Loving Kindness Meditation II

August 2015 Meditation

Loving Kindness Meditation II

Beloved God, I am now ready to access all of the inner memories required for complete spiritual healing within my heart felt intent to expand into my highest divinity and highest consciousness in service to Gods plan on this earth. I ask to apply the Cosmic Forces of unconditional love and unconditional forgiveness to any aspect of my other selves, any aspect of ancestral selves, any aspect of Galactic selves, through the person or thing that represents that other self in the holographic fractal of consciousness. Please reveal to me now my personal spiritual blueprint and the current archetypes that I need to see with an open heart and open eyes, I ask that connection to that person and the archetype that is represented through them, reveal its highest spiritual purpose in my life, and guide me to right action and right will to access the spiritual learning and the lessons of which I intend to process and complete in my personal spiritual ascension and liberation. I am dedicated to embodying loving kindness and transmitting the highest force of God’s Love through every cell and pore of my body. Please reveal to me now, the person, place or thing to which that identity or archetype requires my full conscious participation to complete this cycle and its timeline. I intend to send unlimited Loving Kindness and Compassion directed from deep inside my heart. Now, Bring to mind a lovable person, a good hearted person that you know. A person that you have a lot of respect and good will towards, a person who is not intimate with you, but that you have known in your life, someone that may be like a true and sincere friend, or genuine and sincere person. Feel all the goodness and happy events or times that you may have spent with this person, or that is known to you in some way. Feel the qualities of this lovable and good person and ask yourself now if you can identify the main archetype this person reflects back to you in the consciousness mirror.

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