
Inorganic and unnatural energy is defined as that which exists as an artificial structure to replicate or generate energies discordant with the Universal Natural Laws. Inorganic energies are generated by artificial systems replicating forces to replace natural laws, and ultimately bring death, disease and destruction if not brought into balance. As an example, when a person chooses to manipulate others energies and resources for personal gain by outwardly lying and controlling the influence he has on others, this is defined as “artificial and inorganic”. This person has put up artifices in order to exploit others by representing the opposite of what he says he is representing. This is inorganic to the natural laws of energy.[1]

One may note that things in nature represent themselves as what they are and do not hide what they are not. A bird in its natural state does not act like a dog, as the bird responds to its natural blueprint of creation. If the bird is exposed to synthetic chemicals (inorganic), it may mutate to inorganic states of disease, which will rapidly deteriorate the breed from its original blueprint, possibility causing extinction.

In another example, if a Negative Alien Implants a human being with Mind Control and manipulates his thoughts without his conscious awareness or consent, this is a violation of the natural laws. The “implant” being used is Artificial Machinery and not organic to the person. Because it is not organic it can create disease, pain or immense trauma that create schism in the person. The schisms a person has blocking Self Awareness, the more Soul Fragmentation they become. All interference and manipulation that interrupts and blocks the flow of a person’s spiritual source (organic) light, is a violation against the Natural Universal Laws. Continued violation of natural laws, brings genetic deterioration, physical and mental sickness, and eventual extinction of a species of not corrected.[2]


The Archon is defined as a False King of Tyranny Ruler that controls through masks of deception promoted through warring technological abuse, such as Mind Control, frequency implants, AI suppressor parasites SPE and military strategies and can be applied to human or non-human (alien) sources. It is both the military human and non-humans shared greed for domination of which they both employ hidden advanced frequency technologies designed to perpetrate and promote the Archontic Deception Strategy of the NAA. The Archontic Deception and its Patriarchal Oligarchy stems mostly from the Reptilian and Draconian races from the Orion Constellation, together they are called the Orion Group. June 2013 Newsletter

Imposter Spirit

An Impostor is defined as any Entity or human being that is saying words or expressions, or making representations that it does not embody, nor comprehend, nor behave or act in accordance with.

An Imposter Spirit is the Luciferian or Satanic Spirit which promotes false light authority and anti-life architecture through deception, lies of omission, manipulation with malice to promote intentional harm, death or destruction to serve its personal agenda. These belief systems are the basis which forms the Negative Ego and was manifested out of the predator mind of the Orion Group.[3]

Divide and Conquer

The human collective has been shaped upon the influence from extra dimensional sources that remain hidden about our true origin. Alien Machinery is a technology of Mind Control that is used as psychological warfare to enslave humanity and planetary resources.(see Controller Pillars of Society) Enslavement occurs through the Engineering of Consent without the person aware his/her consent has been given. The true nature of spiritual sciences merged with ethical philosophy in the pursuit of higher knowledge, have been extracted and replaced with a soul less machine promoting divide and conquer belief systems. If a highly intellectual scientific atheist cannot prove existence of such things as the Soul, or as animals and plants having sentience, it allows the mad scientist community to slice and dice body parts, extract vital organs and tissues without regard for the total consciousness that functions within the holistic organism. This is purposed to serve the movement of Transhumanism or Cyborgization of people as "medical miracles" or superhumans. Today's mainstream science ridicules new discoveries, outcasts those that want to develop and improve human potential, and persecutes those who choose interests beyond profiting the multinational corporations and stockholders. These multinational corporations are rewarded by the NAA as they are useful structures to maintain control over the human population to serve their enslavement agenda. This is why it is left to each of us to be our own spiritual scientist, be an ethical human based researcher and true scientist to test out the nature of consciousness for ourselves. Be an experiencer! Then we may do our best to share our knowledge of consciousness with others through stating calm, unbiased and evidential facts.[4]

Controlled Manipulation

... "controlled" means inorganic, it means another Consciousness outside of the reality decided to interfere and manipulate with the organic and natural evolution of a species. This is the basis of the NAA Controller strategy to enforce Victim-Victimizer mind control on the human population which is leftover from the hidden histories humanity had with the Orion Wars. [5](See Galactic Wars).

Engineering of Consent

This is why the memories of humanity have been erased and why we have been given a false timeline of history from the Sumerian-Egypt Invasion. If we have no context for our inner or hidden feelings, no discernment for our thoughts, or where they come from, we cannot evolve beyond them. This is the consciousness trap of the mind control on earth. Until we can see it and know what it is, we cannot be free from it. To illustrate mind control in humanity is the quote from Edward L. Bernays, a pioneer in the field of propaganda and the Father of Public Relations:

"The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of. This is a logical result of the way in which our democratic society is organized. Vast numbers of human beings must cooperate in this manner if they are to live together as a smoothly functioning society. In almost every act of our daily lives, whether in the sphere of politics or business, in our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons, who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses. It is they who pull the wires which control the public mind."

This statement is a sample of the engineering of consent without the person having awareness of what they have given consent to through manipulation. This is a good time to inquire on personal consent and authority and to remove all that may have been usurped in the past, present and future. Mr. Bernays was the brother in law of Sigmund Freud. [6]


See Also

False King of Tyranny

Archontic Deception Behavior

Miasma, Planetary

Dead Energy

Term first found in HGS Manual: Page 84