Connecting with Cosmic Founders and Cosmic Flame

Ascension Meditation - May 2021

Connecting with Cosmic Founders and Cosmic Flame

Connecting with Cosmic Founders and Cosmic Flame: In this meditation we will intend to connect with the Cosmic Founder Chakras that maximize our core spirit body protection within the outer domains and to prepare our plasma luminary body to run corrected patterns of plasma units, plasma sparks and plasma vapors.

This is a complex and intense session. Beloved Godself, is this meditation in alignment to my highest and divine expression in this moment? Yes or no? If you received a “no” answer, please turn this meditation off. If you received a “yes” please continue and prepare for meditation.

Beloved holy presence of God may we open all channels of eternal living light, clearing all light fibers to be fully connected with our H-V-D axiatonal line channels, fully resonant with the eternal living light sound codes of Krist-Krystallah into the God Worlds. As we connect into our Group Shield within the Solar Rishic Christos-Sophia Avatar God Body, we call upon the Christos Infinity Sun Solar plasma spirals to stream the Rainbow Rounds into the zero-point feedback loop for solar plasma light transmissions, we set forth this sacred session blessed with God’s Holy Spirit and declare that which is exchanged and held is truly aligned to the Christos Mission facilitation of the Planetary Solar Plasma Wave activation, as God would have it be!. (37:28 Minutes)

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