Crucifixion Implants

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When our Planetary Logos was invaded and corrupted by the Reptilian Controllers (Archons), the planet and our race were impacted dramatically. It meant we were no longer free to create and evolve as per the original blueprint of our intended creation, and we had no memory of what had happened to us. We were recycled through continual reincarnation with no memory of the past lives, who we really are, where we are going, or what our real relationship is to God and what humanities “purpose” actually is. Over time most of us lost our feeling connection to our Soul and we became numb to the pain in order to survive in anti-human based structures. What has happened to our planet is not human, it is “alien” to the true nature of humanity.

The pain upon the planet was immense, as the deepest trauma of suffering is when a being is fully disconnected from the Soul/Source of Creation. Our planetary logos was invaded with multiple mutations of “alien” mind control programming while siphoning our life force to other planets that serve alien agendas. One of the largest lies promoted to divide our race is the War over Gods. The false archetypal story of a Crucified Christ figure is a mockery to further enslave humans into believing in a salvation model through a Crucified Christ. It represents the tortured human being, as we are all the Christ, and we have been crucified/implanted as our planet was invaded. These structures are called Crucifixion implants. These Crucifixion implants are tangible control structures placed in the 7th dimensional logos, and therefore it is in our individual bodies, in the 7th dimensional chakra, its complex, meridians, and the entire left side (our female spirit) of our bodies. We are not aware of these implants until we open the 7th Seal and start connecting this part of our 7th layer light body to our personal consciousness field.


January 2011 Newsletter

Wounds of Christ

Many upcoming frequency events relating to the connection of the Universal “Unity Logos” architecture ( the House that God Built) merging with our invaded planetary logos (Planetary Logos = collective human blueprint body and crown 7th Chakra of the human race). This rebirthing of the planetary logos includes recoding the 7th Violet Ray of Ceremonial Magic (which changes how ritual/spell/curse energy has been cast or used in “magical rites” on our planet), the rebirth of the Female Melchizedek Christ Mother principle to embody the “Crown Chakra Logos” (to change the distorted electron fields and heal the male mental body principle), and healing the Bloodline from the Wounds of Christ, an miasmatic infection held inside the bodies. The Wounds of Christ are karmic blood miasms in the planetary and personal bodies from the distortions embedded as the false Crucifixion inserts in our Logos/Group Body. These inserts misdirected and stole our planetary “pranic” energy and body parts belonging to our spirit. (i.e. auric energy bodies) These false crucifixion inserts are how our planetary collective mind was invaded to reflect itself with the salvation model of a crucified deity, which represented the enslavement of humanity to recycle their souls from karmically bound physical bodies and distorted blood. These crucified group bodies were used to feed the artificial creations or phantom spaces made by controllers to serve their agenda. It is relevant that these terms are surfacing now to be recoded into alignment with God purpose from their misuse within those groups that wielded religious wars and power over others in the past. (as well as what is transpiring now in the current times) This time of Restoration is the Reclamation of the Christ Intelligence, and returning its spirit bodies back to the planet and the “Rightful Owner”.RRO

Communion to Confirmation, May 2011

Redemptive Vehicle Contracts

The redemptive vehicle contract is also the support to alchemize the energetic cause and effect (karma) results from of the accumulated belief systems on this planet that a human being, such as Jesus the Christ, was required to be killed for the salvation for humanity. The same parallel energetic result stems from all human belief systems that include a sacrifice to God must be made to ensure salvation. This false belief system is a deviant subset development program created by the core "Christ Crucifixion Insert" which was a distorted belief system propagated by an energetic holographic insert (mind programming) placed into the human being's collective mind matrix. This manipulated the human being to believe (subconsciously and consciously) that it was necessary to kill each other in the name of God for our personal salvation. The human beings collective mind is a part of the planetary light body, the planetary mind matrix is also called the Logos and exists at the 7th dimensional level of the planet field. This is the field of the Violet Ray Flame and comprises the planet's magnetosphere. (Please refer to my last articles for more information on the planetary Crucifixion insert) This is why this last year and ongoing the7th plane, the Violet Ray, have been critical missions of planetary grid healing repair work.

Because so many humans on this planet have belief system based on a "Cross/Crucifixion" theology, the energetic cause and effect was disastrous to the expansion of humanities consciousness to achieve liberation, sovereignty and Godhood in the Ascension cycles. Certain beings agreed to incarnate (The Reedemers) and alchemically transform the energetic manifestations, the implants and the holographic architecture of this distorted belief pattern that sacrifice was necessary to appease God. This required much soul retrieval and soul healing work on a planetary scale. These suffering souls, having being killed over the wars over God, or made as a blood sacrifice, were the energetic power source harnessed to retain the crucifixion insert and its belief systems architecture. One of the main systems of planetary control is the religious fundamental Christian programming. It was these programs that were manipulated to condition the planetary field and the collective human mind into believing these as Truths and revelations from God. These were the mind control manipulations to worship a False God, and the energetic results were vampiric to the group human divine soul.

Reedemer to revealer, January 2009]

False Ascension Matrix

Heavy coordinate points that cross into and flood the energy tributaries into the Axiatonal Lines from the 4th and 7th Dimension are being repaired. Since the planetary 7th dimensional axiatonal line is the main disruption of the false christ Crucifixion Implants this has been a primary repair project. The 7th ray (Violet RayFlame) is transmitted through the planetary 7th Axiatonal lines and is being recoded. Previously this false crucifixion energy implanted in the 7th Axiatonal line was feeding another false program being used in the Astral plane which was like a mirage. This mirage I have referred to in previous articles is the “False Ascension Matrix” Program. This is why the 4th (Astral plane) and the 7th dimensions (violet flame and Planetary Logos/group mind) are so important in how they intersect and feed the levels of false (enslavement) programming.

Coming Full Circle, December 2008

Crux Implant Removal

The entire Removal command for Crucifixion removal is located in the header Crux Implant Removal.

Beloveds-Bring in the Universal Harmonics in an Oscillating Wave Format to recode all bi wave systems into the trinity wave formats to create the Krystal Star communication stations, here and now. I/we request the Removal of All Crucifixion patterns and their implants to be removed from _______________ in all areas in the sequence necessary to support the optimization and Ascension of this beloved land and within all beings we have permission to represent in this time and space. Terminate and resolve all inorganic and alien influences, terminate all enslavement records from impacting this land with intent to harm or hurt.

See the entire process at Crux Implant Removal.

See Also:

Crown of Thorns

Violet Ray

Axiatonal Alignment

Term first found in HGS Manul: Page 185