Destruction of the Solomon Temple

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Reference from Historical Timeline Trigger Events: 3,000 YA, Grail Stargate takeover through Arc technology, genocide of Human Tribe 2, Hyksos line attempt takeover through King Solomon, NAA destroys the Temple and holographic grid.[1]

Hyksos lines were a race of Jehovian Annunaki, Drakonians that were mixed with human genetics that were used by the Luciferians to attempt to conquer the middle east for stargate control, such as the Iran Gate, and were the main groups behind the Luciferian Rebellion.

HGS Manual

Destruction of the Solomon Temple is listed in the HGS Manual under the Fragments clearing under Fragment Influences (RRO) Historical Timeline Trigger Events. [2]


  1. Historical Timeline Triggers
  2. 2.7 Fragments in HGS Manual: Page 92

See Also

Hyksos King Invasion and Exodus

Galactic Wars

Law of One