal power away to people and structures that abuse authority.

When we are able to clearly identify control-oriented authority and tyrannical authority based on the negative ego profiles shared here, we are more equipped to discern proper authority patterns when involved with any kind of leadership scenario. Wherever there is an organization or group, there will be some kind of stewardship or responsibility of authority to serve that organizations interest. In the highest expression, we want to learn how to self-lead in a healthy and balanced way through the development of strong moral character and trustworthy traits, that should be modeled through the community or group organization that we may participate with. This way by learning self-mastery or self-leadership skills, one is building confidence in free thinking and free expression while embodying the ethical conduct necessary to become spiritually sovereign. This is the further personal development of Individualism, autonomy and Self-Leadership, while participating in any kind of group consciousness setting.

Otherwise we are mind controlled puppets playing out cycles of archetypes of drama in our Negative Ego, and like a hamster on a wheel, running in circles of karmic looping and repeating destructive timelines. When we develop improved skills of discerning trustworthiness and competencies in ourselves and others, we develop stronger self-leadership qualities. This helps us to prevent the rewarding of destructive behavior in others, and prevents us from giving authoritative power in any way to those who demonstrate narcissistic and psychopathic behavior.

Discerning Controllers, Tyrants

The NAA and Power Elite do not want to spiritually heal and thereby integrate into human society as an equal. They want to spite the beauty of the human spirit, and rule humans on the earth with an iron fist of absolute authority, through the Controller archetype of the False King of Tyranny. This archetypal force is also called Patriarchal Domination, which generates a destructive imbalance between the Gender Principles. The Power Elite are the group of humans that have been handed the control over the majority of the resources of the planet, in order to carry out the Archontic Deception Strategy that the NAA has put into place to ensure the Mind Control programming continues to divide and conquer the human population on the earth. This is a self-enforcing system of mind control promoted through all world organizations, to shape ideologies and values based on the Archontic Deception Behaviors of the predator mind of the Negative Aliens. Through its archetypal overlay implanted into the planetary brain with Artificial intelligence machinery, humanity has been forced to submit to and worship a False Father Reptilian God through religious violence, atheistic deception and salvationistic theology. (see False Gods).[1]


See Also


Death Culture

War Over Consciousness