Iran Gate

Revision as of 22:02, 9 February 2014 by Lisa (talk | contribs)

The horizontal grid and the planetary rod function are controlled by the dark forces through the "Golden Eagle Grid" reversed architecture which has its center controlled from Iraq-Iran and Giza Egypt. The 10th Gate in Iran is also the control center of the False Michael Matrix, of which patriarchal domination and its electron reversal consciousness is used to perpetrate against humans negative alien "mind control" technology. Enemy patterning, war mongering, domination for territory, genetic elitism, hierarchal discrimination and the False King of Tyranny are a few of the mind control archetypes perpetrated on the male 3D conscious minds to continue the war on enslaving humans. When mind control becomes a belief system the person embodies the archetype and becomes a perpetrator for the controller's agenda. They infiltrated our planet this way in order to be self enforcing by those humans that are mind controlled, thereby making "alien" invasion into the physical reality not necessary.


November 2010 Newsletter

Term first found: Page 64, HGS Manual