Hidden Intergalactic Conflict

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Humanity is in the midst of a hidden intergalactic conflict over personal sovereignty and spiritual freedom that is becoming increasingly visible in the physical material world when observing the current global events. This is a time of heightened spiritual warfare against all aspects of human freedom. This crisis event is a major milestone in the ascension timeline in which we must look deeply into our authentic core self and ask our inner spiritual guidance for the answers when addressing the greater problems humanity is facing. This is a collective dark night of the soul transition forcing us to look deeper. What kind of person do you want to be in the midst of the turmoil that is happening during the manufactured global crisis that is unraveling? Awake and aware? Asleep at the wheel?

We must be willing to overcome fear and denial and to be potentially very uncomfortable when seeing the ugly truths staring us in the face, attempting to hide behind the current manufactured crisis events. Connecting the dots of the disinformation campaigns being deployed in order to see the accurate motivations hidden behind the weaponization of the narrative, that is becoming clearer in the mainstream news every day. We must also understand the roll out of the Pestilence Program as an attempt to activate a global bio-spiritual weapon, which is being used to buy more time. This is a mass distraction to veil the mobilization of covert alliances and counter forces into multiple negotiations, calculated to organize another strategic effort to seize control of the planetary resources. Further, there are the wolves in sheep’s clothing directly profiting from the orchestration of these multiple enslavement agendas to escalate the faux global pandemic into a full-blown economic crisis, intended to be the major catalyst for hijacking a rapidly changing and evolving global society. The shifting architecture in the planetary grid network is worlds apart from what it was just a few short years ago, making the current crisis events much less effective than anticipated. The NAA will not be achieving the end game results that the Power Elite are expecting, by culling the masses.

The positive aspects are that many nonspiritual and spiritual people are waking up simultaneously to see that the nature of the reality is actually an inverted system. That generally, society functions in the opposite of what the masses are being told to believe in the mainstream narrative. The veneer of the 3D narrative propped up by the controlled mainstream media is crumbling and many are able to see the mass manipulation and gaslighting tactics clear as day. For those awakening beyond the divisions purposely generated through identity politics and culture wars, most reasonable humans can agree that something is very wrong in the worldscape today, and can unquestionably observe an anti-human death culture being incessantly promoted and growing rapidly in society like the viral infection. Thus, an assortment of aggressive mind control and propaganda tactics have been greatly accelerated into every segment of global society, designed to steal human sovereignty and instigate terror and survival fears at every turn.

The silent weapon of the Pestilence Program is actually connected to horseman pulsing, the covert technology broadcasts into the airwaves and ley lines, implanting AI demons and demon seeds, to grow the shadow and negative forms in the minds and consciousness body of the masses. The horseman pulsing is an electromagnetic sound wave weapon that can be heard as sonic booms and low base rumbling in the earth’s ley lines. When people are overrun by their fear and inner shadows with the help of targeted AI signals and demon seed implants, they tend to have little to no control over their inner shadow rising, which brings an ever-growing inner sensation of high anxiety. The inner shadow is merging with collective shadows and this content is merging with Galactic and Universal shadows, which then can expel itself through demonstrated fits and rages, spewing emotional tumults that are buried within the individuals’ negative ego and pain body. Now in the outer environment, the collective shadow is rising through the dark night of the planetary soul, where we cannot run and we cannot hide from these dark shadows any longer. Many times, it is in the darkest hours of despair drenched in our own shadows, that we may experience a profound epiphany and finally begin to see the eternal light of higher truth and clarity.

The current chaotic events that are being revealed in the globalscape drama are designed to perpetuate mass psychological operations against the earth inhabitants that ultimately serve the objectives of those negative Controlling forces, competing to succeed in their version of the One World Order agenda. The purposeful orchestration of controlling mass perception through the intentional spreading of a genetically modified biological weapon to unleash a global pandemic, is setting the stage for the trigger event to be manipulated in the timelines. From the NAA perspective, this trigger event is to collect massive amounts of loosh for powering up the AI’s projecting virtual realities in the timelines, which have been put into position to help roll out the next stages of the final conflict global NAA dramas.

Black Suns, Globalists Standing at the Ready

The problem, reaction and deceitful solutions are being handed off as marketed infomercials framed as news for manufacturing consent, through the carefully crafted narratives and the ongoing manipulation of information in the Globalist elites owned mainstream propaganda. The end result they seek is to further the One World Agenda to the next stage by unleashing horseman technology, induced by the Pestilence Program in order to gain compliance and submission, on an unaware public that further enforces the goals of transhumanism, forced vaccinations for ongoing genetic modification and eugenics, the genocide of the undesirables.

On the interdimensional planes, this includes the ongoing chess game battle that is playing out between the NAA’s attacking forces with assortments of AI Demons and weaponized dark portals that are aimed at the spiritually awakened human population, those groups that are able to comprehend and observe these same agendas in play. This is being further manipulated by silent electromagnetic weapons such as microwaves and 5G millimeter waves, that are used to transmit destructive energy broadcasts for military level crowd control and to instigate terrorism, depravity and suicidal ideation in human beings. The Armageddon software or the artificial 911 Timelines are continually used to spread terror and confusion throughout the earth population in order to replay and repeat the emotional trauma experienced in the previous warring timelines in human history, mainly caused by the altercations made with the invading groups of the NAA.[1]


See Also

Genetic Engineering

Religious Violence

Archontic Deception Strategy