9D Rasha Ring Tone KA

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The 9D layer of the inner rasha is also important to the corrections of the planetary Tauren, as it is the outer ring of the inner rasha body which has the most powerful generator of dark matter rainbow currents circulating from the Universal Antahkarana during the Rasha Cycle. The 9th layer forms the outer earth mantel landscape all the way to the earth crust, where the higher parts of the lithosphere is the solid outer part of the earth extending into the highest layers of the mountain peaks, plateaus and volcanoes.

The 9th Layer of the Rasha Body generates RHA KA tones for rasha crystals that activate in the skin which ignite fire chambers in the angelic human rasha body, igniting light seeds for our dark matter template. The KA tones are related to the repairing of the Solar Rishi-Reisha KA THA RA coronasphere connection through starry night dark firmament and the 9D silver white light and white rainbow dark matter merge required to connect with the returning Bride of Christ. The united merge of the rasha tones for rasha crystals from the 7th Ring Span TA, 8th Ring Span MA and 9th Ring Span KA form into spiritualized crystals that are produced in the skin, bone marrow and blood which ignite bright neon pink currents that purge the bone matrix of elemental corruption and death seals, Enki DNA overlays and epigenetic overlays of AI net mutations.[1]


See Also

Dismantling AI Dark Mother Gestalts

Nibiru-Tiamat Fallen Matrix

Starry Night Dark Firmament

Universal Ankh Body

Eukachristic Body

Correcting Dark Matter from Terraforming Technology