911 Timeline Trigger Event

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Reference from Historical Timeline Trigger Events: 23 YA, NAA draws line in the sand via the 9-11-2001 event to take control over Earth timelines, attempt to circumvent Ascension by dimensional blending, NAA carries out AI Transhumanist Agenda. Starseed Christos Mission Upgrade to repair Ascension timelines.[1]

Armageddon Software

Armageddon Software

The Armageddon Software Mind Control programs, such as War (Terrorism), Pestilence and Cataclysm fears, or many other fear programs which can be interchanged as they are similar bio-warfare Mind Control programs used on the earth to suppress and control human consciousness by propagating artificially generated False Timelines. This is a Psycho-Spiritual Warfare strategy used against humanity by the Negative Aliens through their False Gods and False Father Satanic religions to use SRA to repeatedly enslave, kill and torture humans through Religious Violence and Military control through terrorism, war and population control. The Armageddon Software is the enslavement companion Mind Control system which is activated through the Crucifixion Implants in Holographic Inserts embedded into the planetary body and human body. The Armageddon Software is a mind control program to terrorize humanity through enforcing the militarization of planet earth and is carried out through Military Grey Alien Technology and the continual development of the hidden underground and space alien technology war machine agenda.

HGS Manual

911 Timeline Trigger Event is listed in the HGS Manual under the Fragments clearing under Fragment Influences (RRO) Historical Timeline Trigger Events. [2]


  1. Historical Timeline Triggers
  2. 2.7 Fragments in HGS Manual: Page 92

See Also

Galactic Wars

Law of One