12-D Shield

Revision as of 00:42, 18 July 2014 by Lisa (talk | contribs)

This is the foundation technique suggested to use as a protective shield for your light body as well to utilize before you do any other healing, energy work or modality. The 12D Shield is an organic part of every human beings Lightbody which can be repaired and activated when using the inner focusing 12D shield technique. The frequency of which activates this horizontal shield and its vertical light pillar is platinum white in its frequency spectrum color. The 12D Ray current was returned to portions of the earth grid, therefore returned to humanity in early 2000.

God-Sovereign-Free (GSF)

ES Core Triad Practices

The core practices that are learned in the Energetic Synthesis community are to protect the human aura from the high risk behaviors that are promoted in the New Age materials that encourage Channeling and astral projection without any type of learned psychic self defense.

The many free foundation materials such as the 12D Shield, the Psychic Self Defense Series and the Ascension materials are designed to reeducate humans to access the higher truth of the current agendas on planet earth. Through being informed one is empowered to consciously participate with personal spiritual growth and cultivate energetic discernment. The controllers do not want this knowledge to spread therefore they spread all methods to discredit and dismiss the information.

Go here to practice the ES Core Triad:ES Core Triad

Youtube Shield Instruction

Building Spiritual Core with 12D

THE COSMIC SOVEREIGN LAW OF ONE: We wish to align and be purified as the clear light vessel of God’s Natural Law, made in the perfected image of God’s Love, Light and Power in the World. I AM God! I AM Sovereign! I AM Free!

12D Shielding Video

12D shield