Diamond Heart

Revision as of 20:23, 20 April 2014 by Lisa (talk | contribs)

... diamond hearts (crystal cluster networks of Crystal Hearts) in the earth grid that had been artificially programmed, dormant or cut off. This is like saying crystal bodies in the earth grid network that used to (prior to Reptilian Invasion timelines and their genetic manipulation histories) emanate life giving pranic force into the human consciousness fields, nourishing all life forms, are systematically coming back online. These “heart” crystals (in various template formats existing both globally and within human personal light bodies) are systematically being reprogrammed to be able to transmit Cosmic Divine Mother frequencies back into our planet and human bodies.

A planetary circulatory system that has accumulated massive amounts of Dead Energy, Miasma built up in its network kills the Crystal Heart and the Crystal Seed existing within. This dead energy structure damages or crushes the permanent Seed Atom and is called a Anubian Black Heart.


February 2011 Newsletter

See Also

Nadial Complex

Term first found: Page 193, HGS Manual