Debt Enslavement

The Orion Group is primarily a Satanic force that has a predatorial ideology that uses females as slaves or breeders, while seeking territorial dominion on other planets within their warring and killing culture. Their position in the NAA and its consortium of Negative Aliens is called the Black Sun Program. They are a predator force with a predator mind which is mainly responsible for creating much of the Negative Ego in humanity through Mind Control programming and they have introduced financial and Debt Enslavement to planet earth through the banking cartels.

Consumptive Modeling

The Consumptive Modeling architecture was created by the “False Gods” who developed food chains and the enforced vampirism of others through genetic manipulation and Mind Control. The controllers still attempt to maintain their stronghold to enslave humanity in the propagation of media outlets to incite consumptive modeling fears based on the Armageddon Software - Terrorism, Cataclysm and Pestilence. Genetic modification of foods, chemtrails in the air, oil and gas dependency, pharmaceutical drugs, lack of pure drinking water, Debt Enslavement, fear over our financial future, poverty, terrorism and war are all examples. These are all the controller games of consumptive modeling of which they have had a platform of control to exploit humanity over the last dark cycle to regain control over earth, Prison Planet.[1]

Abuse of Cause and Effect

From the misuse, abuse or ignorance of the Law of Cause and Effect, the accumulate consequence of the abuse of energy, resources, power sources on the planet, are inherited by the human race upon incarnation on the planet.

Because the NAA ideology is creating a hierarchical class culture of the Controller Ruling classes, and the slave classes, this means the consequence of the Law of Cause and Effect is superimposed primarily on the slave class of humans to enforce Debt Enslavement and Poverty Consciousness. This phenomena of passing the buck in order to not be responsible for one's own personal direction of energy, is called Consumptive Modeling. The entity or being takes what it wants, needs or requires from others, from the planet, without any regard to the consequences. From the accumulative Consumptive Modeling comes extreme levels of waste product, such as Miasma, Planetary and Dead Light. This waste product of dead energy is given to the Slave Class to transmute or carry in their Lightbody as a consequence from the abuse of the Law of Cause and Effect. [2]

Debt Bondage

Debt bondage, also known as debt slavery or bonded labour, is the pledge of a person's services as security for the repayment for a debt or other obligation, where the terms of the repayment are not clearly or reasonably stated, and the person who is holding the debt and thus has some control over the laborer, does not intend to ever admit that the debt has been repaid.Currently, debt bondage is the most common method of enslavement with an estimated 8.1 million people bonded to labour illegally as cited by the International Labour Organization in 2005. Debt bondage has been described by the United Nations as a form of "modern day slavery" and the Supplementary Convention on the Abolition of Slavery seeks to abolish the practice. [3]


See Also

Human Trafficking

Master-Slave Mentality