Black Sun Program

Revision as of 16:53, 7 November 2014 by Lisa (talk | contribs)

... The Negative Alien agenda NAA is to force the planet to serve another multiple species agenda, through imposing false replicated time fields using bio-warfare technology such as Holographic Inserts and Mind Control, namely created under genetically “reptilian based” extraterrestrials, at the expense and life force of the human race and the kingdoms under human domain. It appears earth was invaded several times by hostile Negative Aliens with a major shift occurring 26,000 years ago during the Luciferian Rebellion, Atlantian Cataclysm and leading to the latest massive invasion in the Sumerian-Egypt Invasion.

Reptilian in Astral

For these reasons the Negative Grey Aliens (Zeta-Dracos and their Black Sun Program Hybrids) and Annunaki Reptilians (Belial Sun Hybrids) have adopted the False Ascension Matrix 5D Timelines as their personal agenda to harvest, interbreed and control humanity to serve their personal agendas, now and in future. One such false agenda is to promote that it is the natural progression of humans to live with Grey Aliens or other types of NAA species on the earth, as our masters. The Black Suns when attempting to appear “friendly” promote their high IQ and the sharing of technology as if it is beneficial for humanity, when its application is highly destructive to the natural organic evolution of the human race to reach its highest DNA potentials. Grey Alien technology is not our friend, it is designed to irresponsibly warp and rip our time fields, through black hole technology, while promoting rapid uses of forced artificial technology, like EMP Pulsing, to our military, that hurts and destroys our planet, and instigates war with the humans of our own global race. They also promote use of “supposed” healing technologies (“inorganic and artificial replicant matrices”) that are designed to remove pain physically, or have physical results in other uses, however, the “technology” is intended to enslave the soul or implant the human body. They also project mirages and “pretty inserts” to keep an abductee calm while they gain control of the person’s aura. In shorthand, this is externalized black magic and is ultimately harmful to the organic spiritual bodies and organic auric field. This creates interference with the person’s ability to connect with their own spiritual source directly. It is this specific reason of spiritual interference, that there is a Founder Guardian intervention on planet earth. They were not born here on this planet, and there is a reason for that.

Because the planet is ready to drop and collapse timelines from the previous 3D cycle [May 2012], there is a struggle to dominate upcoming events that would influence these future timelines to be solely in Negative Alien controls. These groups have infighting, and the two primary groups [Belial Suns and Black Suns] have infected their headquartered control mechanism in two major stargates and power vortexes on the planet. Black Suns have headquartered themselves in the 10th Stargate and lodged their technologies in Iraq/Iran and the power spots in Giza, Egypt. Most of them are Dark Angelic E.T.’s sourcing from Fallen Seraphim genetic lines, and this is why they chose that area of the planet, it was easier to invade from the genetic key level.


May 2012 Newsletter


The Black Suns are also referred to as "Black Suns" from their DNA genetic lineage. The Black Suns have reversed their DNA from eons of inciting warring aggression in the Universal timelines to a reverse 10 DNA strand (reverse 10D) and running a reversal life current. This is why they perpetuate the reversal 10D current on planet through the area they have control in the middle east, Iran and Iraq. They are only capable to exist in 3 dimensional consciousness in their body, yet they have access to 10 dimensions of consciousness field. They cannot cellularly transmute their body. They access limited levels of biological immortality through the vampirism and siphoning of other living things.

Term first found in HGS Manual: Page 102